
Have you ever touched something that made you stop in your tracks, felt something with your whole heart, smelt something that changed the way you see the world, did something that made you think THIS is me? Something that made you think; this way I feel, the way I reacted, the way I felt peace in that moment— this is the person I want to be.

Rosemary is something that is so grounding to me.
When I’m cooking in my kitchen, talking to God, letting my bread rise, stirring the veggies on my stove—rosemary is in most every meal.

When I’m getting my hands and knees dirty in my garden, my soul is getting clean as I tend to my rosemary. 
When I cut off a fresh sprig, let the aroma fill my lungs, fill my soul—I can take a deep breath. A breath of peace.

Rosemary changed me. 
Rosemary taught me how to be present. 
How to quiet my mind, get out of my head and live life in the moment.
It’s funny, how God uses something so simple. How an herb makes me stop right in my tracks and feel the presence of God.

When life is overwhelming, when my emotions get a hold of my thoughts—I find Gods promises there in my rosemary—to remind me to either get on my knees or get to my kitchen. 
To stop looking for happiness like it’s my only life quest. 
It’s in these moments with God—the most tender moments that He whispers His promises and love over me. 
It reminds me that there will be seasons of sowing—dirty hands, ugly thoughts being let out, seasons of needing to forgive others & to forgive myself.

But the HOPE is His promise that there will be seasons of harvest. The sun will rise again, the sowing, the digging, the will make something beautiful.