January Freebies!

New Year! New Year! New Year!

I fall somewhere in between a free-sprit-go-with-the-flow-kind-of-gal and a list-for-everything-goal-maker-kind-of-gal. This year I am working on making “formations” instead of “goals”. The idea is to focus on who you are becoming rather than “achieving a goal”. That feels better in my gut to me. That’ll be another blog for another day!

For now, let’s look at the January Promos for this month. With your Young Living discount, you get member prices and when you reach certain PV amount (basically dollar amount) you get free gifts from Young Living! When you are on their monthly subscription box (what they call Essential Rewards) you get even more freebies!!

This month YL gave us some goodies for the GLOW UP goin’ into 2021. Use your freebies to make this glow serum! (I added Peace and Calming to mine — that’s why it’s blue!)

glow serum .jpg

If you’re new around here, let’s break down what Essential Rewards is.

Essential Rewards is an optional monthly wellness box shipped to your door with your awesome Young Living Discount. You can change the products every month, choose the date, and cancel whenever you’d like. WHAT’S COOL IS when you sign up for Essential Rewards your get points back (basically money to use on products) and when you hit certain PV marks (PV basically equals dollar amount) you get FREE products!! We have been on ER for over 4 years now and are earning 25% back on all of our orders!! (WHUT. YES.)

It’s not spending more money every month, it’s transferring WHERE you spend your money. We get toothpaste, mouthwash, supplements, laundry soap, dish soap, makeup, shampoo, conditioner, oils, cleaner, etc. All from Young Living. I love Target but Target doesn’t love me back like that… PLUS I know they are CLEAN and feel good about using them on my home and on my body! (Winner winner chicken dinner).

Every PV Tier you’ll get a little something something. Here are the promos for the month of January!

100PV // Free Shipping (YAS PLEASE!!!) To get free shipping with 100pv+ orders, you must select the “Economy Shipping” option from the shipping drop down box during checkout!!!

190PV // ($87.82 retail value)

+ MASTRANTE 5ml Mix Mastrante with your favorite YL moisturizer to help your skin GLOW! This smell of this oil is very grounding, calming, and relaxing. It’s been called the cousin of peppermint… and so you know that it your belly’s best friend. (hmmm… could be perfect after a long holiday season of wine and cookies!). Take it with you to inhale if you’re driving on windy roads… it could come in handy. Mastrante is very high in limonene (google what that word means!) And it's one of the oils in the YL Loyalty Blend that you receive after your ER anniversary!

+ORANGE 15ml* This is such a HAPPY oil! Seriously, it’s like Sunshine in a bottle. It smells SO good paired with any other oil, I LOVE adding this to a lot of oils to make a yummy blend! My favorite diffuser combos with Orange are: Orange + Joy in the daytime… Orange + Cedarwood + Dream Catcher at night… and Orange + Northern Lights Black Spruce + Valor in my office! Orange is a great oil to add to DIY sprays and roll-ons… you can never have too much Orange oil around! Add a drop of Orange oil to your Thieves toothpaste and it acts as a natural tooth whitener, too.

*Orange is a photosensitive oil, so avoid direct sunlight or UV rays for up to 48 hours after applying it.

+TEA TREE 15ml* A staple for every home, we can't have enough tea tree in our house. You can do LOTS of great cleaning DIYs with this oil. Put a few drops in your washing machine, garbage can, or diaper pail to remove odors. This is also a great oil for all things skin - for blemish-prone skin, for healthy scalps, etc. Aromatically it cleanses the air and has a refreshing aroma. Try this trio out: 4 drops tea tree, 4 drops Rosemary and 5 drops lemon essential oils for a yummy-smelling and purifying experience. Treat your feet by massaging a few drops of this popular oil into dry heels.


250PV // ($131.90 retail value)


ORANGE 15ml*

TEA TREE 15ml*



Sometimes we need a bit of help to create radiant skin in the wintertime. Enter… Manuka! I don’t know if it’s because the pink bottle is just so darn cute… or if it works so well on the skin… but I just love using this oil. It has very similar properties to tea tree oil, but the aroma is completely different. It’s sort of woodsy and thicker to the touch. Blemish prone skin? Combine Manuka with our Acne Treatment and you’re all set. It’s also wonderful for a healthy scalp - add a couple drops to your shampoo. Diffuse it for a warm, calming aroma!

Watch this 3 minute video and learn more about Manuka and how it is grown and harvested. Did you know it comes from New Zealand??


300PV // (retail value $190.12)


ORANGE 15ml*

TEA TREE 15ml*




This floral oil is a must-have for your skin care and detox routine. Add to your moisturizer for radiant, dewy, even-toned skin. Did you know that some folks add geranium to their hot tub instead of chlorine?

Do you dry brush? If so, try putting some Geranium on your skin before you brush!! Also, ladies - your hormones will THANK YOU when you use this! Apply around the inside of the ankles for happy hormones.

Aromatically, the smell of Geranium helps release negative emotions (it's not surprising why you see geranium in many of our Feeling Kit blends). Diffuse it for a happy mood… and feelings of peace and hope! Emotionally, this oil releases negative memories and fears of abandonment to promote self-acceptance and uplift the spirit. Also... check out the interesting research about Geranium and liver/pancreas/bile ducts in your reference guide.

Which promo are you most excited for?!

It’s never too late to join Essential Rewards!

Adrenal Fatigue

Let’s talk about adrenal fatigue.
When you’re stressed, your whole body feels it. And if you listen, you’re body is trying to tell you something. 
It’s hard to not be stressed in today’s world. Hello constant social media, businesses to run, babies to raise, bodies to feed and not to mention drinking enough water and exercising.
How can we do it all?
Well, one, give yourself g r a c e.
It’s okay if you missed your run for a day, chose a potato chip over a kale chip or said the mean thought out loud every once in awhile.
Give your body r e s t.
I feel like this word is getting talked about more. And I LOVE IT. Finally, we are realizing we can’t do it all in a matter of 24 hrs. It’s okay if you leave a couple things on your to do list for the next day and sit on the couch and read your book for an hour.
Give your body what it needs.
Nutrition + supplementation + oils included. I feel more like my healthy self, the JamieLee I want to be, when I regularly use Endoflex. This oils helps to support adrenal glands, increase energy, increase liver function and supports the pancreas. Aka: the POWERHOUSE. 

When your adrenal glands are exhausted, they are unable to produce adequate amount of hormones due to stress. When your adrenal glands are exhausted, your exhausted. 

Treat your body well, it’s the only one you get.