Homemade Thieves Wipes!

Did I ever in my wildest dreams think I'd get this excited about making a cleaning wipe? Why no, no I didn't. 
But I also never thought we would get to the point where I would have to ask a friend to buy me toilet paper in a different town and do a happy dance when she brought it. Also actually Googled when Toilet Paper was invented because I had honestly never thought about what people did without it.
These little babies are SO easy to make and make your home smell amaaaazing! Plus, super cost effective #winning
-Homemade Thieves Wipes-
-1/2 a paper towel roll (we used a bread knife and put the other half in the closet to use when these run out!)
+2 cups warm water
+2 capfuls Thieves Household Cleaner 
+If you'd like, add a few drops essential oil of your choice. I did Lemon + Purification.
+Place 1/2 roll in an airtight container 
+Fill a cup with 2 cups warm water, add the Thieves + essential oil if using, stir with spoon
+slowly pour water mixture over paper towels 
+let sit for 10 minutes, remove inner cardboard
+Place airtight lid on and they're ready whenever you need them!
I got this cute container at Target. It was about $17 which was a little spend for me...BUT we will be saving SO much money on wipes!

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