April Gifts

Woooooooof, friends. I am more than ready for the change of season, how about you? Spring always refreshes my soul. Winter is a really hard season for me, when the sun starts sticking around more and I can start feeling the warmth on my skin….I literally feel myself coming back to life. Are you that way? I am a sunshine girl through and through!

It’s a reminder that everything in life has a season and the hope that comes with the change. The harshness of winter has passed into a beautiful array of colors, smells, textures….the world changes from white and grey to bright and beautiful.

(Deep breath)

The gifts with YL this month will help you freshen up your home and your emotions as we enter into this new season. I put some yummy diffuser blends at the bottom of this page I’ve been jammin’ to as we welcome Spring in, enjoy!

If you’re new around here, let’s break down what Essential Rewards is.

Essential Rewards is an optional monthly subscription box with Young Living. You can change the products every month, choose the date, and cancel whenever you’d like. WHAT’S COOL IS when you sign up for Essential Rewards your get points back (basically money to use on products) and when you hit certain PV marks (PV basically equals dollar amount) you get FREE products!! We have been on ER for over 4 years now and are earning 25% back on all of our orders!! (WHUT. YES.)

It’s not spending more money every month, it’s transferring WHERE you spend your money. We get toothpaste, mouthwash, supplements, laundry soap, dish soap, makeup, shampoo, conditioner, oils, cleaner, etc. All from Young Living. I love Target but Target doesn’t love me back like that… PLUS I know they are CLEAN and feel good about using them on my home and on my body! (Winner winner chicken dinner).

Every PV Tier you’ll get a little something something. Here are the gifts for orders placed in April!

100PV // Free Shipping (YAS PLEASE!!!) To get free shipping with 100pv+ orders, you must select the “Economy Shipping” option from the shipping drop down box during checkout!!!

190PV // TANGERINE 15ml + PEPPERMINT 15ml + Citrus Fresh 5ml + FREE SHIPPING

Tangerine — This is a happy oil - but it is also KEY in nearly all the blends and supplements YL makes for healthy digestion! It’s also amazing for pregnant mamas with morning sickness. Inhale as often as needed! Also a Vitality, this is delish in Ningxia over ice, and add a Zyng if you need some extra energy + fizz!

Peppermint — Warmer weather is coming and so are the creepy crawlies. Drop peppermint along windows and doorways to repel them! This is also a key oil for enjoying the outdoors when there is pollen everywhere! Add 20 drops each peppermint, lemon, and lavender to a 10ml roller and top with carrier oil - roll behind ears each morning and as needed!

Citrus Fresh —So fresh and clean! This blend is a combination of grapefruit, orange, tangerine, lemon, mandarin, and spearmint (I loooove that it has spearmint!!). I love adding it to my dryer balls (or add a few drops to a Seedlings Wipe for a dryer sheet!) to freshen laundry. This also comes in a vitality oil. Here is a recipe for the Head, Body, + Gut drink: Add to a glass with ice a full eye dropper of Mineral Essence, a splash of Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar (has to have the Mother), a shot of MindWise, 4 drops of Citrus Fresh Vitality, then fill the glass 3/4 full with Ningxia, top it off with water. Stir it up and drink! Citrus Fresh can also help stimulate the right brain to amplify creativity and well being. Emotionally, spearmint helps one release emotional blocks! And it compliments all the citruses beautifully.


Jade Lemon — Jade Lemon is so so uplifting and refreshing when diffused! It's relaxing when you have a house full of guests, and helps keep everyone happy and well. Crayon or sticker in a place it shouldn't be? A drop of Jade Lemon to the rescue!

Grapefruit — One of the best ways to start your morning! Grapefruit is also a Vitality oil, and this capsule blend is amazing for waking up our metabolism! Add 3 drops each of Lemon, Peppermint, Grapefruit, plus add 2 drops of Frankincense to a capsule for an all over healthy boost - top with a little olive oil and down the hatch it goes! Put a few drops Grapefruit and Northern Lights Black Spruce in the diffuser for a calming and mood-lifting day.


Bergamot — This citrus aroma is gorgeous. Known for being mood lifting and relieving stress, this is the perfect single to add to your diffuser this fall. A couple of my favorite combos to diffuse Bergamot with: Bergamot, Jade Lemon and Northern Lights Black Spruce. Bergamot, Frankincense and Patchouli. Did you know that Bergamot is responsible for the distinctive flavor of Earl Grey tea? Yep! As a vitality oil this is a good one to add to your teas (or wine) for some added flavor. Check out one of my fave tea recipes here.

Thieves — This oil blend is one of the most POPULAR from Young Living because it works so well. Immune system power house! Thieves ALL the things! Want to know the trick to our wellness? Thieves, people. Diffuse daily. Put on bottoms of the feet! You can even make some Thieves tea (it’s a vitality oil as well) with honey and lemon!! It's great for oral health too! It’s the HEALTHY KEEPER! And there’s a whole line of cleaning and personal care products that use Thieves oil blend. It’s amazing for cleaning - you can add a few drops to a bottle with a capful of Thieves Household Cleaner to power boost the cleaning power. Or use a few drops of Thieves + Lemon with baking soda to clean tubs and tile… it’s so good!


Homemade Thieves Wipes!

Did I ever in my wildest dreams think I'd get this excited about making a cleaning wipe? Why no, no I didn't. 
But I also never thought we would get to the point where I would have to ask a friend to buy me toilet paper in a different town and do a happy dance when she brought it. Also actually Googled when Toilet Paper was invented because I had honestly never thought about what people did without it.
These little babies are SO easy to make and make your home smell amaaaazing! Plus, super cost effective #winning
-Homemade Thieves Wipes-
-1/2 a paper towel roll (we used a bread knife and put the other half in the closet to use when these run out!)
+2 cups warm water
+2 capfuls Thieves Household Cleaner 
+If you'd like, add a few drops essential oil of your choice. I did Lemon + Purification.
+Place 1/2 roll in an airtight container 
+Fill a cup with 2 cups warm water, add the Thieves + essential oil if using, stir with spoon
+slowly pour water mixture over paper towels 
+let sit for 10 minutes, remove inner cardboard
+Place airtight lid on and they're ready whenever you need them!
I got this cute container at Target. It was about $17 which was a little spend for me...BUT we will be saving SO much money on wipes!

thieves wipes.jpg

Peace Out Cleaning Aisle

Peace out cleaning aisle I never have to visit again because I’ve got my 🌱. We have got rid of nearly every cleaning chemical in our home and replaced it with Thieves Cleaner. 
You know how when you clean the bath tub with chemicals and then you take a bath later that night and you think...wait...are all these chemicals getting into my skin? It smells weird. I feel weird. THEY ARE. They are getting into your skin and into you bloodstream. (SCARY)
But with plants, you don’t have to be scurd!
One simple way to get on a cleaner path is to get some Thieves Cleaner in your life. 

Learn more about Thieves Cleaner here: https://www.youngliving.com/en_US/products/thieves-household-cleaner