Seven Products I Always Have with Me When I Travel

I’m hopping on a plane to Arizona for a quick weekend for some much needed girl time with my Mama. I love traveling, do you love traveling? I especially love traveling when there is going to be sunshine and warmth! But I digress…

I wanted to share with you my top 7 products I bring with me when I am traveling. Whether it is by plane, train or will always find these in my bag.

Thieves Spray

This beauty is a hidden goldmine, I believe. This baby doesn’t get talked about enough! I spray this all over the airplane seat before I sit down, if we are staying in a hotel i spray it alllll up in dem sheets (I hate hotel beds, btw…), I spray it on the toilet seats... SO easy and convinent! Plus, everyone will want to sit by you because you smell nice. And if you poo in the bathroom, they’ll be like WHAT THE HECK is that girl magic? Not a magician, just an oiler.

Price: $9.25

PV: 9.25

Item #3265

Thieves Hand Purifier

I hate hand sanitizer. Like, with a passion. I can smell it from a mile away when someone puts it on. And then smell it for hours after I put it on….and it ain’t the good kind of smell like my Thieves Hand Purifier. Nuh uh. Do you have this yet? It NEEDS to be in your next order, my friend. I not only have this when I travel but all. The. time. Get those germs outta here. You are NOT ruining my vacation, little evils ones.

The come in cute little travel size ones too! So you can have one in every one of your travel bags.

Price: $5.00

PV: 5.00

Item #3621


All hail Digize, the oil that made me believe! Let’s be honest here, friends. This is a safe space. You KNOW on vacation if someone offers your cheesecake, you ain’t going to deny it. Or you maaaaaay have 1 or 2 more glasses of wine than your body is used to. That is OKAY because you have your trusty Digize in your purse (I just pictured it with a little pink cape on it…). Digize to the rescue! Rub it on your belly before you eat thatthingthatisgoingtodisagreewithyou. Drop it under your tongue when your belly starts a-rumblin’.

Price: $14.00

PV: 14.00

Item #5621

Thieves Toothpaste

Thieves Toothpaste has ruined me from all other toothpastes. I CANNOT use anything else. It makes me want to barf. All others are like too minty and fake tasting. Once you try it, you’ll know what I’m talkin’ about. My friend Haley made a good point once and I was like OH YAS GIRL! You know when you brush your teeth in the morning and then you go have your first sip of coffee and it taste NASTAY. This toothepaste does NOT do that!! It’s like magic. But not, it’s oils and they are lovely for so many reasons.  

Price: $10.50

PV: 10.50

Item #3039


There you go...sitting in the middle seat, isle 24. You got snoozer-mic-snoozerson on your right and chatty mic-cathy on your left (who you keep putting your headphones in but she ain’t getting the memo), and your back starts aching. Your neck has a little-ping that keeps coming. It’s the late night flight and all you can think about is your pillow…

Pull out your Panaway Roller, take a deep breath, you got this. Panway is a two-for-one for me. I freaking LOVE the way it smells (like Rootbeer, anyone else?) and it takes that pain away f a s t. I always have a roller of Panaway in my bag. But espeeeecailly on trips. Plus, if your friends talk you into going on that beautiful hike that “won’t be that hard’, everyone will be lining up the next morning to get a piece of that (that being Panaway).

Price: $36.25

PV: 36.25

Item #3391


One of my all time fave “happy oils” is my JOY. Plus it’s my middle name, sooo basically it’s God telling me I need to always have this oil in my home, in my hands and on my body. I am an anxious girl at heart, especially when I am in new territory, without my husband, and my cute dog faces to make me feel like everything will be okay. I am constantly dropping Joy on my wrists and over my heart when those feelings of anxiousness start knocking. Deep breath, you got this girl.

Price: $43.00

PV: 43.00

Item #3372

Rose Ointment

Did you know flying r e a l l y dehydrates you? Like, you should be drinking gallons while you’re in the air (but who wants to do that because hello..those bathrooms…). It especially is hard on your skin. Enter, Rose Ointment. A little bit goes along way with this jar. You’ll be feelin’ like you just left the spa! Ready for anything this vacation is about to throw your way. I get really dry all up in muh nose. Anyone else? I put a little bit of this on q-tip and it’s better by the next day!

Price: $24.50

PV: 24.50

Item #3709

I also bring a Thieves Roller, Seedlings baby wipes, YL Chapstick, Ningxia Red Packets…..but okay okay okay. I titled this seven things I bring with me. So, I shall keep it at that. get the point. These products can go with you anywhere and you can use them for basically anything! Major plus, when your friends see you using these awesome products you can tell them all about how you got started and get them started too! Did you know when you became a member you got your own sign up link which means...if you get your friend started with a Young Living Premium Starter’ll get $50! Cha-ching! If you don’t know how to find your link, let me know! (Dolla, dolla make me holla….) Okay, I’ve had one too many cups of coffee.

I hope you found this helpful and see something to add to your ever-growing collection! Is anyone going on any trips soon!? Let me know if you have questions about anything! Love you, friends.

Xo, JamieLee Joy