I Don't Have to Hurry, I Don't Have to Worry

Say Every Morning:
I’m not what I do.
I’m not what I have.
I’m not what people say about me.
I’m beloved by God.
It’s who I am.
No one can take it from me.
I don’t have to worry.
I don’t have to hurry.
I can trust my friend Jesus.
And share His love with the world.

I’ve been thinking a lot about affirmations. I used to think they were kind of “foo foo”. Then, the Lord brought 2 Corinthians 10:5 to mind. 
“And we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
It’s not about trying to make things happen in your life.
It’s not about controlling the outcomes.
It’s about palms up, surrender.
Our minds are fickle. 
We need to remind ourselves every day, every hour, every minute Who’s we are and why we’re here.

(Affirmations from Jefferson Bethke)