Common Questions About Oils/YL


If you’ve been following along with me for’ll see that I looooove essential oils. I also love how they are becoming more “accepted” and aren’t looked at sooooo much like “snake oils” now days, ha! I belive you’re here because you see it. You can feel it in your gut….there has to be a better way to go about things. 

Everyone starts using oils for different reasons.A huge reason, for me, was after moving back home and working through some grief….I needed serious emotional help. Also realizing, these little bottles helped with my shoulder whiplash pain...helped my digestion problems...helps my allergies...WHELP needless to say, we were hooked on oils in our house. 

I know there are alot of questions circling in your pretty little heads, so let’s get to it! Below I complied a list of questions I get often.

Now, it maybe be obvious to you but...I am not a doctor. All the nuggets of knowledge I am sharing are things that I have done my own research on and feel comfortable using in our family. Follow your gut and do your own research if something isn’t sitting right. 

Please note---these are basic questions. The shallow end, if you will. Once you decide HECK YES, we will swan dive and back flip into the deep end and get you allll the information you need! It’ll be fun. It’s a niiiiice, sunny, warm, perfect summer day over there. Because life makes #oillotmoresense with oils. 

Why should I choose Young Living over other brands?

You know how when you find a brand of leggings you like that feel soooo nice and were ethically made and you’re never ever going to take them off because it feels like you’re not wearing pants and now are only by that brand forever? It’s like that. Except for your HEALTH. 

Young Living is the leader of the pack when it comes to Essential Oils. They have been around for over 25 years making these bottles of plant juice goodness! Now, I’m not going to knock other brands. I am just going to tell you why I love Young Living! 

They are an amaaazing company that gives back, loves their people well and always uses ethically sourced plants. They own alot of their own farms! And if they don’t own it, they have rigorous guidelines for people to be able to sell them their crops. YL has something called their Seed to Seal promise --- basically it is their promise to us that what is in these bottles is nothing but plants that were not sprayed with nasty pesticides and the people who are harvesting them are getting paid fairly. If you’d like to read more specifics about Seed to Seal click here.

How do I know they are pure and therapeutic? / Why aren't they organic

Again, The Seed to Seal Promise you read about earlier! What “other” companies don’t want you to know is...many of them put a clear odorless liquid in the bottle so it makes it look like it’s full of essential oils (but it is actually really harmful) AND that’s why they are cheaper! Did your Grandpa every tell you, “You get what you pay for!” That’s the situation here. 

If we were sitting right next to each other I’d tell you to try and smell a Young Living Lavender next to an “off brand” would INSTANTLY be able to tell a difference! When you use Young Living Essential Oils you will feel the difference right away.

As far are why aren’t they organic? That’s because they are BETTER than organic. Think of it like if you go to the grocery store and buy some carrots that were on sale, and not organic. Or….you grow your own carrots right in your backyard, from an organic seed and new EVERY step of the process. The minerals in the dirt, the amount of water it got, the type of season it was….THAT is what Young Living is doing for us!! It’s better than organic. 

Because Young Living has farms all over the world, every “organic standard” is different. However, Young Living surpasses all organic standards is every country!

Why shouldn’t I just buy oils from the grocery store?

The answer above answers this question as well. A lot of the brands at the grocery store or target are doing the “no-nos” mentioned above. 

PLUS this is what’s SO cool. When you purchase oils from someone like me, you are supporting my family as well. Have you heard of the term “shop local”? In my heart of hearts, I believe that also applies to this. Whenever you buy oils and products through me, let me tell you, I am DEFINITELY doing a happy dance behind the screen! AND when you buy oils from me you will get plugged into a community where we allll learn from one another all the tips and tricks! Plus, you’ll get me as your “oily-lifestyle-guide” sharing all the knowledge I have with you. When you purchase from Amazon or Target you may save a few bucks...but are you really? Because of the strength of YL oils you won’t have to use as much oils. AND you have an option to get money back with each purchase. AND you’ll have me to answer any questions….just sayin’. 

Do I have to order every month?

Monthly ordering is an OPTION. It is something called Essential Rewards (ER). I always recommend trying it because you’ll start getting money back right away, free products and you can cancel it at anytime! No hurt. Not extra fees.

Is there a Yearly Fee?

All Young Living asks is that place an order of at least $50 a year to keep your account active. But, if you don’t place an order you won’t be penalised, you’ll just lose your membership discount of 24% off all their products.

Do I have to sell oils?

Nope! Again, this is an OPTION. A lot of the times I think people think “doing the business” is a big and scary thing….it’s not. If you have a friend who wants to get a starter kit like you did...woohoo!! Send them your sign up link and you’ll get $50 back and they will get the best oils + products on the planet. But do not HAVE to sell anything if you don’t want to. I’m not one of those pushy-in-yo-face people. It’s as simple as if you love it and want to share it, do it! And I’ll help you every step of the way.

Can I use oils on my kids/babies?

Short answer, Yes! Longer answer…

It is totally up to you if you want to use oils with your kids. YOU are the gatekeeper of your home!! Trust your mama (or papa) gut I’ve heard of SO MANY mama’s having oily testimonies for oils helping their babies with sleep, mood, belly problems and teething. There are a lot of amazing resources to help you dig deeper into this question, here are a few places to start:

This blog: 

And these books:

With kids, always dilute the oil. Young Living has a whole line for kids as well that come pre-diulted, the line is called Kid Scents! Here’s a little dilution chart to give you an idea. Keep in mind this chart is as if you’ll be putting it in a 10 ml roller bottle. 

Newborn — 1 drop

2-6 months — 1-2 drops

6-12 months — 1-3 drops

1-4 years — 4-8 drops 

Can I use oils when I am pregnant?

Your body, your choice! Check out Linday Elmore’s blog that I linked above. There are some really great resources in there that will help you make a decision. I know many many friends who use oils while pregnant and have no problem! There are a few oils you should be cautious of while pregnant, Peppermint and Eucalyptus. But again, do your own research. There are SO MANY oils and products to help with pain, swelling, immune function, sleep, etc.

Can I use oils on or around my dogs and cats?

I do! Young Living has a whole line for animals called Animal Scents. Can I say one thing to ease your fears? Those scary articles making their way around the internet about essential oils and animals were not Young Living oils….what can cause harm to animals are the “cheaper brands” that are not all essential oil. And remember--our dear pets are extra sensitive to smell and their skin is different than ours. I love the tips Lindsey makes in the article below. Especially these: 

+Always make sure your animal can leave the room if they don’t like the oil diffusing

+Always dilute when you place the oil on the animal

+Be around to watch how your animal reacts

These two blog post arereally informative resource to help you make a decision if you’d like to use essential oils on and around your pets. 

What is an essential oil?

An essential oil is the aromatic, volatile liquid that is within many shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes, and seeds and that is usually extracted through steam distillation. It is the “lifeblood” of the plant, meaning when the plant is torn or scraped, it releases the essential oil to repair the damage. That’s how oils help us! They can penetrate our cell membranes and work within our bodies to repair damages (think environmental toxins, bacteria, viruses, etc) and make the cells healthy again! Because essential oils are made up of hundreds of constituents, each oil can have many effects on your body. Isn’t that awesome? They aren’t one size fits all - each oil has so many different uses!

How do I use essential oils?

There are three ways to use essential oils:


Smelling essential oils is the method we will be talking the most about today since, as you will learn, your sense of smell goes directly to the parts of the brain that hold emotions. In your kit, you’ll get a diffuser, and that’s the easiest way to use essential oils. You can also put a drop or two in your hands and cup them over your nose and mouth and breathe deeply, or just open the bottle and set it by you. Diffusing essential oils increase oxygen availability and can stay suspended in the air for hours! Research shows that diffusing oils can; reduce bacteria, fungus and mold, relax the body and clear the mind and stimulate the secretion of endorphins.


Consuming essential oils internally, either in food, drink or capsules. Not all oils are made to be ingested, so please refer to the label of each oil for proper usage instructions.

All Vitality oils are a part of Young Living’s dietary line. Essential oils are classified are GRAS (Generally Regarded as Safe) by the Food and Drug Administration.


Essential oils can be applied directly to your skin (neat) or combined with a carrier oil (like coconut oil, jojoba oil, etc). According to researcher Jean Valnet, MD, an essential oil applied directly onto the skin can pass into the bloodstream and diffuse throughout the entire body in 20 minutes!

Are there oils in all YL products?

Yes! Young Living knows the power of essential oils that our ancestors knew...and they made a whole line to help us! Cleaning our home, our supplements, cleaning our laundry, helping our mood, tasty and healthy drinks, make up, face wash, shampoo and conditioner, toothpaste….and so much more! 

What are some of my favorite ways to use oils?

*Some*(there are SO MANY) ways I use oils in my daily life: pain in my shoulders (from whiplash from a car accident years ago and where i hold my stress), my husband and I take the allergy trio to help seasonal allergies (lavender, lemon and peppermint), EVERYDAY for my emotions, smelling them, diffusing them and applying them topically, adding the vitality oils to my cooking and my tea, and so much more!

Young Living also has other products we LOVE, shampoo, conditioner, home cleaner, supplements, makeup, etc. etc. etc.

What’s the best way to get started?

There are a few ways to get started! Reach out to me and we will figure out what the best way is for you and your specific situation. There are usually three options I suggest depending on the situation: The Premium Starter Kit, The Thieves Kit or the Ningxia Red kit. You can learn more about these via my instagram, boppin’ around the blog or please reach out to me on instagram messenger or email! I’d be honored to help you! With any of the kits you’ll become a member and get 24% off all essential oils and products, so there is no bad choice really!  If you are thinking SIGN ME UP I want to start today, let’s do it friend! Click here.

Any more questions? Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me! I’m here for you friend!


Molasses Ginger Cookies

This time of year is kind off “meh” for me. The in between of the Holiday’s ending and the daily wondering, Spring, is that you?

However, what I do love about this season is how much time I spend in my kitchen. There is usually no other place I’d rather be than creating in my kitchen. Throwing ingredients together to make something beautiful—the kind of art you can eat. I love diving into new recipes, losing track of time. I love returning back to the battered and splattered used recipes cards, the tried and true family favorites, the beauty in the known.

Over the Holiday’s this year I played with some recipes and added essential oils to my creations. Oh the beauty! It brought flavor to my tastebuds that made me want to dance.

This weekend I made some Molasses Ginger Cookies for some friends that were coming over to watch a movie. As I was throwing the ingredients together I realized I was out of ground ginger and ground I grabbed my ginger and nutmeg essential oils and added a few drops to the batter. Delicious is what happened with that decision. Sometimes I add essential oils to my recipes, and sometimes I don’t., that’s the beauty of creating. I love having the option to use them, and so many oils to choose from, they pack a flavor punch and make your recipes so unique.

I adapted this recipe from Eve and Eivin Kilcher’s book Homestead Kitchen. It is one of my all-time favorite cookbooks and whenever I read it I am often starting conversations asking DJ if we can become Homesteaders. I want my own chickens, I want to pickle and can and make my own butter. But for now, we will take it one step at a time. Sometimes I mill my own flour for this recipes, all though I have found that it doesn’t make them quite and chewy, but it does add a different, beautiful texture and flavor.

Molasses Ginger Cookies

  • 1/2 c. butter (I use vegan butter)

  • 1/4 c. grapeseed or sunflower oil

  • 1 c. packed dark brown sugar

  • 1/4 c. uncultured molasses

  • 1 large egg

  • 2 1/2 c. flour (All purpose, whole wheat or a mix off the two)

  • 2 tsp. baking soda

  • 1/4 tsp. salt

  • 1 T. ground cinnamon

  • 1/2 tsp. ground cloves

  • 5 drops ginger essential oil

  • 3 drops nutmeg essential oil

  • Brown sugar or white sugar to roll cookies in

  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

  2. In a large bowl, cream the butter, oil, brown sugar and molasses. Once mixed, add the egg.

  3. In a separate bowl, mix together the dry ingredients: flours, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, cloves. Slowly add the dry ingredients into the wet mixture, folding them in. Add the ginger and nutmeg essential oil, mix until well combined.

  4. Using a table spoon, scoop a heaping T. of the dough, using your hands form it into a ball and roll in sugar. Repeat until you have all cookies formed, about 36. Place them 1 inch a part on the baking sheet and bake for 8 minutes.

  5. Once done baking, remove them from baking sheet and allow to cool on a cookie rack.