It's All a Practice

I used to be sooo self-conscious —Never being the least bit confident in who I was. It’s hard to look people in the eyes when you don’t know who you are. 

In college, I felt it in my gut I’d love teaching yoga, so I got certified. I started teaching morning classes and I hated it because ironically, I didn’t think about how a room full of eyes would be staring at me. Me—the young women who could barely look at herself in the mirror. 

It wasn’t so much about my looks and not feeling like I looked beautiful, although that is that story for so many of us women. It was more so about how I had no idea who I was. I was a lost mess in college, being tossed around by the wind and the waves, never feeling grounded. 

It followed me into my adult years. If I wanted healthy relationships with others and myself, I had to start dealing with all the things that were bubbling up inside of me. I had to stop, get quiet and listen to what my body was telling me. 

Most people couldn’t tell that by looking at me, I held it all in. The war I’ve been fighting with my identity has always been an internal battle. Like a duck on the water, I would look cool, calm and collected on the outside, but deep down I was fluttering my feet, kicking so hard, trying to find some ground and not drown. 

From my yoga practice, I’m taking what I’ve learned on my mat over the years out into the rest of the world and feel is trickling to all parts of my life. On the mat, I allow myself space to be quiet. Time to focus on my breath and feel my chest and belly rise and fall, with each breath I feel a little bit more like the version of JamieLee I want to be. 

I got in front of the class last night for the first time in a long time. I got home and I started thinking about the then-JamieLee and the now-JamieLee. Not that one is better or worse than, but how the now-JamieLee has so many things I wish the then-JamieLee knew. That encouraging others to take a deep breath every once in awhile was something I so desperately  needed for myself. 

All aspects of this life are a practice. Somedays, we’re going rock a pose we’ve been working on and somedays we may face plant it. What I’m finding is, it’s all beautiful, as long as I get back up and try again.

Just because I am the one in the front of the room sometimes doesn’t mean I know anymore about yoga or life than the next person, we are constantly learning from everyone around us…if we dare approach it that way. That’s what I wish then-JamieLee knew, that I didn’t have to figure it all out before I took the next step. 

Take a deep breath, feel your chest rise and fall, allow yourself to be in the moment and let the rest drift away. 

JamieLee Joy

Oils and Pregnancy

Pregnancy, what a beautiful thing. I myself have not experienced it yet (thankful for my friend Jessie who let me use her bump pic haha), but have a lot of friends who have or who are stepping into this beautiful season I wanted to share some products that could be helpful! Because we know pregnancy is beautiful but caaaan be a bit uncomfortable from time to time and there is a lot to learn along the way.

My brain thinks in bullet points, so I broke it down into sections you’ll need help with during pregnancy + labor and added a little list of products that are helpful for that section!

Energy Levels!

•Multigreens + Super B are great supplements to help keep your energy levels up during the day. 

•Ningxia Red is great for all the things: emotions, sleep, energy, healthy gut, etc. 

•Smelling citrus oils/adding them to your water throughout the day helps your energy + mood!

Morning Sickness/Nausea 

Usually the first sign you have a human growing inside of you, huh? Nausea, what a beautiful gift . Here are some tips + tricks for nausea:

•Rub DiGize on your belly (first trimester) or diffuse peppermint. 

•If you are having some heartburn, Alkalime is an amazing supplement to help balance your PH in your gut and relieve upset stomachs and heartburn. 

•Since you will be drinking so much water, add some grapefruit, lemon or lime to add flavor!

Stretch Marks + Pain

First of all, YOU ARE GROWING A HUMAN. You’re literally a superhero. Remember that. ❤️ As the days go on and you’re growing a healthy baby boy/girl, your belly will continue to grow in all its glory. Here are some tips and tricks for stretch marks/pain you may be experiencing:

•Belly Blend— Frankincense, Lavender, Gentle Baby. Mix these three oils with some lotion or coconut oil and rub it on your belly (or wherever it is you’re growing) to prevent stretch marks!

•Peace and Calming is great if you have restless legs at night. 

•Roll Copaiba on any place you are feeling pain. It’s great for the bottom of your feet after you’ve been standing for along time or if you have some misalignment happening.

•Soak your feet, you deserve it girlfriend! Mix 1/4 C. Epsom Salt, 2 drops Copaiba + 2 drops Lavender into hot water and soak your feet for 15-30 minutes. (I bet you could convince your hubby to rub your shoulders too…) PLUS if you add MegaCal to your soak, it helps with Nausea!! Win all around.

Emotional Support + Sleep 

•Make a roller of Cedarwood and Lavender to roll on the bottom of your feet to have a good nights sleep.

•Valor, Lavender and Stress Away are emotional Powerhouses! Diffuse these or roll them on the back of your neck/wrists when you’re needing some emotional support.

•Smell citrus oils like Lemon, Grapefruit or Lime to help uplift your mood if you are feeling the blues. 

•Take a nice warm bubble bath with calming oils like Lavender and Frankincense before you crawl into bed for the night. 

•Calm CBD roller will help you sleep like a baby while you grow your baby.

Labor + Delivery 

•Labor blend: Copaiba, Fennel, Peppermint, Ylang Ylang, Clary Sage rolled on inter ankles, lower back and low abdomen to help support body and process to do what it needs to do for labor. 

•Peppermint to sniff if you are feeling nauseous. 

•Panaway roller on your lower back during labor to help ease pain. 

•Ningxia Red for an energy boost! 

•Claraderm Spray — this is soothing for skin repair after delivery.

•Booby Butter — rose ointment + claraderm spray to help tender nipples. 

Things to know/note:

•Do your own research for which products and oils you feel comfortable using while pregnant. 

•Lady S + Progessence plus are AMAZING for hormones + progesterone levels. If you have been using them, keep using them. If you are in our A Drop A Day Community on Facebook, search Progessence Plus and see all the amazing testimonies!

•Peppermint can be used topically + aromatically during pregnancy (not orally). The caution for peppermint is that it may turn your baby in the third trimester causing a breech positioning. It's very unlikely, but just don't apply directly to your belly during the third trimester and you should be good!

•Panaway has Peppermint in it—just be aware. So many people use it for pain, just don’t apply directly to you belly. Copaiba is also another great oil for inflammation/pain if you feel more comfortable using that one.

Prayer Map

This past weekend, DJ and I watched the movie War Room. It is a movie about prayer that was made years ago, but I had just recently heard about it. You know how it goes, for some reason Christian movies are most oftentimes a little cheesy. Which is crazy by the way, because the ultimate creator of the universe created us to be creators, we should be making the most beautiful creations! Right? Anyway, that’s not the point here.

I watched the movie and it stirred something inside of me, lit a fire in my soul and made me want to pray more than I had been. I wanted to pray with power, consistency and surrender. The movie was primarily about how the prayers and grace of a wife helped her husband surrender to God and ultimately, God brought their family back together. It was such a beautiful display showing how when we pray, things change and God moves. The wife took out all of her clothes in her closet and turned it into her prayer closet. On the wall she put prayers, verses and all the ways she wanted God’s help, learning how to surrender everything into His hands.

I started to get this picture in my mind — a Prayer Map. I had seen people make these kind of maps for goals they wish to accomplish, but I had not ever seen something like that to put your prayers down on paper and keep track of how God moves. I have always been someone who journals, so when I take the time to go back and look at my prayer journals, I see how God has moved in my life over the years. But I had never written in down my prayers in such a way that it was something I looked at daily and prayed over continually, making a point to write down and remember when and what He answered about my prayers.

I thought back to a time when I had been praying in circles—inspired by the book The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson. I had been praying for a few specific things in my life, such as: starting our second location for Mighty Missouri Coffee Co., a house to buy and community to surround us, among other things. What was so cool is this: I was literally walking in a circle, from our old house, around a path by our house, and back home. In the circle, in under a year, we opened our second location for the coffee shop inside the Bismarck YMCA along that path, we bought a house that I walked by daily and we have a beautiful community of friends, most who live very close to the circle…GOD MOVED. In huge ways. I may not have noticed it and been so aware the way I was if I wasn’t keeping track of the circles I was praying.

The next day after watching the movie I went to my office and typed out all the prayers that I say over and over again in my head and my heart. I found verses to support what I was praying for, truth to drown out the lies and prayed about what God wanted to speak to me about through His Word. I taped them all up on a wall in my office and every morning I stand in front of my prayer wall and surrender to Him. Throughout the day, when I feel my anxiety rising up, I go to my prayer wall and pray the prayers out loud, speak the verses out loud until my soul and spirit believe it. Friends, His Peace always comes rushing in. It’s often said that prayer isn’t about what God can do for you, but what God does in you and through you when you surrender to him. It’s not about our power, but His power working in us. Some of the prayers on my prayer wall may not be answered for years, some may be answered tomorrow, some may not get answered in the way I expect them to. But I can promise you this, God will move in your heart and in your life. He is always moving. Think of the things that He can do through us, if we start paying attention!

I designed these to be printed out in poster size—so you can hang them on your wall, write big and bold prayers in them, tape verses all around and see your prayers in a tangible, beautiful way. The whole popped into my mind when I read this verse:

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:4-7)


  • Center—the center is Jesus and our relationship with Him. When we first come to him, we ask for forgiveness and repent before Him because in repentance we receive His refreshing. (Acts 3:19) Then, we thank him for all that he is doing in our lives (we rejoice always). Rejoice how He died for us! Rejoice how He loves us and made a way for us to talk to him! We give thanks in all circumstances, because this is His will for us. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

  • Requests # (1, 2, 3, etc.) — This is the format for how I lay out my requests, per the Philippians verse. I really want to make clear here, this format of prayer brought peace to my mind and helped me make prayer more tangible. I do not in anyway think there is a “right” or a “wrong” way to pray. He is always interceding for us and He hears us no matter how we speak to Him! This helps MY brain and helps me see how he has been working in my life — it doesn’t make the prayer “more powerful”. My prayer is that it would help others feel God and see God move in their lives in more tangible ways.

    • THANKSGIVING — By prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your requests to God. Postering our heart in thankfulness before anything else. If you are praying for your husband, for example, thank him for the gift of marriage, for giving us such a beautiful display for His love for us, for getting someone experience this life with, etc.

    • REQUEST — present your request to God. God knows the desires of your heart, he knows every hair on your head and every breath that you take, but more than this, He wants relationship with you. Think of it as cuddling up into your loving Fathers lap and telling him about your day, all that you hope will happen, all that you are thinking and dreaming about, God loves just spending time with us and hearing from us. He loves when we ask him. (Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives….Matthew 7:7-8)

    • REBUKE — Ephesians 6: 10-18 tells us that our battle is not again flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly realms. There is a battle going on for our minds until we are fully restored. Satan cannot have us once we have declared Christ as our Savior, however, we are still in a battle. Ephesians also talks about putting on the full armor of God. In this, I always tell Satan that He is not welcome here in this space, in my heart, in my home or in my life—I tell him that I am onto him and I won’t fall for his schemes because I know Who my strength comes from. I like reminding him that he doesn’t have control over me or my loved ones. ;)

    • LAY IT DOWN — In Luke 10: 41-42 is the story of Martha and Mary. Martha was frustrated because she was working really hard and asked if the Lord even cared that her sister wasn’t helping her, instead, Mary was sitting at the Lord’s feet and listening to what he said (v. 39). Jesus reminded Martha that she is worried about many things but there is only one thing needed—to sit at His feet. Lay your requests down before the Lord, entrusting your life into His loving care. Sit at His feet. Listen for His whispers.

Here is visual  example of what the Prayer Map looks like. See above for a more detailed description. A digital download can be printed by clicking the link below!

Here is visual example of what the Prayer Map looks like. See above for a more detailed description. A digital download can be printed by clicking the link below!


When we pray, God answers. Hallelujah, right?! Like I said before, it may take longer than expected or be answered in ways that we didn’t expect—but if we aren’t keeping track, how will we know? I designed this to be printed out and hung somewhere in your home that you see often. Add to it whenever God answered one of your prayers, big or small, and remind yourself of his faithfulness!

This was designed to be printed out and filled in with your answered prayers! A digital download can be printed by clicking the link below!

This was designed to be printed out and filled in with your answered prayers! A digital download can be printed by clicking the link below!

These designed were hand drawn by me—if you would like to have your own prayer map printed and hanging in your home, I would be honored! Click the link above to shop on my Etsy account and get your own DIGITAL DOWNLOAD to print out and get started right now!

I can’t wait to hear all the stories from how the Lord is blessing your requests as you lay them down at His feet.



February 2020 Promos

Hellllooo February!

Does anyone else feel like January was like 3 months long? Especially here in North Dakota, it’s so cold and dark for the month. I am singing praises we are one month closer to S-P-R-I-N-G! Hallelujah.

I know we have some new faces around here who just joined Essential Rewards (ER) or people who have been wondering what it’s all about, so I wanted to break it down a little bit what being on Essential Rewards means!

Being on ER, you customize your order every month to get products in your home that you need. Young Living is so much more than just essential oils, they are a wellness company. We have Young Living products in every room of our home and for nearly every purpose—shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, household cleaner, laundry soap, dish soap, supplements, Ningxia Red, and an essential oil for everything and so much more. Think of it this way, you are not spending more money every month, you are transferring where you spend your money. Instead of going to Target for some of these products, you place it on your ER order and get free products and money back!! I love Target, but Target doesn’t love me back like that. My mind thinks in bullet points, so here’s the gist of it:

  • Customize your order every month

  • Exclusive free products for people who are on ER

  • Free loyalty gifts every 3 months for the first year, then every 12 months thereafter

  • Points back every dollar you spend (points back = money back to spend on quick orders)

  • Access to exclusive ER only kits

The longer you are on Essential Rewards, your points back will increase!

Months 1-3 —> 10% back on your ER order

Months 4-24 —> 20% back on your ER order

Months 25 ++ —> 25% back on your ER orders forevaaa!

You need to make a minimum ER order of 50 PV a month (remember, basically $50), with this you will get whatever products you choose for your order that month! There is no “monthly fee”, you are getting products with your money. I always suggest everyone at least try it because you can cancel it anytime if you realize it’s not working for you.

Here’s an example of what your first month order can be that is around 50 PV:

  • Thieves Cleaner

  • Thieves Laundry soap

Bing. Bang. Boom. You did it!

Ready to get started!? Let’s do this thang. Login to you Young Living account and click Essential Rewards on the lefthand side. Follow the steps to add items to your order, choose your shipping date and save! Good job, friend! I’m excited for you and your family.


Each month Young Living announces new promotions for that month specifically. Let’s breakdown what they are offering this month!

100 PV - *15 ml Cedarwood

190 PV - 15 ml Ylang Ylang, *15 ml Cedarwood and 15ml Patchouli

250 PV - 15ml Geranium, 15ml Ylang Ylang, *15 ml Cedarwood, 15 ml Patchouli

300 PV - Rutavala Roll-on, 15ml Geranium, 15ml Ylang Ylang, *15 ml Cedarwood, 15 ml Patchouli

400 PV - Seed to Seal Collection with 10 ml Lavender, Peppermint and Tea Tre, Rutavala Roll-on, 15ml Geranium, 15ml Ylang Ylang, *15 ml Cedarwood, 15 ml Patchouli

*Means Essential Rewards Exclusive. You can get some of these products without being on Essential Rewards (ER), but you get the most value AND points back when you are enrolled in ER.


Cedarwood is high in sesquiterpenes, which means it makes your brain happy! It is known as the “poor man’s Frankincense,” it is calming, grounding and amaaaaaazing for sleep!! It supports the body’s production of melatonin (yeah, you read that right!).

It’s also wonderful for hair and your eyelashes—add it to your shampoo or make a lash-boosting serum!


People either love or hate the smell of Patchouli, but hear me out. It is fabulous for your skin! Add a drop to your moisturizer—you’ll thank me. If you don’t love the smell by itself, add it to your diffuser with some Orange and Frankincense and embrace the goodness. Also—EMOTIONS. Patchouli allows your emotions like jealousy, insecurity and obsessions to dissipate while promoting clarity. This is in one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE blends Joy—which I wear everyday as my perfume.

Ylang Ylang

Ylang Ylang means flower of flowers. Awwwww. It is considered the love oil, hello February! It helps balance male and female energies and combats anger and low self-esteem. (Um, sign me up!!) It can also be used to battle stress, increase focus and filter out negativity.


Geranium can help remove chlorine from your body, so this is a great oil to add to your bath—especially if you are a simmer or spend a lot of time in pools. Ladies, your hormones will thank you when you use this oil—apply to the ankles for a happy hormone boost! It is mood boosting and fosters peace and hope.

RutaVaLa Roll-On

A blend of Ruta, Valerian and Lavender—haha get it?! This is an awesome blend when there are some crazy emotions going around your house—stress, bed time protests, etc. I personally don’t looove the smell of this oil but it puts me OUT like a rock. I roll it on the bottom of my feet when I’m feeling restless before bed.

Seed to Seal Story 10 ml bottles of Lavender, Tea Tree and Peppermint

This month is an exclusive collection of three of Young Living’s most popular oils! This also comes in an adorable special box, so you could give it as a gift to someone for valentines day! Perfect little “spa in a box” for someone, or for yourself—no judgment here.

Background photo taken and designed by Melissa Koehler, handwritten designed by JamieLee Kramer.

Background photo taken and designed by Melissa Koehler, handwritten designed by JamieLee Kramer.

Molasses Ginger Cookies

This time of year is kind off “meh” for me. The in between of the Holiday’s ending and the daily wondering, Spring, is that you?

However, what I do love about this season is how much time I spend in my kitchen. There is usually no other place I’d rather be than creating in my kitchen. Throwing ingredients together to make something beautiful—the kind of art you can eat. I love diving into new recipes, losing track of time. I love returning back to the battered and splattered used recipes cards, the tried and true family favorites, the beauty in the known.

Over the Holiday’s this year I played with some recipes and added essential oils to my creations. Oh the beauty! It brought flavor to my tastebuds that made me want to dance.

This weekend I made some Molasses Ginger Cookies for some friends that were coming over to watch a movie. As I was throwing the ingredients together I realized I was out of ground ginger and ground I grabbed my ginger and nutmeg essential oils and added a few drops to the batter. Delicious is what happened with that decision. Sometimes I add essential oils to my recipes, and sometimes I don’t., that’s the beauty of creating. I love having the option to use them, and so many oils to choose from, they pack a flavor punch and make your recipes so unique.

I adapted this recipe from Eve and Eivin Kilcher’s book Homestead Kitchen. It is one of my all-time favorite cookbooks and whenever I read it I am often starting conversations asking DJ if we can become Homesteaders. I want my own chickens, I want to pickle and can and make my own butter. But for now, we will take it one step at a time. Sometimes I mill my own flour for this recipes, all though I have found that it doesn’t make them quite and chewy, but it does add a different, beautiful texture and flavor.

Molasses Ginger Cookies

  • 1/2 c. butter (I use vegan butter)

  • 1/4 c. grapeseed or sunflower oil

  • 1 c. packed dark brown sugar

  • 1/4 c. uncultured molasses

  • 1 large egg

  • 2 1/2 c. flour (All purpose, whole wheat or a mix off the two)

  • 2 tsp. baking soda

  • 1/4 tsp. salt

  • 1 T. ground cinnamon

  • 1/2 tsp. ground cloves

  • 5 drops ginger essential oil

  • 3 drops nutmeg essential oil

  • Brown sugar or white sugar to roll cookies in

  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

  2. In a large bowl, cream the butter, oil, brown sugar and molasses. Once mixed, add the egg.

  3. In a separate bowl, mix together the dry ingredients: flours, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, cloves. Slowly add the dry ingredients into the wet mixture, folding them in. Add the ginger and nutmeg essential oil, mix until well combined.

  4. Using a table spoon, scoop a heaping T. of the dough, using your hands form it into a ball and roll in sugar. Repeat until you have all cookies formed, about 36. Place them 1 inch a part on the baking sheet and bake for 8 minutes.

  5. Once done baking, remove them from baking sheet and allow to cool on a cookie rack.

The Lovely Ningxia Drank

Let’s start with a little list-y list of a snap shot of all the ways drinking Ningxia regularly can help you, shall we?

  • Premature aging 

  • Increased energy and strength 

  • Stabilizes blood sugar 

  • Manages weight

  • Restore healthy sexual function 

  • Relieves headaches

  • Improves sleep

  • Supports healthy vision 

  • Boosts immune system 

  • Decrease pain 

  • Improves memory 

  • Alleviates stress/anxiety 

  • Eases morning sickness

  • Supports healthy pregnancy 

  • High vitamin E and protein 

  • Supports reproductive system 

  • ++++

ALRIGHTY THEN now that I have your attention. What is this goodness that I speak of? Ningxia is made of Wolfberries that are found in the Ningxia, the Northwest region of China—they have been cultivating them for more than 700 years! Wolfberries have the ability to absorb free radicals that attack the body with an ORAC score of 30,000. You may have heard that blueberries, when compared to other fruits and veggies, have a pretty high ORAC score...they do...nearly 5,000. But Wolfberries blow that out of the water!!

Free radical scavenging is probably one of the most powerful characteristics of the wolfberries. Free radicals are molecules/ions that can cause unwanted reactions in our bodies. They are so reactive that they seek out important molecules in our body (like DNA) and cause damage to them. One of these can cause a chain reaction and wreak havoc. A high level of free radical damage overtime can lead to premature aging, cancer and many other diseases related to inflammation. Google “what diseases are caused by inflammation”? You will be STUNNED. 

Ningxia helps with the inflammation in our body and keeps us healthy on soooo many levels. This isn’t one of those “get healthy quick” schemes. I truly believe that Ningxia is something I am going to drink the rest of my life. A lot of the times diseases caused by inflammation are silent...until they are NOT. Drinking Ningxia, and having all in your family drink Ningxia, is one of the best decisions you can make daily. If you take no other supplements---at least drink your Ningxia. 

If you’re a member already, I double dog dare ya to add it to your Essential Rewards order and give it a try everyday for a month. Write down how you feel. See and feel the difference!

If you’re not a member and want to get started, there is a Ningxia Starter Kit! Click here to get that baby comin’ your way!!

The Weight Loss Trio

The Weight Loss Trio

There are two trio’s of oils in Young Living that are a prized possession and life changing for so many people. The Allergy Trio (lemon, peppermint and lavender) and The Weight Loss Trio! Let’s talk about The Weight Loss Trio oils and see what all the fuss is about!

The Weight Loss Trio is made up of: Grapefruit Vitality, Lemon Vitality and Peppermint Vitality. Remember how vitality oils (the ones with the white label) are safe to take internally? That’s exactly what you’ll do with this trio! Three ways I suggest taking them internally:

  1. Put them all in a dropper bottle and add a dropper to your Ningxia 1-2 times a day! This one is my favorite way to take the allergy trio. It taste DELICIOUS and I feel so vibrant when I start my day with Ningxia! 

  2. Add one drop of each to a spoonful of honey (local honey if possible). This one is also a crowd fave in our house because well, honey is delicious! I’m always running out the door in the morning (classic) so I prefer to have it quick and able to grab but this way is awesome if you don’t have that bad habit! The honey taste overpowers the oils taste, which can be strong when taking them without anything else. Especially Peppermint--have you found out the hard way to not touch your eyes after applying Peppermint? Lol It’s a hot oil, meaning it will make your skin or wherever you touch feel hot once applied. 

  3. Make capsules! There are veggie capsules you an order from Young Living and make your own capsules! I highly suggest getting the YL ones over ones on Amazon BECAUSE a lot of brands make capsules with PLASTIC that do not digest. Not only is that horrible for your system, it will make you feel horrible. If you make the capsules search “bread trick” in our Facebook group to see a way to do it fast! Also pro tip: store them in the freezer! The citrus oil will break down the capsule. 

Okay! Now that we know some ways you can take them, let’s break down why each of these specific oils are in the trio. Pssst… a lot of this information can be found on the Reference Guide for Essential Oils App, it’s a SUPER helpful tool!


Grapefruit helps reduce fat and curve sugar cravings.  

French Medicinal Uses: cellulite, digestion, dyspepsia, lymphatic decongestant, water retention.

Other possible uses for Grapefruit: May help with depression, drug withdrawl, eating disorders, fatigue, gallstones, jet leg, liver disorders, migraine headaches, obesity, premenstrual tension and stress. It may also have a cleansing effect on the kidneys, the lymphatic system and vascular system. 


Lemon flushes the body of toxins and helps you detox and helps your liver. 

French Medicinal Uses: Air disinfectant, anemia, asthma, cold, reduces fever, germicide, gout, heartburn, intestinal parasites, red blood cell formation, rheumatism, throat infection, ureter infections, varicose veins, water purification, white blood cell formation. 

Other Possible Uses: Lemon may help with anxiety, blood pressure, dissolving cellulite, improving clarity of thought, digestive problems, energy, gallstones, stregthening nails, respiratory problems, reducing stress, removing stains and sticky messes.


Peppermint suppresses appetite and soothes digestion. When smelled diectly, it affects the brain’s satiety center which triggers a sensation of fullness!

French Medicinal Uses: asthma, bronchitis, candida, diarrhea, digestive aid, reduces fever, flu, heartburn, hot flashes, indigestion, motion sickness, vomiting, etc. 

Other Possible Uses: may help with anger, arthritis, depression, fatigue, inflammation, IBS, memory, morning sickness, soothe and cool skin, toothaches, etc. 

There ya have it! This trio covers all the bases: Lemon to detox, Peppermint to help with digestion, Grapefruit to help reduce cravings and reduce fat. How cool is that?! 

Sometimes I like to call this trio The Wellness Trio instead of weight loss. I am not a scale gal, I’m all about how you FEEL and not the number you see. My digestion has been a struggle for me my whole life, I know first hand when my digestion is good I feel great and feel that I look great, and I may not have even lost a pound on the scale! 

This oily life is a journey, friends. It’s so cool that the more you learn about oils it is inevitable that you will learn more about your body and how it has been affect by decisions you or others have been making. We only get one body, we have to do our best to take care of it, right? 

I hope you found some nuggets of knowledge here and will continue to dig deeper and try things that work for you, your life, your family. I don’t think it was a coincidence that so many of these oils help with helping our body work it’s best AND our mind work it’s best. 

Happy Friday, dear ones.  

The Last One

This is a big one. Feels a lot like “The Last One” on Friends. Many tears, fears, thoughts and a mix of emotions. Really, I have so much I could say but it’s hard to find the words. It feels a lot life grief. But I think that’s because it is. It’s the letting go of something we worked so hard for, letting go of the dream we built. BUT we are moving on with hope and peace. Just because something is hard doesn’t mean it’s wrong.

For now, I will leave you with what I put on my social media this morning:

-The Last One-
Our coffee shops have been such an unexpected adventure from day one. From two kids dreaming big, reaching out, taking steps and moving home to make it a reality. Wow, what a ride! 
God’s hand has been in the midst of it all. Every step. Every decision. His ways are often times mysterious to us, but one thing for sure is they are always good. 
This season, God is teaching us how to let go…
The Kramers are stepping out of Mighty Mo.

DON’T FEAR, Mighty Missouri Coffee Co. isn’t going anywhere. We know that Brian and the team are going to grow and take it places! What an absolute honor it has been serving Bismarck-Mandan the best coffee in the world for the last 3.5 years. 

There are SO many things that this biz taught us. We embraced this season with everything that we had. Every moment, every hardship, every growing pain, every victory. One of the biggest lesson we’re taking away is every season is so precious. Looking back, you can see all the good shining through all the hard.

We are stepping away knowing that with God all of our dreams can become a reality. We are stepping away trusting Him, believing in Him deeper because we have seen Him work in such mysterious, tangible ways. 

As for what’s next for us you’re wondering? Yeah, we are too. 😉
What we do know is God is good and He designs our plans, we’re just along for the glorious ride. He’s the one who creates the universe with just one breath, He is the one we are trusting in and waiting expectantly for the next whisper. 

Brian, we cannot wait to see the way God works through you. You are strong, wise and passionate. What an honor it has been to walk beside you these last 3.5 years. 
Mighty Mo fam, we love you more than we can say. It has been such an honor to be a part of your lives, to lead you and teach you what we were learning. You taught us more than you’ll ever know. 
To all our friends, family and our dear customers who have supported us by purchasing coffee, praying with us, trying our recipes, spending time around the bar with us and believing in us….thank you. We are taking you with us wherever we go. 

We are grateful, thankful, and so so so very blessed. 
The Kramers

Work from Rest not Work to Rest

A theme + truth that has been stewing around in my mind and heart lately is how we work from rest not working to rest.

Have you thought of it that way before? In our culture it is really easy to work until we drop. Actually, we get praised for it. If you work 40 hours a week or less, somehow that has turned into the abnormal thing. It has become a habit of many to work 50+ hours a week all in the name of “hustle”. Now, don’t get me wrong here. I am preaching to myself and am currently in the middle of figuring this out. I think people can take this to an extreme either way, working way too little or working way too much. But just like the rest of our life, it’s about balance. And everyones scale for balance is different.

Ultimately it us up to you and God to choose was is best for your daily, weekly and monthly rhythms. God created us and wired each of us differently. It is only you and Him who can decide what looks right for you. But I am here to give you permission to ask the questions. To do your research. To allow yourself to rest. To say you can allow yourself time to “be” in your life and now always just “do”.

Let’s chat about some of the big themes that have been stewing around my mind with this concept.

Adam + Eve’s first full day of life was a day of rest. God created Adam and Eve on the 6th day and on the 7th day God rested (Genesis 1). God created the universe, the animals, the plants, the day, the night…he created and then he rested in His creation. We are all creators, we were made to create. But there is only One who is able to work and then rest.

God created the beginning of the day, our middle of the night, we start each day out of rest. I was listening to The Real Life Podcast by Jeff and Alyssa Bethke the other day and they talked about this. I had never thought about it that way! A new day starts at midnight, when I am fast asleep (and hopefully have been for hours). The day starts in the middle of the dark and we were created to rise as the sun is rising, bringing light as we join the day. How beautiful.

We were created to have a weekly sabbath, starting our week from rest. The seventh is when God rested. The seventh day for him, the first full day for Adam and Eve. Weekly sabbath is something DJ and I are still figuring out. It takes practice and patience and grace for yourself. Everyones sabbath will look differently—no technology, hang with friends, never leave your house, eat dinner in, eat dinner out, sabbath on a Monday, Friday or Sunday….it’s about what makes you feel rested, what works for you and your family, what makes you feel recharged and closer to God.

Last month DJ and I both read To Hell with the Hustle by Jeff Bethke. If any of what I am saying right now is ringing true in your heart, I highly suggest you get that book in your hands. It has sparked conversations and lit a fire in our souls. It is helping us answer the questions our hearts have been asking about what we want to create out life to look like.

My whole adult like has been about hustle. It has been about not ever feeling like “I’ve made it”, but with that confused with what I’m even running after. Can you relate? I believe it’s because we were created for something more. We weren’t created for “the grind”. We are here to work, yes. But for me, somewhere along the line, my life balance scale got skewed and I’m smack dab in the middle of a season of trying to figure out what that looks like for me. When what you DO becomes your identity, that’s when you have a problem (cough, me).

I know I’m not the only one who is feeling the burnout of the hustle life. I know I’m not because of the conversations I have had with many and the wave of books that are coming out of authors feeling the same nudges. But it’s more than a nudge for me right now. It’s a life change. It’s a surrender.

It’s laying it all down at His feet and asking Him what He wants me to do. Asking the questions and allowing myself time, the space and the grace to hear the answer.

I'm Starting to Notice a Pattern

I like to know the answers.

If there is a topic that interests me, I will go down a very long rabbit hole and learn everything I can about it (cough— oils, baking, cooking, yoga, coffee, writing, owning a business— cough).

So, when I don’t have a definite answer for something…it drives me bonkers. Truly. I need to go back and look step by step what I did wrong to make the bread not rise correctly. Or, if an oil helped me I need to dig into my textbooks and learn how that specific oil helped me in this specific way.

One of the biggest questions I could never “find the answer” to was, “Why did my brother have to die?”

It was a question that shaped my childhood really. It was the root of my sadness and my anger (and alllllll the emotions that come with losing someone dear to you). My little thirteen year old head could not wrap my mind around what it means when someone dies. Or how God lets things happen. Why does God let some things happen but save other people? I heard people talk about His Grace a lot…was our family not “good enough” for that kind of Grace?

This year I have been learning about how my beliefs are shaping my view of God. God is constant, He is steady and has never and will never change. My beliefs of this life, Him, eternal life, why things happen….those have all been shaped by my experiences and the things that I have learned from others along the way.

Now, I’m not going to go down the deep rabbit hole of a theological debate here. My point with all this is, I am a “feeler”, a super emotional gal. When I am feeling deeply it helps me to have an answer to what I am wrestling with. Even if I don’t like the answer. Can you relate?

If you’re into the enneagram, I am a 6. Learning more about the Enneagram and my number specifically has helped me give myself grace in those times where it feels like I am spiraling out of control in search of “the answer”. Sixes tend to reach out to everyone they love and trust to help them make a decision. (UM, YUP.) My mom and my besties are on speed dial. Or just ask my husband, I have to process everything out loud. And truly, sometimes if I am really emotional I need help just knowing where to go out for coffee or what shoes I should wear. When I am wrestling with something deep I do not have much other mental capacity for daily decisions.

I have blessed with some really awesome mentors in my life. We all need those people, the ones who know love you deeply but don’t always tell you what you want to hear—the truth.

Right now, my husband and I are making big decisions in our life. (Aka: the bigger the decision the more indecisive I get, yet the more I want the answer.) Whenever I reach out to one of my mentors and go for a walk or grab a coffee, I will have a question I want the answer to. Right now, they are big ones. Like, what am I supposed to do with my life?

Truly, I want someone to tell me the answer because I feel like that would be easier. Then I wouldn’t have to make the decision. Um…hello! That is a big thing to give someone else to hold the weight of.

But when I ask them, they gently remind me and guide me towards asking Holy Spirit.

Because, when you think about it, do you want someone with the worldly view telling you what to do (no matter how lovely they are) or do you want the God of the universe directing you and guiding you?

I think a lot of us go to the sources that are right in front of us. The people who’s voices are loudest. The ones who can give us the list of tangible advice that will supposedly get us from point a to point b.

But let’s think about this friend…

The God of the universe went to the cross so we will never have to be alone.

Say that out loud: The God of the universe went to the cross for me so I will never have to be alone.

That’s what “not knowing the answer” feels like to me…being alone.

But it’s a lie. The truth is….

The Holy Spirit will teach us everything. (John 14:26)

The Spirit comes to help us when we are weak. (Romans 8:26)

He is our Helper and will abide with us forever. (John 14:15)

He will guide us into all truth and will tell us of things yet to come! (John 16:7, 12-14)

The Holy Spirit is teaching us everything, even when we are weak because he is our helper and will guide us into all truth and things yet to come!

It’s kind of like when people say “Be careful what you pray for”. Because we may not always like the answer that He is giving us. And we are not going to understand what He is doing unless we sit at His feet and ask HIm. Maybe He isn’t withholding from us, maybe we just aren’t listening to what HE is saying. It is His truth that we need to cling to in times of chaos and confusion. When you start leaning into the relationship with Him more, it will only strengthen. Just like any earthly relationship—the more you spend time with Him, the more you will learn how to hear His voice.

What a blessing it has been that my mentors haven’t given me “the answer” I have been looking for, they have been teaching me how to run to the only One who can.


Wassail is a beverage of hot mulled cider, drunk traditionally as an integral part of wassailing, a Medieval Christmastide English drinking ritual intended to ensure a good cider apple harvest the following year.

If you haven’t caught onto this about me yet, I loooove warm drinks. I also have an obsession with mugs. Maybe it’s because I live in North Dakota and it is a near necessity to have something warm in your hands at all times for about 9 months out of the year? It’s like a hug in a mug that warms you all the way down to your toes.

One of my favorite things to do is warm up Wassail 4-5 hours before people come over. It gets your home smelling delicious, welcoming and warming. I pull out my favorite mugs, set them beside the stove and wait for everyone to arrive.

When you step into my home you will first be welcomed with a hug and soon after the question of what can I get you to drink?

Something about being warm, feeling comforted by those you love, digging into deep conversations and the corners of your heart…those are the things I believe Jesus meant when he told us to love our neighbors.

Last night I had friends come over, old and new, we sipped Wassail, giggled, and I taught them how to bake with essential oils. It was dreamy. Really, it made one of my dreams come true to have my own cooking show. (giggle giggle)

This is a big portion of Wassail. I invited you to pull out the mugs, place it on the stove and invite friends over to your home.

This is also perfect for the holidays when people are coming and going, hanging around all day and it’s always nice to have a sip while you’re also snacking on something.

*A note on the essential oils. Oils like having something to cling to. I liked dropping 1 drop of Orange Vitality and 1 drop of Nutmeg Vitality on a cinnamon stick and putting it in each mug along with a slice of orange, you could also drop the oils on the orange.


  • 2 quarts apple juice

  • 1 quart cranberry juice

  • 46 oz of pineapple juice (1 can Dole Pineapple Juice)

  • 2 oranges, 1 sliced orange for full pot and 1 orange sliced for mugs

  • 20-25 whole cloves

  • 5 whole star anise

  • 5 cinnamon sticks, plus cinnamon sticks for individual mugs

  • 1 drop Orange Vitality (per individual cinnamon stick)

  • 1 drop Nutmeg Vitality (per individual cinnamon stick)

  1. Slice one orange into 4 or 5 slices, push 4-5 cloves into each orange slice and set aside.

  2. Add juice to 1 dutch over (or large stock pot) on the stove.

  3. Add the orange slices with cloves in them, 5 cinnamon sticks and 5 star anise to the juice mixture. Cover and cook on low for 4-5 hours.

  4. Once Wassail is almost finished, prepare the mugs. Drop 1 drop Orange Vitality and 1 drop Nutmeg Vitality on one cinnamon stick, repeat and prepare 15 cinnamon sticks.

  5. Slice the other orange into thin slices. Pour Wassail into each mug, top with a slice of orange and an essential oil cinnamon stick.

Plus, for you wine drinkers (raises hand), add a 1/2 bottle - 1 bottle of any red wine and you have yourself an alcoholic Wassail that is sure to make anyone cheery!


The BEST Peppermint Brownies!

Okay friends. These brownies are about to change yo’ life!!!

They are the perfect treat to bring to all your Holiday parties coming up. And when people ask “HOW are these so good?!” you say….”Essential oils, duh! Oils make everything better.”

But seriously. I am pretty good at controlling myself when it comes to my sweet tooth. BUT THESE. I can only bake them when I know people are coming over or I am bringing them to a friend because I will eat the whole pan if I am left to myself. They call my name, whisper softly…

Peppermint Essential Oil is great for digestion! So these babies won’t have you feeling “ick” when you’re done.

Peppermint Brownies


-½ cup melted coconut oil

-1 cup sugar

-2 eggs

-1 tsp vanilla extract 

-⅓ cup unsweetened cocoa powder 

-½ cup all purpose flour (I use Bobs Red Mill all purpose to make these gluten free!)

-¼ tsp salt

-¼ tsp baking powder

-3-4 drops Peppermint Essential Oil 

-Sprinkle with powdered sugar when fresh out of oven


  1. Preheat oven to 350 Degrees

  2. Line a 8 x 8 pan with parchment paper

  3. Mix together melted coconut oil, sugar, eggs and vanilla extract in a bowl. 

  4. In a separate bowl mix together unsweetened cocoa powder, flour, salt and baking soda.  

  5. Pour wet ingredients over dry ingredients. Mix together until just blended. Don’t overmix—-we don’t want hard brownies!

  6. Add 3-4 drops Peppermint Essential Oil. 

  7. Pour into prepared baking dish. Place in oven and bake for 25-30 minutes, until a toothpick comes out clean when poked in the center. 

  8. When done baking, place baking pan on a cooling rack, sprinkle with powdered sugar and let cool for 10 minutes. Enjoy! 

I Don't Have to Hurry, I Don't Have to Worry

Say Every Morning:
I’m not what I do.
I’m not what I have.
I’m not what people say about me.
I’m beloved by God.
It’s who I am.
No one can take it from me.
I don’t have to worry.
I don’t have to hurry.
I can trust my friend Jesus.
And share His love with the world.

I’ve been thinking a lot about affirmations. I used to think they were kind of “foo foo”. Then, the Lord brought 2 Corinthians 10:5 to mind. 
“And we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
It’s not about trying to make things happen in your life.
It’s not about controlling the outcomes.
It’s about palms up, surrender.
Our minds are fickle. 
We need to remind ourselves every day, every hour, every minute Who’s we are and why we’re here.

(Affirmations from Jefferson Bethke)

3 Reasons You Need a Mentor

Having a mentor is something I have always highly valued in my life. Truly, the older I get I don’t think you can have too many mentors. Business mentor? Check. Faith mentor? Check. Health mentor? Check. You get the point. Any/all areas of your life would grow with someone speaking life and truth into it.

A pattern I am noticing in my life though, you have to actually fully open up to your mentor. They are not judging you. They are there to help you every step. And to help you to the best of their ability, you have to give them your best. Here’s a little visual for what it looks like to keep things hidden and not bring your best…

Picture this: a house full of garbage. Garbage eveeeerywhere. In the bathroom, in the bedroom, in the kitchen, on the couches in the living room, in the entry way as you walk in. Guess what comes with unattended garbage? Rats. Little garbage = little rats. Abundance of garbage = huge rats. And lots of them. You can keep trying to get rid of the rats one a time as you find them. But guess what rats do? Produce more rats. But let me tell you something…

All of the rat-business can be avoided if you would just get rid of your garbage. Throw. It. Out.

That’s what a mentor is there for. To help you sort through your garbage, get it out of your house and then clean the floor and show you how to not have it pile up like that again.

I have been through a (few years long) season of throwing out my garbage. And let me tell you, my friend….I FEEL SO FREE. The most free I have ever felt in my life. I have 3-5 mentors I call regularly (yeah, really). We are not meant to do this life alone. These people have held me as I cried, prayed over me, spoke Light into my fears and celebrated with me as they witnessed me overcome. There are so many things I could say about how much I believe you need at least one mentor in your life. But let me start with these three.

1) They will tell you what you need to hear not just what you want to hear.

Guys. I love my mom. She is my best friend and confidant. But guess what? When I call her and tell her how mean someone is being to me or how life is unfair….she agrees with me. She sides with me. She looks at the situation through my point of view and feels it as I feel it. That’s great and moms are the friggin’ best! But some days I need someone to tell me that perhaaaaps I am not the one who is “right” in the situation. Someone to suggest looking at the situation from a different point of view.

(Same with your sister, your best friend, your aunt….they’re biased towards you).

When you have the same mentor over years, they will start to see your patterns. They can suggest that maaaaybe you are reacting to a situation not because you’re mad but because you're afraid. They see how you have reacted under pressure before and can remind you of the Truth that brought you through last time and will again.

2) They are a few steps ahead of you on a similar path.

In marriage. In business. In motherhood. No matter the situation there is someone who has gone before you. There is someone you can call and say, “Um, hi…did you feel like (fill in the blank) when (fill in the blank) happened?” The power of their reply being “Oh my goodness, yes! You are not crazy!” Can mean the wooooorld when you are having a hard day. They can warn you what to look out for. Share with you how they rested so you don’t burn out. Remind you of your passions and why you are doing what you are doing. Share how God had answered their prayers in a similar situation. Sometimes, we just need to know that we are not the only ones feeling the way we are feeling.

3) Celebrate with you!

This one has to be one of my favorite reasons have a mentor. To be able to call them up and tell them, “God answered!!” To shoot them a text and share that you completed that project you’ve been working on for months. To meet up with them, go for a walk and talk through the way that they have seen God moving in your life, when you maybe didn’t see it for yourself. Having someone deeply walk with you in your sorrows and celebrate with you in your joys is True Life. Life to the full. Grace overflowing.

So, sister. Do you have a mentor? If not, I deeply encourage you to step out. Trust me, the “right” mentor will find you, you just need to start looking. If you do have a mentor, reach out and share with them today how much you appreciate them!

Healthy Cookies Exist!

If you’re wondering if something gluten free, dairy free and sugar free can taste good... the answer is hell yes!

It’s a rainy and dreary day here. And honestly my emotions were feeling the same. I knew I needed to step into my kitchen for some kitchen therapy but I wanted to make something sweet that wouldn’t make me feel the yuck. I found a recipe that sounded good but tweaked it to make it completely gluten + dairy free and used natural sugars to sweeten it up. Topped with sea salt? OH so dreamy.

I hope you give this recipe a try. I bet if you made it for friends, they wouldn’t even be able to tell you tricked them into eating something delicious and healthy for them.

Molasses chocolate chip cookies topped with sea salt for this rainy afternoon agenda. 🍪
-1 1/2 cup gluten free flour  
-1/4 cup molasses
-1/4 cup pure maple syrup 
-1/4 cup local honey
-1 tsp baking soda
-1/2 tsp salt
-1 1/2 tsp cinnamon
-1 tsp ground ginger 
-1/2 tsp cloves 
-2 eggs 
-1/4 cup coconut oil melted to room temp 
-1/4 cup vegan choc chips 
-Sprinkle with sea salt

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

  2. Melt coconut oil on stove on low heat, set aside and let cool to room temp.

  3. Combine dry ingredients in a bowl, set aside.

  4. Combine wet ingredients.

  5. Pour wet ingredients over dry ingredients and whip until just combined.

  6. Fold in chocolate chips.

  7. Drop 1 Tablespoon of dough onto prepared baking sheet with parchment paper, repeat until dough is gone.

  8. Bake 6-7 minutes, remove and let sit on baking sheet for 2 more minutes.

  9. Place on wire wrack to cool.

  10. Enjoy!

Bake @350 degrees for 6-8 min depending on size

Top Ten Tips

These are in no particular order for some tips to help you get started with your oils!

1. Drink water - Your body will start flushing out toxins once you use your oils, and water helps that process go a lot smoother! The molecules of the oils enter our cells and actually pull out toxins . So staying hydrated while you're surrounding yourself with oils is vital to allow your body to flush out those toxins that the oils remove. Even if you're diffusing - the molecules are still entering your bloodstream and cleaning your cells. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

2. Leave them out where you can see them - You are more likely to use something you see everyday, right? So keep your oils on the counter or next to your diffuser so you remember to use them often. I have oils in my bathroom, kitchen, laundry room, living room, all my purses…you get the point. :)

3. Keep learning - There is so much to know about essential oils. But that is what is SO COOL. We are never done learning all the ways to use them, dig into the resources you have and keep learning, you will find something new every day! If you are wondering about some resources, I would love to help you find more!

4. Try new products - Young Living has so many products, more than just oils. I bet if you think of a problem, there is an oil (or product) for that!. Try new things! If you need to buy hand soap, laundry soap or toothpaste, check out Young Living’s first before going to the store. This is a lifestyle and some of the best products on the market are available at your fingertips. Actually, one of the best things you can do is join Young Living's monthly subscription box: Essential Rewards to try allll theeee thingssss and get free products + money back too!

5. Consistency - Essential oils WORK, friends. And just like anything else, our bodies will all respond differently to them. So be patient, keep using them, and don’t stop!

6. Oil up first- There is a time and place for modern medicine, for sure. But when it come to the daily problems— headache, pimple, cold sore, sore muscles, etc…. try your oils first! The more it becomes second nature to choose oils first, you will be so surprised HOW MANY ways they can help you + your family!

7. Do it yourself - Oils are not meant to just stay in their bottles and in your diffuser. You can use them to make SO many things!! Lotions, sprays, chapstick, hand soap, sooo many things!!!  Just search for anything on Pinterest and I bet you’ll find some fun DIY recipes!

8. Listen to your body - if you are feeling sad, grab an emotional oil ( Joy, Valor, Stress Away..), if you are wanting summer when it is winter, diffuse citrus oils like Lemon, try smelling your oils and see if there are certain ones you like at different times. Your body knows, trust it!

9. Better together - Joining a community of oilers is one of the best things about this lifestyle. And you really are joining a new world where you are loved, welcomed, and wanted! Ask any questions, invite friends over to use oils with you, share with your family and friends!

10. Mix it up - If you’re always diffusing, start using them topically! If you’ve never ingested the Vitality line, start with one oil and see how you feel! Always try something new and give your body time to adjust.

Peace Out Cleaning Aisle

Peace out cleaning aisle I never have to visit again because I’ve got my 🌱. We have got rid of nearly every cleaning chemical in our home and replaced it with Thieves Cleaner. 
You know how when you clean the bath tub with chemicals and then you take a bath later that night and you think...wait...are all these chemicals getting into my skin? It smells weird. I feel weird. THEY ARE. They are getting into your skin and into you bloodstream. (SCARY)
But with plants, you don’t have to be scurd!
One simple way to get on a cleaner path is to get some Thieves Cleaner in your life. 

Learn more about Thieves Cleaner here:

Adrenal Fatigue

Let’s talk about adrenal fatigue.
When you’re stressed, your whole body feels it. And if you listen, you’re body is trying to tell you something. 
It’s hard to not be stressed in today’s world. Hello constant social media, businesses to run, babies to raise, bodies to feed and not to mention drinking enough water and exercising.
How can we do it all?
Well, one, give yourself g r a c e.
It’s okay if you missed your run for a day, chose a potato chip over a kale chip or said the mean thought out loud every once in awhile.
Give your body r e s t.
I feel like this word is getting talked about more. And I LOVE IT. Finally, we are realizing we can’t do it all in a matter of 24 hrs. It’s okay if you leave a couple things on your to do list for the next day and sit on the couch and read your book for an hour.
Give your body what it needs.
Nutrition + supplementation + oils included. I feel more like my healthy self, the JamieLee I want to be, when I regularly use Endoflex. This oils helps to support adrenal glands, increase energy, increase liver function and supports the pancreas. Aka: the POWERHOUSE. 

When your adrenal glands are exhausted, they are unable to produce adequate amount of hormones due to stress. When your adrenal glands are exhausted, your exhausted. 

Treat your body well, it’s the only one you get.

Do You Want to Get Well?

Hello, sorry, that is my face all up in your face (I’m not the beeest at technology). BUT this is a photo of pure bliss because it’s one of my first times NOT WEARING MAKE UP out in public!!! If you’ve dealt with acne, you know.

“I honestly don’t care if people think I am pretty.”
I said this to my mom as we were driving to get lunch last week. She had just told me that some of her friends told her how they think I’m pretty and have nice teeth (haha). I blurted it out. She looked at me somewhat surprised…she knows the younger version JamieLee….that JamieLee wanted that deeply to her core.

Or that’s what I thought I wanted.

Growing up, I had zero self-esteem. Like, zero. Someone would tell me they like my outfit or that my hair looked nice and the first thought I would have is…well, they are just saying that because they feel bad for me.

Since around 13 years old I always had acne that I was very self conscious about. As I got older, that acne reared it’s ugly head, along with anxiety and depression that was so heavy it felt like I was drowning. This was the major reason I rarely left my house in 2018.

Honestly, nothing anyone can say about my personality, my looks, my talents…none of those words matter unless I feel it myself.

I truly don’t care if people “think I’m pretty”. What I care about is that I feel beautiful, whole and loved.

And that feeling doesn’t come from an outside source.

When I was dealing with acne (well, I still am but not in this major way) I felt dirty. I felt uncomfortable. I felt like I lived in a sweatshirt that hasn’t been washed in months and I couldn’t take it off.
I felt like I had dirt all over my face, that no matter how much I scrubbed…it wouldn’t come off.

I felt like the leper.

I prayed and prayed and prayed and whenever I prayed I felt God whisper,

“I will heal you.”

For months. For years. Same prayer.
There was something much deeper that needed to be healed. This was more than about my appearance. More than about my comfort. This was about Jesus bringing life into the parts of myself I didn’t even know were dead. This was about true healing.

I prayed and didn’t think I was getting the answer.

When the truth is, He was ready to heal me the whole time. But it wasn’t until I was ready.

“When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, “Do you want to get well?" (John 5)

Truth is, the sin/unresolved grief/sadness….that was a much bigger healing that needed to happen. When Jesus asked me if I wanted to get well, if I wanted to forgive, if I want to move on from that……my mouth may have said yes but my heart said no. My thoughts said no. My actions said no, no, no.

It wasn’t until I fully surrendered all that needed healing until Christ healed my acne.

And I don’t think that’s a coincidence.

Could Jesus have taken away my acne it one breath? Yes. He has the ability to change any situation in a moment.

It’s like going to the doctor to ask him to put stitches in your arm when your whole arm isn’t even attached to your body anymore.

He knows what will bring your true healing. He knows what will transform your heart. He knows how deep the pain is. He knows how dark the night is. He knows how heavy the weight is. He knows how long the loneliness is. He knows. He’s listening. He is willing.

Friend, do you want to get well?