September Gifts with Purchase

When you make an order with Young Living, they give you free gifts with qualifying purchases! Every month they announce new products that will be given with purchases made in that month, here are the month of September!

You’ll notice some of the products are for those on Subscribe to Save (S2S) specifically. S2S is an option to put products on an auto ship program. You can subscribe to products every month, every other month and every 3rd month. The coolest part, when you place things on your S2S and spend at least $50 a month, you’ll get money back to use on future purchases (and get more free things)!

Heres a breakdown of the freebies for September.

100 PV — Free Shipping, and free shipping on all orders over $100!

190 PV —Lemon Vitality, Citrus Fresh Vitality, DiGize Vitality, Orange Vitality*, Copaiba Vitality*

250 PV — Lavender Lemonade Vitality Drops, EndoFlex Vitality, Longevity Vitality, Lemon Vitality, Citrus Fresh Vitality, DiGize Vitality, Orange Vitality*, Copaiba Vitality*

300 PV — Life 9, Grapefruit Bergamot Vitality Drops, Lavender Lemonade Vitality Drops, EndoFlex Vitality, Longevity Vitality, Lemon Vitality, Citrus Fresh Vitality, DiGize Vitality, Orange Vitality*, Copaiba Vitality*

Lemon Vitality 5-ml

Lemon Vitality is bright and fresh and sunshine in a bottle. Adding a drop or two to your morning NingXia not only tastes great, it also helps cut through brain fog, supports your immune system, and will have you upbeat and ready for the day.

Citrus Fresh Vitality 5-ml

Citrus Fresh Vitality is Lemon and other citrus oils with a bit of Spearmint that all come together for a bright, citrusy melody in your drinks, recipes, and helps turn that frown upside down. Supporting general wellness and packing in all the benefits of the citrus oils, a few drops of Citrus Fresh Vitality in a capsule every day is a welcome part of a daily wellness regimen.

DiGize Vitality 5-ml

To go along with the Life 9 to prepare your digestive system for the shock of going from light summery dishes to richer fall dishes, DiGize Vitality is also good in a pinch when you need some relief. Make a warm tea with it or add a few drops to a veggie capsule and take it with some water to help with digestive discomfort.

Orange Vitality 5-ml// (Bonus Subscribe to Save 190 PV tier)

Ease into fall with the sweet taste of citrus but the calming vibes of fall. Orange Vitality helps support your immune system and is a great addition to all kinds of dishes, smoothies, deserts, and more! Remember, this is the same oil that's in regular Orange, which you'll find is a staple in a lot of fall diffuser blends.

Copaiba Vitality 5-ml // (Bonus Subscribe to Save 190 PV tier)

Copaiba Vitality has one of the most unique flavors of all of the Vitality oils. A bit of spice and somewhat richer, this is a great one to add to your meats and savory dishes. Help your body as it recovers from a workout by adding 3-4 drops to a veggie capsule and drinking plenty of water - with some of those Vitality Drops for a little extra hydration!

Lavender Lemonade Vitality Drops // (250 PV)

A mixture of refreshment and calming, Lavender Lemonade Vitality Drops also keep you hydrated and help your body recover after an active day or workout. I have a feeling once you try both individual flavors you'll be stocking up on the 3-packs YL has of them both!

EndoFlex Vitality 5-ml

Whole body health. That's the goal with all of Young Living's supplements and oils, and EndoFlex Vitality is a key ingredient to that lifestyle. Spearmint, Nutmeg, and more make up this blend that is perfect for adding a few drops daily to a capsule and putting it down the hatch. Amazing for adrenal support (aka more energy)!!

Longevity Vitality 5-ml

The purpose is in the name. Supporting multiple systems in our body, Longevity Vitality is particularly good for healthy looking skin! Take this daily and use the CBD Beauty Boost and you will see smoother, healthier-looking skin, which is very important as seasons change. Less having our skin dry out, more looking flawless and feeling great.

Grapefruit Bergamot Vitality Drops

To keep up with staying active as we head into fall, YL's Vitality Drops have electrolytes and Vitality oils to help flavor your water, keep your body hydrated, and make it easier to recover and keep going. This bottle of Grapefruit Bergamot has a bright, crisp taste that will remind you of summer and brighten your mood.

Life 9

The BEST probiotic on the market!! 17 billion live cultures from nine beneficial bacteria strains in Life 9 help support gut health, while also being good for healthy immune function and metabolism. So as we say goodbye to summery dishes and prepare for the richer foods of fall and winter, Life 9 will have our digestive system prepared and in tip top shape.

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The Weight Loss Trio

The Weight Loss Trio

There are two trio’s of oils in Young Living that are a prized possession and life changing for so many people. The Allergy Trio (lemon, peppermint and lavender) and The Weight Loss Trio! Let’s talk about The Weight Loss Trio oils and see what all the fuss is about!

The Weight Loss Trio is made up of: Grapefruit Vitality, Lemon Vitality and Peppermint Vitality. Remember how vitality oils (the ones with the white label) are safe to take internally? That’s exactly what you’ll do with this trio! Three ways I suggest taking them internally:

  1. Put them all in a dropper bottle and add a dropper to your Ningxia 1-2 times a day! This one is my favorite way to take the allergy trio. It taste DELICIOUS and I feel so vibrant when I start my day with Ningxia! 

  2. Add one drop of each to a spoonful of honey (local honey if possible). This one is also a crowd fave in our house because well, honey is delicious! I’m always running out the door in the morning (classic) so I prefer to have it quick and able to grab but this way is awesome if you don’t have that bad habit! The honey taste overpowers the oils taste, which can be strong when taking them without anything else. Especially Peppermint--have you found out the hard way to not touch your eyes after applying Peppermint? Lol It’s a hot oil, meaning it will make your skin or wherever you touch feel hot once applied. 

  3. Make capsules! There are veggie capsules you an order from Young Living and make your own capsules! I highly suggest getting the YL ones over ones on Amazon BECAUSE a lot of brands make capsules with PLASTIC that do not digest. Not only is that horrible for your system, it will make you feel horrible. If you make the capsules search “bread trick” in our Facebook group to see a way to do it fast! Also pro tip: store them in the freezer! The citrus oil will break down the capsule. 

Okay! Now that we know some ways you can take them, let’s break down why each of these specific oils are in the trio. Pssst… a lot of this information can be found on the Reference Guide for Essential Oils App, it’s a SUPER helpful tool!


Grapefruit helps reduce fat and curve sugar cravings.  

French Medicinal Uses: cellulite, digestion, dyspepsia, lymphatic decongestant, water retention.

Other possible uses for Grapefruit: May help with depression, drug withdrawl, eating disorders, fatigue, gallstones, jet leg, liver disorders, migraine headaches, obesity, premenstrual tension and stress. It may also have a cleansing effect on the kidneys, the lymphatic system and vascular system. 


Lemon flushes the body of toxins and helps you detox and helps your liver. 

French Medicinal Uses: Air disinfectant, anemia, asthma, cold, reduces fever, germicide, gout, heartburn, intestinal parasites, red blood cell formation, rheumatism, throat infection, ureter infections, varicose veins, water purification, white blood cell formation. 

Other Possible Uses: Lemon may help with anxiety, blood pressure, dissolving cellulite, improving clarity of thought, digestive problems, energy, gallstones, stregthening nails, respiratory problems, reducing stress, removing stains and sticky messes.


Peppermint suppresses appetite and soothes digestion. When smelled diectly, it affects the brain’s satiety center which triggers a sensation of fullness!

French Medicinal Uses: asthma, bronchitis, candida, diarrhea, digestive aid, reduces fever, flu, heartburn, hot flashes, indigestion, motion sickness, vomiting, etc. 

Other Possible Uses: may help with anger, arthritis, depression, fatigue, inflammation, IBS, memory, morning sickness, soothe and cool skin, toothaches, etc. 

There ya have it! This trio covers all the bases: Lemon to detox, Peppermint to help with digestion, Grapefruit to help reduce cravings and reduce fat. How cool is that?! 

Sometimes I like to call this trio The Wellness Trio instead of weight loss. I am not a scale gal, I’m all about how you FEEL and not the number you see. My digestion has been a struggle for me my whole life, I know first hand when my digestion is good I feel great and feel that I look great, and I may not have even lost a pound on the scale! 

This oily life is a journey, friends. It’s so cool that the more you learn about oils it is inevitable that you will learn more about your body and how it has been affect by decisions you or others have been making. We only get one body, we have to do our best to take care of it, right? 

I hope you found some nuggets of knowledge here and will continue to dig deeper and try things that work for you, your life, your family. I don’t think it was a coincidence that so many of these oils help with helping our body work it’s best AND our mind work it’s best. 

Happy Friday, dear ones.