Seven Products I Always Have with Me When I Travel

I’m hopping on a plane to Arizona for a quick weekend for some much needed girl time with my Mama. I love traveling, do you love traveling? I especially love traveling when there is going to be sunshine and warmth! But I digress…

I wanted to share with you my top 7 products I bring with me when I am traveling. Whether it is by plane, train or will always find these in my bag.

Thieves Spray

This beauty is a hidden goldmine, I believe. This baby doesn’t get talked about enough! I spray this all over the airplane seat before I sit down, if we are staying in a hotel i spray it alllll up in dem sheets (I hate hotel beds, btw…), I spray it on the toilet seats... SO easy and convinent! Plus, everyone will want to sit by you because you smell nice. And if you poo in the bathroom, they’ll be like WHAT THE HECK is that girl magic? Not a magician, just an oiler.

Price: $9.25

PV: 9.25

Item #3265

Thieves Hand Purifier

I hate hand sanitizer. Like, with a passion. I can smell it from a mile away when someone puts it on. And then smell it for hours after I put it on….and it ain’t the good kind of smell like my Thieves Hand Purifier. Nuh uh. Do you have this yet? It NEEDS to be in your next order, my friend. I not only have this when I travel but all. The. time. Get those germs outta here. You are NOT ruining my vacation, little evils ones.

The come in cute little travel size ones too! So you can have one in every one of your travel bags.

Price: $5.00

PV: 5.00

Item #3621


All hail Digize, the oil that made me believe! Let’s be honest here, friends. This is a safe space. You KNOW on vacation if someone offers your cheesecake, you ain’t going to deny it. Or you maaaaaay have 1 or 2 more glasses of wine than your body is used to. That is OKAY because you have your trusty Digize in your purse (I just pictured it with a little pink cape on it…). Digize to the rescue! Rub it on your belly before you eat thatthingthatisgoingtodisagreewithyou. Drop it under your tongue when your belly starts a-rumblin’.

Price: $14.00

PV: 14.00

Item #5621

Thieves Toothpaste

Thieves Toothpaste has ruined me from all other toothpastes. I CANNOT use anything else. It makes me want to barf. All others are like too minty and fake tasting. Once you try it, you’ll know what I’m talkin’ about. My friend Haley made a good point once and I was like OH YAS GIRL! You know when you brush your teeth in the morning and then you go have your first sip of coffee and it taste NASTAY. This toothepaste does NOT do that!! It’s like magic. But not, it’s oils and they are lovely for so many reasons.  

Price: $10.50

PV: 10.50

Item #3039


There you go...sitting in the middle seat, isle 24. You got snoozer-mic-snoozerson on your right and chatty mic-cathy on your left (who you keep putting your headphones in but she ain’t getting the memo), and your back starts aching. Your neck has a little-ping that keeps coming. It’s the late night flight and all you can think about is your pillow…

Pull out your Panaway Roller, take a deep breath, you got this. Panway is a two-for-one for me. I freaking LOVE the way it smells (like Rootbeer, anyone else?) and it takes that pain away f a s t. I always have a roller of Panaway in my bag. But espeeeecailly on trips. Plus, if your friends talk you into going on that beautiful hike that “won’t be that hard’, everyone will be lining up the next morning to get a piece of that (that being Panaway).

Price: $36.25

PV: 36.25

Item #3391


One of my all time fave “happy oils” is my JOY. Plus it’s my middle name, sooo basically it’s God telling me I need to always have this oil in my home, in my hands and on my body. I am an anxious girl at heart, especially when I am in new territory, without my husband, and my cute dog faces to make me feel like everything will be okay. I am constantly dropping Joy on my wrists and over my heart when those feelings of anxiousness start knocking. Deep breath, you got this girl.

Price: $43.00

PV: 43.00

Item #3372

Rose Ointment

Did you know flying r e a l l y dehydrates you? Like, you should be drinking gallons while you’re in the air (but who wants to do that because hello..those bathrooms…). It especially is hard on your skin. Enter, Rose Ointment. A little bit goes along way with this jar. You’ll be feelin’ like you just left the spa! Ready for anything this vacation is about to throw your way. I get really dry all up in muh nose. Anyone else? I put a little bit of this on q-tip and it’s better by the next day!

Price: $24.50

PV: 24.50

Item #3709

I also bring a Thieves Roller, Seedlings baby wipes, YL Chapstick, Ningxia Red Packets…..but okay okay okay. I titled this seven things I bring with me. So, I shall keep it at that. get the point. These products can go with you anywhere and you can use them for basically anything! Major plus, when your friends see you using these awesome products you can tell them all about how you got started and get them started too! Did you know when you became a member you got your own sign up link which means...if you get your friend started with a Young Living Premium Starter’ll get $50! Cha-ching! If you don’t know how to find your link, let me know! (Dolla, dolla make me holla….) Okay, I’ve had one too many cups of coffee.

I hope you found this helpful and see something to add to your ever-growing collection! Is anyone going on any trips soon!? Let me know if you have questions about anything! Love you, friends.

Xo, JamieLee Joy

Silent Night

Sometimes it hits you. Like a boulder to the stomach, like a rush of cold air, like a feather gently on your cheek….it gets you.

Grief sneaks up on you in the most unlikely places. One moment you can go from being dressed as an angel sharing the good news to children with eyes filled with wonder, to bawling in the back corner watching your tears hit the dirt floor.

“Silent night, holy night….”

I start signing along. At first, merrily with all the Christmas Spirit….and then is hits me. This time, it came like a light feather gently falling on my cheek. The memories, the moments start coming to the forefront of my mind, one sweet memory at a time. Growing up, it was a family tradition to go to the Christmas Eve service at my Grandparents church. We’d all line up in the wooden pews, shoulder to shoulder, dressed in our Christmas best, giggling with youthful wonder. We would sit in the top balcony, if we had a choice, it was the best view in the house. The sermon would start as we’d doodle on our church program, anxiously awaiting for when it was time to pass out the candles.

My favorite memories are the ones where both my brothers are beside me. They’d tease me squeeze me and make me yell for mom…but when the candles came out it was like the whole world paused.

“All is calm, all is bright…..”

It was in those moments that little girl JamieLee started to understand what God’s peace was. A peace that makes everything else stand still.

As the years passed, the people in the pews changed.

The Christmas after my brother Kyle died, I remember sitting in the pew, not so merrily…

“Glories stream from Heaven afar

Heavenly hosts sing alleluia…”

The candles passed out, I stared at the flame. What is Kyle doing in Heaven? I could feel the warmth of the glow, I could feel the Peace trying to rise up inside me.

A few years after that, Grandpa went too.

“Sleep in Heavenly peace, oh…”

We kept going to Christmas service. We held on as a family, life doesn't stop even though your world does.

In the barn as I was singing…Grandma’s smile comes to mind now. Two Christmas’ without her here. No more Christmas’ in the church pew…

The people in the pews change, the pews change, but their love never leave us. Every time I sing, every time I stare at the flame, they are with me. I felt their love that night in the barn. I allowed myself to let the tears come, where we are broken is where the Light gets in.

We are human, created for love and for relationships. When what you are created for gets stripped from your very grasp….it is going to hurt.

But what is the most beautiful thing?

“Holy infant so tender and mild…”

The little babe. The infant in the manger, Lord at thy birth.

He was the same God in the manger, He is the same God now. The very meaning of love, the only reason there is love…coming down to Earth to set us free.

You can’t have love without pain.

Christ showed us that.

But the pain should not for one moment keep us from the love.

Christ showed us that, too.

As I cried in the back of the barn….I closed my eyes and let myself feel both sides—love and pain. How is it that a little babe born in a manger came to rescue us?

Only Love.

Grace in Abundance

I’ve been on a record for a “writers block” streak.

But you know what I’ve been learning about lately? Grace.

Grace to let my body + mind + soul REST. Truly rest. Let myself feel emotions and have thoughts without writing it out, tweaking it and making it pretty. Having grace to be REAL with myself. Real with God. Real with my community when I was struggling.

Sometimes you have so many feelings + emotions that are stuck in your head + your heart its hard to find the words to get it out. And that’s okay.

I feel it though, the words coming back.

I feel the hope starting to rise & spilling out through my finger tips onto the key board.

Life is messy. But, friend, life is meant to be LIVED. It’s okay to rest, it’s okay to take an hour, a day a week, a month…to do something that fills you up. Give yourself the same grace you give others, somedays give yourself more.

Simple. Simple. Simple. That’s the word i’ve been comparing everything to lately. Will that opportunity ADD to my life? Will going to that place bring me JOY or am I doing it because I feel like I’m letting others down if I don’t? Will speaking the turret even when it’s hard in the moment HELP in the long run?

Life can be simple if grace is abundant.


Have you ever touched something that made you stop in your tracks, felt something with your whole heart, smelt something that changed the way you see the world, did something that made you think THIS is me? Something that made you think; this way I feel, the way I reacted, the way I felt peace in that moment— this is the person I want to be.

Rosemary is something that is so grounding to me.
When I’m cooking in my kitchen, talking to God, letting my bread rise, stirring the veggies on my stove—rosemary is in most every meal.

When I’m getting my hands and knees dirty in my garden, my soul is getting clean as I tend to my rosemary. 
When I cut off a fresh sprig, let the aroma fill my lungs, fill my soul—I can take a deep breath. A breath of peace.

Rosemary changed me. 
Rosemary taught me how to be present. 
How to quiet my mind, get out of my head and live life in the moment.
It’s funny, how God uses something so simple. How an herb makes me stop right in my tracks and feel the presence of God.

When life is overwhelming, when my emotions get a hold of my thoughts—I find Gods promises there in my rosemary—to remind me to either get on my knees or get to my kitchen. 
To stop looking for happiness like it’s my only life quest. 
It’s in these moments with God—the most tender moments that He whispers His promises and love over me. 
It reminds me that there will be seasons of sowing—dirty hands, ugly thoughts being let out, seasons of needing to forgive others & to forgive myself.

But the HOPE is His promise that there will be seasons of harvest. The sun will rise again, the sowing, the digging, the will make something beautiful.


I want to love more. Invite people into my heart more. Invite people into my home more. To give more. To receive more. To laugh more. To grieve with others more. To carry others burdens more. To celebrate more. To embrace more. To share my burdens with others more.
This life is meant to be lived, together. 
Through sorrow and through the joy.

I read today a depiction of the bridegroom the way I’ve never seen it before. 
The way the groom looks at his bride walking down the aisle is the way Jesus is looking at His bride.
Eyes locked, no one in the room besides the two of you. Walking down the aisle with so much excitement for the future. Believing that there is no one more beautiful. Promising forever together, no matter what.

I read this today and I paused in amazement as I had just left such a beautiful wedding, wow...THAT is the way Christ sees us? He is standing there, tears in his eyes with joy overflowing that He gets to spend a lifetime with someone so beautiful. 
As we gathered around tables filled with ones we loved, as we watched in amazement as the room changed from purple to blue to green. As we heard people share their hearts as they share their daughter, their son, their friend. As we marveled at how something so cute and sweet can make us smile from ear to ear with just one bite.

This is what is all about. The messy, the hurt, the insecurities...washed away by something much more beautiful.

Create if for No Other Reason but to Create

When I was going to school for art, somewhere in the midst of it all I lost my passion. 
Getting judged + graded for something you pour your heart and soul into...younger JamieLee could get crushed with one comment.

When I decided to take a different path, I didn’t pick up a paintbrush or a pen for a long time. When I timidly did, I judged every stroke I made—tore it a part with perfectionism. 
My passion for art is coming back. Picking up my pen this morning, memories started flooding in. I haven’t cranked up my music, sat down and got lost in my creative bliss for soooo long. Hello, old friend. 
The older I get, the more I realize what creating it all about.
It about giving people a peek into your soul, with no fear of judgment. We are all on our own path, we see things our own way and that is okay.
It’s about getting it outside your body, your mind, your heart. It’s the pictures, the words, the sound that wouldn’t exist in this world if you weren’t brave enough to let it out. 
It’s about freeing yourself—letting go of your own judgment, you, your harshest critic. And only listening to the opinions that matter.

So what if the lines not straight, the color isn’t quite how you pictured it, the meal has a different flavor, you spelled a word wrong, the song has a different’s your heart on paper, on a plate, on a canvas, being heard, tasted and seen by others.

It’s okay if others don’t understand it. It’s okay if you don’t understand it yourself. Create, if for the only reason is to create.

Inhale Peace, Exhale Power

Yesterday DJ and I were kayaking up stream. At the beginning I was thinking, “Oh boy, this is going to be hard”. But as we kept paddling…I started to become very aware of my weakness. There were boats and jet skis all around us adding to the chaos and the wind was not in our favor. As I was paddling I started relating my current situation to my life. A little too vividly at times as flash backs of playing on the river with Kyle and being on our boat, going to our house with a family and home that is no longer ours.

Losing Kyle at such a young age affected my view of the world for awhile, the pain of losing him affected my view of God. I had no idea how He was going to turn our mourning into dancing, no idea how I would ever feel peace again.

At my weakest point on this kayak experience, tears welling up in my eyes, wanting to stop but knowing I couldn’t because I would just get pushed back to where I began, I felt God’s whisper: peace and power.

Right hand pull; inhale peace. Left hand push; exhale power. Peace, power, peace power on repeat in my mind. In the same moment, same experience, same breath, experiencing two opposite emotions.

The other day I was asked what are the two most important things having Kyle as an older brother taught me. I paused, never have been asked that question before. Memories of Kyle teaching me how to reverse, shoot a free throw and stand up for myself come flooding in. Moments that seem a lifetime ago and yesterday all at the same time. Kyle taught me how to be strong & powerful.

 Kayaking yesterday was a perfect depiction of what grief has been like the past 13 years. I am in my little boat, trying to go upstream all in my own power. There are people passing by me, enjoying life with no worries, making my journey worse at times. There are moments where I thought I was doing great and then looked to my side to see that I literally hadn’t moved at all. When I stopped doing it on my own, when I asked for help, when I let DJ guide me…that is when I started getting somewhere.

DJ paddles to me and gently says, “I’m sorry this sucks. Come over to this side, the current is better. Stay right behind me, I want you close to me.”

With grief, there are no answers. Most times you just have to hold on tight and ride through the pain. There will be detours, people who make it worse and people who make it better, but the most important thing is to listen to Him lovingly calling you, “Stay close to me, I will show you the calm waters. Stay close,  I want you right behind me.”

Inhale peace, exhale power. 

Lean Into the Pain

"The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed."

Psalm 34:18

There they come again, the deep aches of grief. The loud silence of the absence of the one you love. The hot tears running down your cheeks. The question of how could you have changed this? The confusion of why are they gone too soon?

These are not comfortable feelings and thoughts. Pain and grief are never comfortable. It is our human nature to want to pull in, away from the world. To want to go silent, keep to ourselves all the thoughts we not dare say aloud. 

Trying to do it on your own. Depending on your own strength. Keeping the thoughts of pain an anger to yourself in fear that it will hurt someone else. No mentioning their name, even though you are constantly thinking of them. I've done all this, it doesn't work. 

"Everything happens for a reason," someone tells you out of love, trying to give you comfort. 

We've all heard it. And sure, at face value it is true. But someone telling you that your brother died for a reason, that your mom was taken from you too soon, that you didn't get to watch your daughter grow up and living all your life never finding out what "the reason" is? Those words don't help the pain. 

So we run from it. We numb it. We distract ourselves. 

Yet, the loving voice of God says that he is close to us. He is there to comfort us, he has rescued us.

Some answers we will never know this side of Heaven. Our pain may have to be our cross the rest of our days, but find comfort because we are not carrying it alone. 

I don't know why you lost your job. I don't know why your son died too young. I don't know why your dad has cancer or why your mom lost her best friend. 

I don't know what your struggling with today, but Jesus does. He is withy you, always. He is with you and loving you through you anger, through your pain and through your doubt. He loves you and hates to see you hurting, that is what I do know. 

He is so close. He has rescued you. There will come a day where he will wipe away every tear. There will be no more mourning, crying or pain (Rev. 21:4) . There will come a day when you find out your answer, but for now trust in the One who holds it. 

Lean into the pain, on the other side is peace. 

We Are Held

 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"

Matthew 6:25-26

I nanny a baby boy who is 6 months old a few days a week. He is so sweet, usually smiling or laughing with his adorable little giggle. But sometimes when he is really tired he cries. He rubs his eyes that he can barely keep open and yawns between the tears. As I look at him, I think to myself, "Yeah, I feel like that somedays too bud."

The other day as I was laying him down for a nap, while I was holding him and looking down I whispered, "It's okay, close your eyes. I'm right here. You are safe. When you wake up, I'll be right here."

I felt God whisper to me, wanting me to know that He is saying the same thing. He is always holding me, whispering peace and showering me with His promises that He will always be there. 

Adults are just babies who grew up, right? We all still have the tendencies to scream when we cannot have something we want, cry when we are fighting something and get scared when we do not feel our caregiver nearby. 

I am writing this as the sweet baby boy rocks in his rocker sound asleep. He will awake soon, with cries of hunger and I will be right there to feed him. If his diaper is wet, I will be right there to clothe him. When he wants to be held and feel me close, I will be right there with my arms around him.

It is as simple as this; we are taken care of. We new it at the beginning as infants but somehow we lost sight of it as we grew up. Allow yourself to be held today. Know that there is always Someone there to feed you, clothe you and wipe away your tears. Close your tired eyes, rest dear one, He is right here. 


R.C. (Respiratory Care): This blend of Spruce, Cypress, and three types of Eucalyptus (E. Globulus, E. Radiata, and E. Citriodora) essential oils packs a big punch! Its robust scent is a great way to perk up and its energetic aroma will help you stay motivated throughout the day. One sniff and you’ll know why people don’t want to find themselves without this blend. Here are just a couple of the ways you can use R.C.:

  • place a few drops in a hot bath or shower to let the combination of R.C. and warm water calm and soothe you.

  • apply topically before a workout or combine with V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex for a post-exercise foot or back massage.

  • mix with a carrier oil and rub on your chest and brim of your nose to help support healthy respiratory function.

**R.C. Is no longer in the PSK but should definately be one you add to you oil collection!


A fun fact for you:

Frankincense essential oil is considered a holy oil in the Middle East, where it has been used in religious ceremonies for thousands of years and was one of the gifts given to Christ at his birth. Frankincense is mentioned in the Ebers Papyrus, an ancient Egyptian scroll from approximately 1500 BCE, that documents its use. 
Young Living distills Frankincense oil from the resin of Boswellia carterii trees located in northern Africa, near the Arabian Peninsula. 
So cool, right? That oil comes in the starter kit- what?! How lucky are we? Here are some other uses for Frankincense.

Frankincense: trusty Frank is arguably one of the most recognizable essential oils due to its wide range of supportive properties, as well as being one of the gifts given to baby Jesus. It’s amazing to add to your daily facial moisturizer to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. When diffused, the warm, woodsy fragrance may lead to feelings of grounding and purpose.

  • put two drops in your hands, cup them, and inhale deeply to help ease anxious feelings.

  • rub a couple drops on your temples and across your forehead to relieve tension and bring a sense of calming.

  • diffuse during meditation for more focused attention.

  • Add to you lotion to help improve skin.



Purification: this blend is our household FAVORITE. It's a blend of Citronella, Lemongrass, Lavandin, Rosemary, Tea Tree, and Myrtle essential oils, is great for removing any offensive odor in your home or car. Apply it to a few cotton balls to put inside a smelly sports bag, or add a few drops to a rag before throwing it in your laundry. Diffuse Purification on those days you cook fish or have a houseful of kids. You can also use Purification in these ways:

  • put a drop or two on a clothespin and attach it to your car’s air vent to keep odors at bay.

  • put a few drops inside stinky shoes before washing.

  • diffuse together with Thieves to keep your home smelling fresh and clean.

  • Add to baking soda, spread on carpet and vacuum up


**Purification is no longer in the Premium Starter Kit. I highly suggest adding this baby to your oil collection!

Stress Away


Stress Away: ahhhhhh. Stress Away does exactly what the name suggests: it helps bring relief to everyday stresses we all feel. This blend of Copaiba, Lime, Vanilla, Cedarwood, Ocotea, and Lavender essential oils smells amazing and when diffused or applied topically provides a calming aroma and feeling. You can affix the rollerball included in the starter kit to the bottle of Stress Away, so it’s at the ready whenever you feel life's challenges frustrating you. Here are some more ways to use it:

  • apply it to kids to calm them on rough days, or yourself during high stress situations.

  • mix with Epsom salts to create a spa-like bath experience.

  • diffuse with Lavender to relax the family after a long day.

  • Roll on your wrists and behind you ears


Hi! This week I am breaking down Young Livings Premium Starter Kit (PSK) into easy-to use steps. The PSK is how I started and fell in love with oils. It is such an amazing way to start your wellness journey and the best way to get started with using essential oils. If you are just starting, welcome! Search PSK and make sure you catch up on all the posts. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or want to get started!


PanAway: PanAway is a perfect companion after a workout, or a lifesaver for those days that you’ve overexerted yourself physically. This blend of Wintergreen, Helichrysum, Clove, and Peppermint essential oils can be used in a massage to help ease muscle discomfort. This oil might just become your best friend (you know it's mine).- mix with Peppermint, Valor, Lemongrass, and coconut oil for a soothing muscle cream.

  • mix with V6 Vegetable Oil in a roller bottle to take on the go or put in your workout bag.

  • Add massage or bring with when you go get your next massage!

  • Always have with you if you work at a desk

  • Bring withy you on hikes for when those calves start to hurt



I picked up a book this winter called The First Forty Days and I could not put it down! I wanted to read every page, absorb as much knowledge as humanly possible and try every single recipe. 

This book was recommended to me by multiple people for months, which I thought was ironic because I was not pregnant nor were we planning on getting pregnant anytime soon. Yet, I felt like it was something I should read.

I love reading about stages in life that you will go through but haven't yet (or you pray that you will be able to). Before I was married I read all kinds of marriage books. Before we started a business I read many books on small business and coffee shop ownership. Before we moved to Oregon I read books and blogs about what life is like in Oregon. So, for me to pick up this book about pregnancy and birth when I wasn't pregnant was not abnormal to me. Although, I did have to explain to multiple people that I am indeed not pregnant

ANYWAY that is not the point of this post. The point of this post is this book is how I got introduced to Congee. 

Congee is a rice porridge that is traditionally eaten in many Asian countries when you are not feeling well or your digestive track needs a bit of relief. 

It is super simple to make and can be eaten many ways. For breakfast we like to warm up a bowl and add fruit, granola and some honey. For dinner, we will add sweet potatoes, chicken and drizzle it in yummy olive oil from our favorite local shop. Let your creativity sore with this one, friends!

Warming up a bowl of congee while my eyes are still sleepy, cozying up to the table with coffee in one hand and spoon in the other, that is where you will find me on these cold winter mornings.  


  • Jasmine Rice

  • Water

  1. Add 1 cup of rice to a large pot.

  2. Cover rice with water about an inch over rice height.

  3. Bring water to a boil, then reduce heat and let simmer.

  4. Stirring rice often, add water when it looks thirsty (congee loooves water).

  5. Cook rice until they have opened up the rice is a porridge texture.

Remove from heat, dish some of this delciousness up and add toppings of choice!

Came a Gentle Whisper

The Lord said, "Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by."

Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.

1 Kings 19:11-12


I used to get annoyed when people told me God spoke to you in whispers. I did not understand it. I wanted Him to shout at me, light up flashing signs, make a bush light on fire! I wanted to know that I heard Him correctly before I took the next step. 

The other day I was reading Crash the Chatterbox by Steven Furtick. In one of the chapter he paints a beautiful picture of God and His whispers; our God speaking to us in a way I hadn't thought of before. What Steven said was simple and true:

"God speaks in whispers because he is so close. He doesn't have to shout."

How beautiful it is, that creator of the Universe is so close to us. He is always listening, always understanding, always filling us with His peace, if we would just be still and listen. 

Anyone can hear someone when they shout or make big flashing signs--but God is so close to His children. Just like we listen and know the voice of those we love, we should know God's voice. The still small voice, speaking inside of us...that is God.

God is all-powerful. He can shake the mountains, create and earthquake, and part the seas all with one word. Yet, he is so loving, gentle and intimate that He wants a relationship with each of us. He does not want to just tell us what to do, He wants a continual conversation and intimate relationship with us. 


Are you quieting the world enough to have a continual conversation and intimate relationship with God?


Hi! This week I am breaking down Young Livings Premium Starter Kit (PSK) into easy-to use steps. The PSK is how I started and fell in love with oils. It is such an amazing way to start your wellness journey and the best way to get started with using essential oils. If you are just starting, welcome! Search PSK and make sure you catch up on all the posts. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or want to get started!

Lavender: often called "The Swiss Army Knife” of essential oils, Lavender is one oil you will likely find yourself reaching for often. Just a drop may help soothe minor skin abrasions, a swipe along the inside cheek may help bring relief for seasonal discomfort, and a drop in a new tube of mascara can result in fuller, longer eyelashes! Lavender can also be used for the following things:

  • combine Lavender with coconut oil to support dry or cracked skin.

  • make homemade play-dough with Lavender to help calm your children.

  • Lavender lemonade is delicious and may help reduce feelings of anxiousness.

  • Add to face lotion to help skin apperance

  • Apply after you burned and/or cut yourself

Peppermint Vitality

Hi! This week I am breaking down Young Livings Premium Starter Kit (PSK) into easy-to use steps. The PSK is how I started and fell in love with oils. It is such an amazing way to start your wellness journey and the best way to get started with using essential oils. If you are just starting, welcome! Search PSK and make sure you catch up on all the posts. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or want to get started!

Peppermint Vitality: this is one of the oils that I will never find myself without. I use it to support healthy digestion, as part of the weight management trio, and even to flavor a box of brownies (so good). Its invigorating scent is useful in a variety of situations. Look at some of these other uses for Peppermint:

  • add a drop of Peppermint Vitality and a drop of Lemon Vitality to a glass of water for your morning pick-me-up.

  • rub a drop over your heart and on your stomach to help relieve digestive discomfort and support healthy digestion.

  • add a drop to your water while studying and again during tests to stay alert.

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Lemon Vitality


Hi! This week I am breaking down Young Livings Premium Starter Kit (PSK) into easy-to use steps. The PSK is how I started and fell in love with oils. It is such an amazing way to start your wellness journey and the best way to get started with using essential oils. If you are just starting, welcome! Search PSK and make sure you catch up on all the posts. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or want to get started!

Lemon Vitality: cold-pressed from lemon rinds, Lemon essential oil has a strong, purifying, citrus scent that is revitalizing and uplifting. It contains 68% d-limonene, a powerful antioxidant. Lemon Vitality can also be used to enhance the flavor of foods and water. Here are a few more of the many things Lemon can do:

  • two drops of Lemon Vitality oil added to your favorite lemon bar recipe heightens the freshness of the flavors.

  • combine with Peppermint Vitality and Grapefruit Vitality as support for an all-natural, healthy weight management regimen.

  • a drop or two of Lemon can help you get sticky, hard to remove items or residue off of windows and other surfaces with ease.

  • diffuse lemon to brighten mood.

  • Add a few drops of lemon to a full sink of water to clean fruit and vegetables naturally.


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