Oils + Prayer

Using essential oils for processing my emotions, grief and trauma was a blessing I had no idea was coming my way. Learning more about how oils work with emotions was one of those rabbit holes I went down and never came back out. There is so much to learn about it and so much freedom to be found!

Did you know our emotions are stored at in cellular memory and resides in certain regions + organs in our body? That’s why they say the body remembers, because it is remembering all the things you have gone through at a cellular level! Using oils aromatically and apply them to certain areas of the body will help your body release things that you are holding onto that were never meant for you to carry. 

Using oils + prayer has brought an abundance of emotional healing in my life. I put together this Daily + Prayer and Oils map for you, I pray it blesses you too. 

Xo, JamieLee Joy

Valor - Bravery and Strength, apply on bottom of feet.

Jesus, you are my solid foundation for which I stand on. Everything else in this world is sinking sand, fleeting, a vapor. Holy Spirit I know you are with me every moment today, help me to depend on You and be every aware of your loving presence. I rebuke the lies of the enemy who whispers that I am weak and can do this on my own. Lord, I trust You and believe you and believe you when you say you are my strength. (Ps. 18:2, Isaiah 41:10)

Harmony - Balance all emotions, apply over the heart. 

Jesus, you tell me in your Word that the heart is deceptive and that I need to take every thought captive. Help me to rely on your Spirit and not my flesh. Help me to listen to what You have to say about me, not what the world is screaming at me to be. Sometimes my emotions can overtake me because this world is heavy, but You God have overcome the world, my hope is in You alone. I rebuke the lies of the enemy that my emotions are what is true, Your Word is truth Lord. I choose to believe You and what you say today, even when it’s hard for me to comprehend it. (Jeremiah 17:9, 2 Corinthians 10:5, John 16:33)

Forgiveness -  Releasing hurt and pain, apply over belly button.

Jesus, you understand what it feels like to be hurt by those you love. Help me to remember that hurting people hurt people. Help me to forgive (insert name) today, for how they hurt me when they (insert what they did). I know that I have been forgiven by You for all my sins and it is in your grace that I can forgive anyone who hurts me. Satan scheme is unforgiveness, but You Lord are in the business of restoration and bringing dead things back to life. I rebuke the lies of the enemy that I have to hold grudges against anyone on earth any choose to believe your Truth that I can choose to forgive because you forgive. (Matthew 6:14-15, 2 Corinthians 2:10-11)

Present Time - Being fully present in this moment, apply behind ears. 

Jesus, I acknowledge that there is nothing I can do to change the past and nothing I can do to make tomorrow come faster. Living in the past or projecting toward the future is when anxiety sets in, You tell me in Your word to not be anxious and Trust You. You are omnipresent, I am not. When I choose to live in the present moment, that is where I will find Your loving presence. Help me to let go of the past with grace and wait in expectation for the good plans you have for me in the future. I rebuke the lies of the enemy that tell me I’ve messed up too much or tell me that I can control what happens tomorrow, I choose to loosen my grip and fall into your loving arms, today. (Matthew 6:34, Romans 12:2)

Release - Letting go of anger, apply over liver.

Jesus, you say in your Word that we should not let the sun go down on our anger. Help me to release my anger about (insert situation you are angry about). Our goal on earth is to be more like You,  and you are slow to anger and abounding in love. I want to be more like You, God. Help me to be more like You. I rebuke the lies of the enemy that holding onto my anger will change the situation, I chose to believe the Truth that You alone will make all things new. (Psalms 103:8, Ephesians 4:26)

Inner Child - Letting go of past, Apply under nose.

Jesus, heal me from the wounds of my childhood. Help me to release the pain and trauma of things that were done to me out of my control. Whisper to little (insert your name)’s soul that he/she is beloved and wonderfully made. Restore my heart, remind me today that Your works are wonderful and that you made me for a purpose. Remind me of the great plans you have for me. I rebuke the lies of the enemy who reminds me to visit my past over and over again. I choose to believe Your Truth that I am white as snow. (Matthew 5:48, Ephesians 2:10, Psalm 139:14, Acts 2:38)

Valor - believing and receiving all the above, apply on bottom of feet. 

Jesus, you found me out in the wilderness, in an empty, windswept wasteland. You threw your arms around me and lavished attention on me. Guarding me as the apple of your eye, cherishing me above all else. Like an eagle with outstretched wings, You cover and protect me, guide me and teach me. (Deuteronomy 32: 9-10)



Oils and Pregnancy

Pregnancy, what a beautiful thing. I myself have not experienced it yet (thankful for my friend Jessie who let me use her bump pic haha), but have a lot of friends who have or who are stepping into this beautiful season I wanted to share some products that could be helpful! Because we know pregnancy is beautiful but caaaan be a bit uncomfortable from time to time and there is a lot to learn along the way.

My brain thinks in bullet points, so I broke it down into sections you’ll need help with during pregnancy + labor and added a little list of products that are helpful for that section!

Energy Levels!

•Multigreens + Super B are great supplements to help keep your energy levels up during the day. 

•Ningxia Red is great for all the things: emotions, sleep, energy, healthy gut, etc. 

•Smelling citrus oils/adding them to your water throughout the day helps your energy + mood!

Morning Sickness/Nausea 

Usually the first sign you have a human growing inside of you, huh? Nausea, what a beautiful gift . Here are some tips + tricks for nausea:

•Rub DiGize on your belly (first trimester) or diffuse peppermint. 

•If you are having some heartburn, Alkalime is an amazing supplement to help balance your PH in your gut and relieve upset stomachs and heartburn. 

•Since you will be drinking so much water, add some grapefruit, lemon or lime to add flavor!

Stretch Marks + Pain

First of all, YOU ARE GROWING A HUMAN. You’re literally a superhero. Remember that. ❤️ As the days go on and you’re growing a healthy baby boy/girl, your belly will continue to grow in all its glory. Here are some tips and tricks for stretch marks/pain you may be experiencing:

•Belly Blend— Frankincense, Lavender, Gentle Baby. Mix these three oils with some lotion or coconut oil and rub it on your belly (or wherever it is you’re growing) to prevent stretch marks!

•Peace and Calming is great if you have restless legs at night. 

•Roll Copaiba on any place you are feeling pain. It’s great for the bottom of your feet after you’ve been standing for along time or if you have some misalignment happening.

•Soak your feet, you deserve it girlfriend! Mix 1/4 C. Epsom Salt, 2 drops Copaiba + 2 drops Lavender into hot water and soak your feet for 15-30 minutes. (I bet you could convince your hubby to rub your shoulders too…) PLUS if you add MegaCal to your soak, it helps with Nausea!! Win all around.

Emotional Support + Sleep 

•Make a roller of Cedarwood and Lavender to roll on the bottom of your feet to have a good nights sleep.

•Valor, Lavender and Stress Away are emotional Powerhouses! Diffuse these or roll them on the back of your neck/wrists when you’re needing some emotional support.

•Smell citrus oils like Lemon, Grapefruit or Lime to help uplift your mood if you are feeling the blues. 

•Take a nice warm bubble bath with calming oils like Lavender and Frankincense before you crawl into bed for the night. 

•Calm CBD roller will help you sleep like a baby while you grow your baby.

Labor + Delivery 

•Labor blend: Copaiba, Fennel, Peppermint, Ylang Ylang, Clary Sage rolled on inter ankles, lower back and low abdomen to help support body and process to do what it needs to do for labor. 

•Peppermint to sniff if you are feeling nauseous. 

•Panaway roller on your lower back during labor to help ease pain. 

•Ningxia Red for an energy boost! 

•Claraderm Spray — this is soothing for skin repair after delivery.

•Booby Butter — rose ointment + claraderm spray to help tender nipples. 

Things to know/note:

•Do your own research for which products and oils you feel comfortable using while pregnant. 

•Lady S + Progessence plus are AMAZING for hormones + progesterone levels. If you have been using them, keep using them. If you are in our A Drop A Day Community on Facebook, search Progessence Plus and see all the amazing testimonies!

•Peppermint can be used topically + aromatically during pregnancy (not orally). The caution for peppermint is that it may turn your baby in the third trimester causing a breech positioning. It's very unlikely, but just don't apply directly to your belly during the third trimester and you should be good!

•Panaway has Peppermint in it—just be aware. So many people use it for pain, just don’t apply directly to you belly. Copaiba is also another great oil for inflammation/pain if you feel more comfortable using that one.

Oils + Emotions

I have experienced deep healing by using essential oils to process my grief and trauma. 

For those of you who don't know me, or haven't ventured far on my page, my older brother passed away when I was 13. More of my heart with that can be found in other post on my page, or I would love to connect with you if you have more questions.

The point of this blog is this: I have found deep healing processing my grief with using essential oils and I want you to find healing too. Essential oils can be used in so many ways. If you haven't gone through grief yet, they can help you process your emotions. Emotions can be overwhelming, I have found that using essential oils helps me navigate them with a more gentle approach.

The more I read and researched about how essential oils work with emotions, I couldn't stop. It was fascinating to me. I wanted to share what I have learned so far. 

What is emotion? Emotion is a conscious mental reaction (such as anger or fear) subjectively experienced as a strong feeling usually directed toward a specific object and typically accompanied by a physiological and behavioral changes in the body.

Emotions have a positive and negative side. What happens when we stuff negative emotions? They are held in the body at a cellular level and eventually produce physical or emotional pain.

What exactly are essential oils? An essential oil is an aromatic, volatile liquid that is within many shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes, and seeds and is extracted through steam distillation. It is the “lifeblood” of the plant, meaning when the plant is torn or scraped, it releases essential oils to repair the damages!

This explanation of how essential oils work helped it make sense to me:
Essential oil molecules are the same size or smaller than the molecules are bodies are made up of. They can penetrate our cell membranes and work within our bodies to repair damages and make the cells healthy again! Because essential Oils are made up of hundreds of constituents, each oil can have many effects on our body. Each oil has so many uses!

Young Living sets the highest standards to get these amazing essential oils into our homes. They have the Seed to Seal promise, assuring that there is nothing but goodness in these bottles. Check out more info on that here:https://www.youngliving.com/en_US/discover/seed-to-seal
Young Living products are truly pure and therapeutic, we are confident using these products in our homes, on our skin and in our bodies.

Essential oils can do amazing things. We encourage you to research, ask questions, and explore! Essential oils are fun but they are also powerful (in the best way).
I cannot stress enough the importance of using the highest quality oils on and around your body. Young Living products are a product you can trust because of quality ingredients and their seed to seal promise.

Essential oils are anywhere from 100 to 10,000 times more concentrated than the solid form of the plant and can cross the blood-brain barrier and stimulate the limbic system. When the limbic system is engaged in this way it can release negative emotional patterns and allows for reprogramming positive messages and associations.

Whenever these memories and feelings arise that are either positive or negative, they are stored in the Limbic System of the brain. Two parts of the Limbic System that play a major role in this are the Amygdala and the Hippocampus. Both the Amygdala and Hippocampus are located less than and inch from the olfactory (sense of smell).

Essential oils have something called sesquiterpenes that help to increase the oxygen in the limbic system which will “unlock” the DNA and allows emotional baggage ro be released from cellular memory.

Whenever I smell fresh baked bread I go directly back to my Grandparents house watching my Grandma knead dough and take the fresh loaves out of the oven. What is a scent that takes you back to a certain time in your life?

The sense of smell is the only one of the five sense that is directly linked to the limbic lobe of the brain (the emotional control center). Anxiety, depression, anger and joy all emanate from this region. 
The Limbic System is our “Emotional Brain”, this controls stress, memory, mood, etc. The Limbic System also works with our endocrine system (helps with hormone regulation) and our autonomic nervous system (our “fight or flight” response), as well as gastrointestinal function, heart rate, body temperature and sexual arousal.

So, every time you are feeling an emotion, your whole body is effected. Isn’t that crazy?!

The Amygdala is only affected by scent. In the amygdala emotions and memories of life are stored. Since essential oils have the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and stimulate the amygdala, buried feelings such as past trauma, emotional upset and unhappy memories can be released and brought to the surface of awareness. When these things are realized, this emotional pattern will dim or may even completely disappear. FREEDOM.

Smelling a certain scent can change your brain pattern. When you smell scent and feel happy, you’re not just making that up! Scent directly affects your brain.

Once you smell something, the hippocampus is engaged. Once the hippocampus is engaged, it sends strong emotional signals that travel all throughout the body. Spreading into the digestive system, heart, penetrating at the cellular level and “unlocking” the DNA and allowing the emotional baggage to be released from cellular memory.

Let’s set those emotions free so we can be free, amen!?

Some (of many) oils that are good for emotions:


Frankincense is known as the “holy anointing oil” and is well known in biblical history for anointing and for it’s healing powers. 
Frankincense has compounds that have been studied extensively and aid in the rewiring of DNA.
This oil is deeply relaxing. Diffuse it during yoga, smell it when you’re feeling stressed, hold it next to you as you take a few deep breaths.

Common uses: anxiety, depression, fear, grief, peace, stress


Lemon can help improve memory. This one is definitely a mood booster! This oil is invigorating, enhancing and warming. 

Diffuse it in the morning, add it to your daily water, open the bottle when you feel sad.

Common uses: sadness, regret, concentration, depression, fatigue


Peppermint as been studied for its ability to directly affect the brain’s satiety center (the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus), which triggers a sensation of fullness after meals. This one is a great one to grab if you are an emotional eater (hello, chocolate) and see if your emotions are in check before you eat the whole Hershey bar.

Peppermint is great for those days where you can't wake up, but you need to wake up (physically and emotionally). One sniff of this baby and you're on your way (out the door or to digging a little deeper into what your emotion is telling you).

Common uses: fatigue, memory/concentration, stress headaches


Lavender is calming, relaxing and balancing. Lavender has been proven to help concentration and focus. 
The University of Miami researchers found that inhalation of lavender oil increased beta waves in the brain, suggesting heightened relaxation. It also reduced depression and improved cognitive performance (Diego MA, et al. 1998).

Common uses: abandonment, fear, anxiety, irritability, stress, grief


We Are Starting to Pay Attention

When I bought my Premium Starter Kit from Young Living I had no idea how much those little bottles were going to change our life.
I started to realize how much better I felt. 
I started to realize how much gunk we were putting in our bodies.
How reaching for my Panaway instead of ibuprofen helped me.
How reaching for my DiGize instead of Tums helped me.
How these little bottles helped me feel better AND I knew what was in them. 
It was a perspective shift.
Now we think twice with product we bring into our home and into our bodies. We think about how it will effect us.
It's not an all at once thing, it's a one step at a time thing.
I looked at the ingredients in my face wash, googled them, and switched.
I looked at the ingredients in our toothpaste, googled it, and switched.
I looked at the ingredients in our laundry detergent, googled it, and switched. 
I looked at the ingredients in my makeup, googled it, and switched.
I looked at more natural ways to help with my hormones, with my mood, with my allergies...
You get the picture. 
I say that these products can change your life because I know that these products have changed my life.

God knows what he's doing, down to the last drop. Essential Oils aren't a new thing, we're just starting to pay attention.