Oils + Prayer

Using essential oils for processing my emotions, grief and trauma was a blessing I had no idea was coming my way. Learning more about how oils work with emotions was one of those rabbit holes I went down and never came back out. There is so much to learn about it and so much freedom to be found!

Did you know our emotions are stored at in cellular memory and resides in certain regions + organs in our body? That’s why they say the body remembers, because it is remembering all the things you have gone through at a cellular level! Using oils aromatically and apply them to certain areas of the body will help your body release things that you are holding onto that were never meant for you to carry. 

Using oils + prayer has brought an abundance of emotional healing in my life. I put together this Daily + Prayer and Oils map for you, I pray it blesses you too. 

Xo, JamieLee Joy

Valor - Bravery and Strength, apply on bottom of feet.

Jesus, you are my solid foundation for which I stand on. Everything else in this world is sinking sand, fleeting, a vapor. Holy Spirit I know you are with me every moment today, help me to depend on You and be every aware of your loving presence. I rebuke the lies of the enemy who whispers that I am weak and can do this on my own. Lord, I trust You and believe you and believe you when you say you are my strength. (Ps. 18:2, Isaiah 41:10)

Harmony - Balance all emotions, apply over the heart. 

Jesus, you tell me in your Word that the heart is deceptive and that I need to take every thought captive. Help me to rely on your Spirit and not my flesh. Help me to listen to what You have to say about me, not what the world is screaming at me to be. Sometimes my emotions can overtake me because this world is heavy, but You God have overcome the world, my hope is in You alone. I rebuke the lies of the enemy that my emotions are what is true, Your Word is truth Lord. I choose to believe You and what you say today, even when it’s hard for me to comprehend it. (Jeremiah 17:9, 2 Corinthians 10:5, John 16:33)

Forgiveness -  Releasing hurt and pain, apply over belly button.

Jesus, you understand what it feels like to be hurt by those you love. Help me to remember that hurting people hurt people. Help me to forgive (insert name) today, for how they hurt me when they (insert what they did). I know that I have been forgiven by You for all my sins and it is in your grace that I can forgive anyone who hurts me. Satan scheme is unforgiveness, but You Lord are in the business of restoration and bringing dead things back to life. I rebuke the lies of the enemy that I have to hold grudges against anyone on earth any choose to believe your Truth that I can choose to forgive because you forgive. (Matthew 6:14-15, 2 Corinthians 2:10-11)

Present Time - Being fully present in this moment, apply behind ears. 

Jesus, I acknowledge that there is nothing I can do to change the past and nothing I can do to make tomorrow come faster. Living in the past or projecting toward the future is when anxiety sets in, You tell me in Your word to not be anxious and Trust You. You are omnipresent, I am not. When I choose to live in the present moment, that is where I will find Your loving presence. Help me to let go of the past with grace and wait in expectation for the good plans you have for me in the future. I rebuke the lies of the enemy that tell me I’ve messed up too much or tell me that I can control what happens tomorrow, I choose to loosen my grip and fall into your loving arms, today. (Matthew 6:34, Romans 12:2)

Release - Letting go of anger, apply over liver.

Jesus, you say in your Word that we should not let the sun go down on our anger. Help me to release my anger about (insert situation you are angry about). Our goal on earth is to be more like You,  and you are slow to anger and abounding in love. I want to be more like You, God. Help me to be more like You. I rebuke the lies of the enemy that holding onto my anger will change the situation, I chose to believe the Truth that You alone will make all things new. (Psalms 103:8, Ephesians 4:26)

Inner Child - Letting go of past, Apply under nose.

Jesus, heal me from the wounds of my childhood. Help me to release the pain and trauma of things that were done to me out of my control. Whisper to little (insert your name)’s soul that he/she is beloved and wonderfully made. Restore my heart, remind me today that Your works are wonderful and that you made me for a purpose. Remind me of the great plans you have for me. I rebuke the lies of the enemy who reminds me to visit my past over and over again. I choose to believe Your Truth that I am white as snow. (Matthew 5:48, Ephesians 2:10, Psalm 139:14, Acts 2:38)

Valor - believing and receiving all the above, apply on bottom of feet. 

Jesus, you found me out in the wilderness, in an empty, windswept wasteland. You threw your arms around me and lavished attention on me. Guarding me as the apple of your eye, cherishing me above all else. Like an eagle with outstretched wings, You cover and protect me, guide me and teach me. (Deuteronomy 32: 9-10)

