The Lovely Ningxia Drank

Let’s start with a little list-y list of a snap shot of all the ways drinking Ningxia regularly can help you, shall we?

  • Premature aging 

  • Increased energy and strength 

  • Stabilizes blood sugar 

  • Manages weight

  • Restore healthy sexual function 

  • Relieves headaches

  • Improves sleep

  • Supports healthy vision 

  • Boosts immune system 

  • Decrease pain 

  • Improves memory 

  • Alleviates stress/anxiety 

  • Eases morning sickness

  • Supports healthy pregnancy 

  • High vitamin E and protein 

  • Supports reproductive system 

  • ++++

ALRIGHTY THEN now that I have your attention. What is this goodness that I speak of? Ningxia is made of Wolfberries that are found in the Ningxia, the Northwest region of China—they have been cultivating them for more than 700 years! Wolfberries have the ability to absorb free radicals that attack the body with an ORAC score of 30,000. You may have heard that blueberries, when compared to other fruits and veggies, have a pretty high ORAC score...they do...nearly 5,000. But Wolfberries blow that out of the water!!

Free radical scavenging is probably one of the most powerful characteristics of the wolfberries. Free radicals are molecules/ions that can cause unwanted reactions in our bodies. They are so reactive that they seek out important molecules in our body (like DNA) and cause damage to them. One of these can cause a chain reaction and wreak havoc. A high level of free radical damage overtime can lead to premature aging, cancer and many other diseases related to inflammation. Google “what diseases are caused by inflammation”? You will be STUNNED. 

Ningxia helps with the inflammation in our body and keeps us healthy on soooo many levels. This isn’t one of those “get healthy quick” schemes. I truly believe that Ningxia is something I am going to drink the rest of my life. A lot of the times diseases caused by inflammation are silent...until they are NOT. Drinking Ningxia, and having all in your family drink Ningxia, is one of the best decisions you can make daily. If you take no other supplements---at least drink your Ningxia. 

If you’re a member already, I double dog dare ya to add it to your Essential Rewards order and give it a try everyday for a month. Write down how you feel. See and feel the difference!

If you’re not a member and want to get started, there is a Ningxia Starter Kit! Click here to get that baby comin’ your way!!