
I want to love more. Invite people into my heart more. Invite people into my home more. To give more. To receive more. To laugh more. To grieve with others more. To carry others burdens more. To celebrate more. To embrace more. To share my burdens with others more.
This life is meant to be lived, together. 
Through sorrow and through the joy.

I read today a depiction of the bridegroom the way I’ve never seen it before. 
The way the groom looks at his bride walking down the aisle is the way Jesus is looking at His bride.
Eyes locked, no one in the room besides the two of you. Walking down the aisle with so much excitement for the future. Believing that there is no one more beautiful. Promising forever together, no matter what.

I read this today and I paused in amazement as I had just left such a beautiful wedding, wow...THAT is the way Christ sees us? He is standing there, tears in his eyes with joy overflowing that He gets to spend a lifetime with someone so beautiful. 
As we gathered around tables filled with ones we loved, as we watched in amazement as the room changed from purple to blue to green. As we heard people share their hearts as they share their daughter, their son, their friend. As we marveled at how something so cute and sweet can make us smile from ear to ear with just one bite.

This is what is all about. The messy, the hurt, the insecurities...washed away by something much more beautiful.