Grace in Abundance

I’ve been on a record for a “writers block” streak.

But you know what I’ve been learning about lately? Grace.

Grace to let my body + mind + soul REST. Truly rest. Let myself feel emotions and have thoughts without writing it out, tweaking it and making it pretty. Having grace to be REAL with myself. Real with God. Real with my community when I was struggling.

Sometimes you have so many feelings + emotions that are stuck in your head + your heart its hard to find the words to get it out. And that’s okay.

I feel it though, the words coming back.

I feel the hope starting to rise & spilling out through my finger tips onto the key board.

Life is messy. But, friend, life is meant to be LIVED. It’s okay to rest, it’s okay to take an hour, a day a week, a month…to do something that fills you up. Give yourself the same grace you give others, somedays give yourself more.

Simple. Simple. Simple. That’s the word i’ve been comparing everything to lately. Will that opportunity ADD to my life? Will going to that place bring me JOY or am I doing it because I feel like I’m letting others down if I don’t? Will speaking the turret even when it’s hard in the moment HELP in the long run?

Life can be simple if grace is abundant.