August Goodies (Promos)

New month means….NEW PROMOS!!!

And would ya lookie here, Young Living does it again with amazing products for your KITCHEN!! You know how much I love being in my kitch. This months promos are setting us UUUUUUP!

Essential Rewards is getting a monthly wellness box shipped to your door. You can change the products every month, choose the date, and cancel whenever you’d like. WHAT’S COOL IS when you sign up for Essential Rewards your get points back (basically money to use on products) and when you hit certain PV marks (PV basically equals dollar amount) you get FREE products!! We have been on ER for over 4 years now and are earning 25% back on all of our orders!! (WHUT. YES.)

It’s not spending more money every month, it’s transferring WHERE you spend your money. We get toothpaste, mouthwash, supplements, laundry soap, dish soap, makeup, shampoo, conditioner, oils, cleaner, etc. All from Young Living. I love Target but Target doesn’t love me back like that… PLUS I know they are CLEAN and feel good about using them on my home and on my body! (Winner winner chicken dinner).

Alrighty…onto this month’s freebies!!! Cooking + baking with vitality oils is SO FUN and delicious. Here is a little breakdown of measurement amounts:

TS = Toothpick swirl

tsp= Teaspoon

Tbsp = Tablespoon


2 ts = 1/2 tsp | 1 drop = 1 tsp | 2 drops = 1 Tbsp

  • Add to Italian, French, and Mediterranean dishes

  • Add 3 drops to a veggie capsule for cardiovascular or digestive support

  • Diffuse to boost concentration

  • Increases circulation & immunity

  • Put a few drops in stocks and sauces


2ts = 1/2 tsp | 3ts = 1 tsp | 1 drop = 1 Tbsp

  • Add 2 drops to a veggie capsule and take after eating spicy food to help settle your stomach

  • Add to Eastern and Latin dishes

  • One study shows coriander lowers glucose levels by normalizing insulin levels and normalizing pancreas function

  • Has a relaxing and calming scent

  • Due to estrogen content, can help control menstrual pain


2ts = 1/2 tsp | 3ts = 1 tsp | 1 drop = 1 Tbsp

  • Add to Italian, Greek, and Middle Eastern Dishes

  • Use as seasoning to balance and brighten seafood, meat, poultry, eggs, rice, pasta, and veggie dishes

  • Great liver detoxifier! Add 2-3 drops in a capsule and fill with carrier oil as part of your morning routine.

  • Also a perfect replacement for the herb you forgot to buy at the store! Add a drop or two to pasta, salad dressing, or soup.


2ts = 1/2 tsp | 4 drops = 1 tsp | 8 drops = 1 Tbsp

  • Boosts your metabolism & energy when taken internally or diffused

  • Add 2 drops to a veggie capsule to help curb cravings

Black Pepper Marinade Recipe:

1/4 cup cilantro, finely chopped

1/4 cup olive oil

1/4 cup lemon or lime juice

1 Tbsp Salt

1 tsp Cumin

1 tsp fresh garlic, minced

5 drops Black Pepper Vitality

5 drops Lime Vitality


2ts = 1/2 tsp | 1 drop = 1 tsp | 2 drops = 1 Tbsp

  • Similar to Oregano

  • Add to European and Mediterranean dishes

  • Diffuse or apply to wrists for energy and motivation

  • Stimulate your adrenal gland when taken internally for short periods


2 drops = 1/2 tsp | 4 drops = 1 tsp | 8 drops = 1 Tbsp

  • Diffuse to uplift and ease feelings of anxiety

  • Add a drop to your Ningxia to support your immune and digestive systems

  • Delicious addition to a yummy fruit dip or pancake batter!

Orange Creamsicle Iced Latte:

2 cups coldbrew

1/4 tsp vanilla extract

1-2 toothpick dips of orange vitality essential oil

Raw honey to taste

milk of choice to taste


I'm sorry, did someone peek into my heart and grant me my greatest wishes? It’s so beautiful!!!


Also, adorable. We can wear these while we mix up some of these recipes!

*ER Exclusive

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Ginger Blueberry Mocktail

I am a big fan of a good ol’ mocktail.

It you haven’t heard of the word mocktail before, allow me to explain. Mocktails hold all the deliciousness of cocktails without the alcohol. Most of the time half the fun of drinking the cocktail is because it’s fancy + fun, right? Enter: mocktails! Delicious, nutritious (at least the one’s I sip) and won’t leave you feeling like c-r-a-p the next morning.

I made this Ginger Blueberry Mocktail while at a friends cabin this weekend. It was dreamy; soaking up the sun, the smell of the grill and sitting by the water sippin’ this little number.

Does anyone else daydream about food and drinks like me?

Stepping into the kitchen is when my creativity comes out. I love trying new recipes, chopping veggies on the cutting board, traveling via the food on my plate. These are the things that make my heart skip a beat.

During this crazy time of the Covid Pandemic, I think we could all use a little stress relief. Being stuck in our homes and often times stuck in our head, a little kitchen therapy would do the heart good.

Ginger is good for you for so many reasons:

+ Boost Circulation

+Helps Digestion

+Reduce Nausea

+Fight Infections

+Fights Germs

+Lower Blood Sugar


Simple + easy to make. Perfect for the long, hot summer days. Refreshing for your mind + Body


  • 2 T. Frozen Blueberries

  • 1/2 Inch Fresh Ginger, Minced

  • 8 Ounces Sparkling Water

  • 2-3 Fresh Mint Leaves, Mulled

  1. Place mint leaves on bottom of glass, mull with a wooden spoon.

  2. Mince fresh ginger and place in glass, with juices.

  3. Place blueberries in glass.

  4. Pour 8 ounces sparkling water.

  5. Stir and enjoy!

*What I love about essential oils is they can easily replace an ingredient you don’t have on hand! Replace Ginger or Mint with one drop Ginger Essential Oil or one drop Spearmint Essential Oil on the blueberries!

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Healthy 'Scotcheroos'

Could I eat a whole pan of Scotcheroos? Ummm yeah, probably. Literally, I have NO CONTROL when a pan of them is sitting in front of me. Plus, they taste like summer time to me, they were always on the snack bar at my family gatherings and weekends at the cabin. So delicious and chewy….

The more I’ve learned about food and ingredients, the more I’ve realized that eating those are nooooot the best choice for my health (sigh). So, yesterday I went into my kitchen on a quest to make a healthy version!

These aren’t exactly Scothceroos. But there is peanut butter and chocolate — so they have to be good.

They are gluten free and dairy free too, so that’s a major plus! Basically everyone can eat them. Whoop whoop!


  • 2 T. ground flax seeds

  • 4 T. water

  • 4 T. pure maple syrup

  • 1 Cup chunky peanut butter

  • 1 Cup oat flour (or Bobs Redmill All Purpose GF Flour)

  • 2 drops Nutmeg Vitality essential oil (optional)


  • 1/2 Cup dairy free mini chocolate chips

  • 1 T. coconut oil

  • Sprinkle of sea salt


  1. Line a baking pan with parchment paper.

  2. In a medium bowl mix the ground flax seed and water, let sit until it thickens (about 2-5 min).

  3. Stir in peanut butter, maple syrup and Nutmeg essential oil.

  4. Mix in flour until dough forms.

  5. Press bars evenly into prepared lined baking sheet. Place in fridge or freezer while you make the chocolate topping.

  6. In a small sauce pan over low heat, melt the chocolate chips and coconut oil. Stirring constantly until melted.

  7. Take pan out of fridge/freezer, pour chocolate topping over bars. Sprinkle with a little sea salt and place back in the fridge/freezer.

  8. Enjoy!! Store in fridge.


The Weight Loss Trio

The Weight Loss Trio

There are two trio’s of oils in Young Living that are a prized possession and life changing for so many people. The Allergy Trio (lemon, peppermint and lavender) and The Weight Loss Trio! Let’s talk about The Weight Loss Trio oils and see what all the fuss is about!

The Weight Loss Trio is made up of: Grapefruit Vitality, Lemon Vitality and Peppermint Vitality. Remember how vitality oils (the ones with the white label) are safe to take internally? That’s exactly what you’ll do with this trio! Three ways I suggest taking them internally:

  1. Put them all in a dropper bottle and add a dropper to your Ningxia 1-2 times a day! This one is my favorite way to take the allergy trio. It taste DELICIOUS and I feel so vibrant when I start my day with Ningxia! 

  2. Add one drop of each to a spoonful of honey (local honey if possible). This one is also a crowd fave in our house because well, honey is delicious! I’m always running out the door in the morning (classic) so I prefer to have it quick and able to grab but this way is awesome if you don’t have that bad habit! The honey taste overpowers the oils taste, which can be strong when taking them without anything else. Especially Peppermint--have you found out the hard way to not touch your eyes after applying Peppermint? Lol It’s a hot oil, meaning it will make your skin or wherever you touch feel hot once applied. 

  3. Make capsules! There are veggie capsules you an order from Young Living and make your own capsules! I highly suggest getting the YL ones over ones on Amazon BECAUSE a lot of brands make capsules with PLASTIC that do not digest. Not only is that horrible for your system, it will make you feel horrible. If you make the capsules search “bread trick” in our Facebook group to see a way to do it fast! Also pro tip: store them in the freezer! The citrus oil will break down the capsule. 

Okay! Now that we know some ways you can take them, let’s break down why each of these specific oils are in the trio. Pssst… a lot of this information can be found on the Reference Guide for Essential Oils App, it’s a SUPER helpful tool!


Grapefruit helps reduce fat and curve sugar cravings.  

French Medicinal Uses: cellulite, digestion, dyspepsia, lymphatic decongestant, water retention.

Other possible uses for Grapefruit: May help with depression, drug withdrawl, eating disorders, fatigue, gallstones, jet leg, liver disorders, migraine headaches, obesity, premenstrual tension and stress. It may also have a cleansing effect on the kidneys, the lymphatic system and vascular system. 


Lemon flushes the body of toxins and helps you detox and helps your liver. 

French Medicinal Uses: Air disinfectant, anemia, asthma, cold, reduces fever, germicide, gout, heartburn, intestinal parasites, red blood cell formation, rheumatism, throat infection, ureter infections, varicose veins, water purification, white blood cell formation. 

Other Possible Uses: Lemon may help with anxiety, blood pressure, dissolving cellulite, improving clarity of thought, digestive problems, energy, gallstones, stregthening nails, respiratory problems, reducing stress, removing stains and sticky messes.


Peppermint suppresses appetite and soothes digestion. When smelled diectly, it affects the brain’s satiety center which triggers a sensation of fullness!

French Medicinal Uses: asthma, bronchitis, candida, diarrhea, digestive aid, reduces fever, flu, heartburn, hot flashes, indigestion, motion sickness, vomiting, etc. 

Other Possible Uses: may help with anger, arthritis, depression, fatigue, inflammation, IBS, memory, morning sickness, soothe and cool skin, toothaches, etc. 

There ya have it! This trio covers all the bases: Lemon to detox, Peppermint to help with digestion, Grapefruit to help reduce cravings and reduce fat. How cool is that?! 

Sometimes I like to call this trio The Wellness Trio instead of weight loss. I am not a scale gal, I’m all about how you FEEL and not the number you see. My digestion has been a struggle for me my whole life, I know first hand when my digestion is good I feel great and feel that I look great, and I may not have even lost a pound on the scale! 

This oily life is a journey, friends. It’s so cool that the more you learn about oils it is inevitable that you will learn more about your body and how it has been affect by decisions you or others have been making. We only get one body, we have to do our best to take care of it, right? 

I hope you found some nuggets of knowledge here and will continue to dig deeper and try things that work for you, your life, your family. I don’t think it was a coincidence that so many of these oils help with helping our body work it’s best AND our mind work it’s best. 

Happy Friday, dear ones.  


Wassail is a beverage of hot mulled cider, drunk traditionally as an integral part of wassailing, a Medieval Christmastide English drinking ritual intended to ensure a good cider apple harvest the following year.

If you haven’t caught onto this about me yet, I loooove warm drinks. I also have an obsession with mugs. Maybe it’s because I live in North Dakota and it is a near necessity to have something warm in your hands at all times for about 9 months out of the year? It’s like a hug in a mug that warms you all the way down to your toes.

One of my favorite things to do is warm up Wassail 4-5 hours before people come over. It gets your home smelling delicious, welcoming and warming. I pull out my favorite mugs, set them beside the stove and wait for everyone to arrive.

When you step into my home you will first be welcomed with a hug and soon after the question of what can I get you to drink?

Something about being warm, feeling comforted by those you love, digging into deep conversations and the corners of your heart…those are the things I believe Jesus meant when he told us to love our neighbors.

Last night I had friends come over, old and new, we sipped Wassail, giggled, and I taught them how to bake with essential oils. It was dreamy. Really, it made one of my dreams come true to have my own cooking show. (giggle giggle)

This is a big portion of Wassail. I invited you to pull out the mugs, place it on the stove and invite friends over to your home.

This is also perfect for the holidays when people are coming and going, hanging around all day and it’s always nice to have a sip while you’re also snacking on something.

*A note on the essential oils. Oils like having something to cling to. I liked dropping 1 drop of Orange Vitality and 1 drop of Nutmeg Vitality on a cinnamon stick and putting it in each mug along with a slice of orange, you could also drop the oils on the orange.


  • 2 quarts apple juice

  • 1 quart cranberry juice

  • 46 oz of pineapple juice (1 can Dole Pineapple Juice)

  • 2 oranges, 1 sliced orange for full pot and 1 orange sliced for mugs

  • 20-25 whole cloves

  • 5 whole star anise

  • 5 cinnamon sticks, plus cinnamon sticks for individual mugs

  • 1 drop Orange Vitality (per individual cinnamon stick)

  • 1 drop Nutmeg Vitality (per individual cinnamon stick)

  1. Slice one orange into 4 or 5 slices, push 4-5 cloves into each orange slice and set aside.

  2. Add juice to 1 dutch over (or large stock pot) on the stove.

  3. Add the orange slices with cloves in them, 5 cinnamon sticks and 5 star anise to the juice mixture. Cover and cook on low for 4-5 hours.

  4. Once Wassail is almost finished, prepare the mugs. Drop 1 drop Orange Vitality and 1 drop Nutmeg Vitality on one cinnamon stick, repeat and prepare 15 cinnamon sticks.

  5. Slice the other orange into thin slices. Pour Wassail into each mug, top with a slice of orange and an essential oil cinnamon stick.

Plus, for you wine drinkers (raises hand), add a 1/2 bottle - 1 bottle of any red wine and you have yourself an alcoholic Wassail that is sure to make anyone cheery!


The BEST Peppermint Brownies!

Okay friends. These brownies are about to change yo’ life!!!

They are the perfect treat to bring to all your Holiday parties coming up. And when people ask “HOW are these so good?!” you say….”Essential oils, duh! Oils make everything better.”

But seriously. I am pretty good at controlling myself when it comes to my sweet tooth. BUT THESE. I can only bake them when I know people are coming over or I am bringing them to a friend because I will eat the whole pan if I am left to myself. They call my name, whisper softly…

Peppermint Essential Oil is great for digestion! So these babies won’t have you feeling “ick” when you’re done.

Peppermint Brownies


-½ cup melted coconut oil

-1 cup sugar

-2 eggs

-1 tsp vanilla extract 

-⅓ cup unsweetened cocoa powder 

-½ cup all purpose flour (I use Bobs Red Mill all purpose to make these gluten free!)

-¼ tsp salt

-¼ tsp baking powder

-3-4 drops Peppermint Essential Oil 

-Sprinkle with powdered sugar when fresh out of oven


  1. Preheat oven to 350 Degrees

  2. Line a 8 x 8 pan with parchment paper

  3. Mix together melted coconut oil, sugar, eggs and vanilla extract in a bowl. 

  4. In a separate bowl mix together unsweetened cocoa powder, flour, salt and baking soda.  

  5. Pour wet ingredients over dry ingredients. Mix together until just blended. Don’t overmix—-we don’t want hard brownies!

  6. Add 3-4 drops Peppermint Essential Oil. 

  7. Pour into prepared baking dish. Place in oven and bake for 25-30 minutes, until a toothpick comes out clean when poked in the center. 

  8. When done baking, place baking pan on a cooling rack, sprinkle with powdered sugar and let cool for 10 minutes. Enjoy!