March Promos

If you’re new around here, let’s break down what Essential Rewards is!

Essential Rewards is an optional monthly wellness box shipped to your door with your awesome Young Living Discount. You can change the products every month, choose the date, and cancel whenever you’d like. WHAT’S COOL IS when you sign up for Essential Rewards your get points back (basically money to use on products) and when you hit certain PV marks (PV basically equals dollar amount) you get FREE products!! We have been on ER for over 4 years now and are earning 25% back on all of our orders!! (WHUT. YES.)

It’s not spending more money every month, it’s transferring WHERE you spend your money. We get toothpaste, mouthwash, supplements, laundry soap, dish soap, makeup, shampoo, conditioner, oils, cleaner, etc. All from Young Living. I love Target but Target doesn’t love me back like that… PLUS I know they are CLEAN and feel good about using them on my home and on my body! (Winner winner chicken dinner).

Every PV Tier you’ll get a little something something. Here are the promos for the month of March!

100 PV // Free Shipping

190 PV // Lavender, + Copaiba + Clary Sage + Free Shipping

250 PV // Rutavala + Lavender, + Copaiba + Clary Sage + Free Shipping

300 PV // Idaho Grand Fir + Blue Cypress + Rutavala + Lavender, + Copaiba + Clary Sage + Free Shipping

400 PV // Amethyst filled roller + Idaho Grand Fir + Blue Cypress + Rutavala + Lavender, + Copaiba + Clary Sage + Free Shipping

The deeeeeets:

190PV // LAVENDER, 15ml + COPAIBA, 5ml + CLARY SAGE, 5ml*

+ Lavender:

Did you know that Lavender is an Adaptogen? Yup, that's right. It helps your body adapt to its surroundings by increasing the body's ability to fight off stress and promoting physiological function. I love to add a few drops (also a vitality oil) in a capsule at night with copaiba vitality & frankincense vitality - helps turn off my brain and gives me the best sleep. Lavender is often referred to as the Swiss Army Knife of Essential Oils - used for everything. Great for your skin, refreshing, calming, and gentle for the babies and kids! So wonderful on skin too after a long day out in the sun.

+ Copaiba:

Tooth or gum feeling sore? This is your BFF. This is a must have for teething babies too! This oil (also a vitality oil) supports intestinal and gut health! (Suffer from tummy troubles? You need this!) It helps the body as it flushes toxins!!! And fluids!! If you have a baby/are pregnant - EVERY single one of you mamas who births NEEDS to use this everyday. Helps keep the baby blues away, helps flush fluids, and helps support the body's recovery after birth. This is one of the key ingredients in Stress Away, so when you are feeling stressed, grab this oil, and apply it generously. It smells woodsy and dreamy.

+ Clary Sage

This purple flowering plant is hard to mistake, and it’s oil is amazing for a variety of things. However, we especially love it for female hormones as well as supporting fertility! Clary sage essential oil is one of nature’s natural ways of boosting and balancing estrogen in your body. How cool is that?! It’s especially useful for support during menstrual discomfort, PMS, and for helping with symptoms of irregularity. The smell of Clary Sage is both invigorating while also calming and is known to relieve stress. This is best used in the first 14 days of your cycle and can be taken in a capsule 2-8 times a day (Yup, basically however much you need it). It’s all about finding what works best for your body! Apply over abdomen in the mornings, diffuser with lavender at night, and/or take epsom salt baths with it during your monthly cycle.

250PV // RUTAVALA, 5ml

So incredibly relaxing!!! Ruta, VALERIAN, and Lavender in a super awesome blend! Keep it in your bag when you need to chill. Swipe it on the bottom of your feet or on your spine when you’re getting ready for bed. Basically this is THE sleep oil of alllll the sleepy oils.


+ Blue Cypress:

Oh this oil is a TREAT! Like regular Cypress, it is calming and grounding. It does wonders for the skin - another oil to add to your moisturizer… and let’s be honest. It is found in blends such as Brain Power, Breathe-Again Roll on, Highest Potential and Oola Grow - pretty diverse oil, right?!! Dabbing this neat on those pesky, tingly spots on the lip is really helpful too!

+ Idaho Grand Fir:

Formerly known as Balsam Fir. It is also realllllly supportive for respiratory support! This is def one I'd add to the suppository situation lol (fastest way to the lungs ya know) Got sore hands and joints? Meet your new BFF! Also a good spot for this? Diluted over the urinary tract area! Transform your daily mindfulness practice with this grounding, cleansing aroma. Grand fir trees are native to the Pacific Northwest, and American Indians have used them for centuries to promote a sense of well-being and the sensation of deeper breathing. Apply a few drops to your hands and spend 30 seconds taking slow, deep breaths or add a few drops to your diffuser when you begin your daily meditation, reflection, or prayer.


How beautiful is this amethyst filled roller?! Amethyst is a crystal to have around for protection, creativity, and passion!


February 2020 Promos

Hellllooo February!

Does anyone else feel like January was like 3 months long? Especially here in North Dakota, it’s so cold and dark for the month. I am singing praises we are one month closer to S-P-R-I-N-G! Hallelujah.

I know we have some new faces around here who just joined Essential Rewards (ER) or people who have been wondering what it’s all about, so I wanted to break it down a little bit what being on Essential Rewards means!

Being on ER, you customize your order every month to get products in your home that you need. Young Living is so much more than just essential oils, they are a wellness company. We have Young Living products in every room of our home and for nearly every purpose—shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, household cleaner, laundry soap, dish soap, supplements, Ningxia Red, and an essential oil for everything and so much more. Think of it this way, you are not spending more money every month, you are transferring where you spend your money. Instead of going to Target for some of these products, you place it on your ER order and get free products and money back!! I love Target, but Target doesn’t love me back like that. My mind thinks in bullet points, so here’s the gist of it:

  • Customize your order every month

  • Exclusive free products for people who are on ER

  • Free loyalty gifts every 3 months for the first year, then every 12 months thereafter

  • Points back every dollar you spend (points back = money back to spend on quick orders)

  • Access to exclusive ER only kits

The longer you are on Essential Rewards, your points back will increase!

Months 1-3 —> 10% back on your ER order

Months 4-24 —> 20% back on your ER order

Months 25 ++ —> 25% back on your ER orders forevaaa!

You need to make a minimum ER order of 50 PV a month (remember, basically $50), with this you will get whatever products you choose for your order that month! There is no “monthly fee”, you are getting products with your money. I always suggest everyone at least try it because you can cancel it anytime if you realize it’s not working for you.

Here’s an example of what your first month order can be that is around 50 PV:

  • Thieves Cleaner

  • Thieves Laundry soap

Bing. Bang. Boom. You did it!

Ready to get started!? Let’s do this thang. Login to you Young Living account and click Essential Rewards on the lefthand side. Follow the steps to add items to your order, choose your shipping date and save! Good job, friend! I’m excited for you and your family.


Each month Young Living announces new promotions for that month specifically. Let’s breakdown what they are offering this month!

100 PV - *15 ml Cedarwood

190 PV - 15 ml Ylang Ylang, *15 ml Cedarwood and 15ml Patchouli

250 PV - 15ml Geranium, 15ml Ylang Ylang, *15 ml Cedarwood, 15 ml Patchouli

300 PV - Rutavala Roll-on, 15ml Geranium, 15ml Ylang Ylang, *15 ml Cedarwood, 15 ml Patchouli

400 PV - Seed to Seal Collection with 10 ml Lavender, Peppermint and Tea Tre, Rutavala Roll-on, 15ml Geranium, 15ml Ylang Ylang, *15 ml Cedarwood, 15 ml Patchouli

*Means Essential Rewards Exclusive. You can get some of these products without being on Essential Rewards (ER), but you get the most value AND points back when you are enrolled in ER.


Cedarwood is high in sesquiterpenes, which means it makes your brain happy! It is known as the “poor man’s Frankincense,” it is calming, grounding and amaaaaaazing for sleep!! It supports the body’s production of melatonin (yeah, you read that right!).

It’s also wonderful for hair and your eyelashes—add it to your shampoo or make a lash-boosting serum!


People either love or hate the smell of Patchouli, but hear me out. It is fabulous for your skin! Add a drop to your moisturizer—you’ll thank me. If you don’t love the smell by itself, add it to your diffuser with some Orange and Frankincense and embrace the goodness. Also—EMOTIONS. Patchouli allows your emotions like jealousy, insecurity and obsessions to dissipate while promoting clarity. This is in one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE blends Joy—which I wear everyday as my perfume.

Ylang Ylang

Ylang Ylang means flower of flowers. Awwwww. It is considered the love oil, hello February! It helps balance male and female energies and combats anger and low self-esteem. (Um, sign me up!!) It can also be used to battle stress, increase focus and filter out negativity.


Geranium can help remove chlorine from your body, so this is a great oil to add to your bath—especially if you are a simmer or spend a lot of time in pools. Ladies, your hormones will thank you when you use this oil—apply to the ankles for a happy hormone boost! It is mood boosting and fosters peace and hope.

RutaVaLa Roll-On

A blend of Ruta, Valerian and Lavender—haha get it?! This is an awesome blend when there are some crazy emotions going around your house—stress, bed time protests, etc. I personally don’t looove the smell of this oil but it puts me OUT like a rock. I roll it on the bottom of my feet when I’m feeling restless before bed.

Seed to Seal Story 10 ml bottles of Lavender, Tea Tree and Peppermint

This month is an exclusive collection of three of Young Living’s most popular oils! This also comes in an adorable special box, so you could give it as a gift to someone for valentines day! Perfect little “spa in a box” for someone, or for yourself—no judgment here.

Background photo taken and designed by Melissa Koehler, handwritten designed by JamieLee Kramer.

Background photo taken and designed by Melissa Koehler, handwritten designed by JamieLee Kramer.