Not Your Regular New Years Goals

I hate endings. I always have.

I cry when a good book ends.

I hate sending my people off on a plane.

I throw a pity party when I pick my last garden crop.

I'll keep asking questions and hold on a little tighter to a good conversation.

When a delicious meal ends, I'll contemplate having more...even if I'm full to the brim.

New Years Eve is always bittersweet to me. When the clock changes from 11:59 pm to 12:00 am, I can't help but feel that I missed out on something. I want to scream, "Wait! There is still so much more that I could have given. So many more friendships I could have nurtured. So many more places I could have experienced. More recipes I could have tried. I want more time with my people."

2021 was a year of trial. This year, when the clock turned to midnight....I felt like a part of me will always be in 2021, a part of me died with the deaths I experienced. I felt like I could live in that minute forever, in the space between 2021 and 2022. Sad for what could have been and didn't ever come, scared to hope for what 2022 could bring.

This part about me used to be something I would judge about myself. Pull yourself together, should have appreciated the moments more when they were here.

But now, instead of judging my hate of endings...I look deeper. Should I get frustrated with myself that I enjoy the moments that were given to me? Moment so sweet, that all I want to do is to relieve it...soak it all in. If I only had more time.

I love getting lost in someone else's story, hearing their heart and viewing the world through their eyes.

I love spending days on end with my people, mornings in our jammies, sipping coffee and talking about all things of life.

I love sunny days spent in the garden, watching miracles grow right before my eyes and slowing down enough to hear God speak to me.

I love sitting across the table and hearing the reasons behind people's heartache. Hearing the dreams they have for their lives. Hearing what they're learning through the mundane days.

I love siting around the table with people, eating good food and laughing until our bellies hurt.

And as it is my nature, it's hard to end this post. This isn't the classic "new-year-set goals-inspirational post", no. It's for the gal who is also sad to see something end, in all it's beauty and pain. It's for the gal who's sitting in that in between....sitting in the moments of today daydreaming about yesterday and hoping for tomorrow.


September Gifts with Purchase

When you make an order with Young Living, they give you free gifts with qualifying purchases! Every month they announce new products that will be given with purchases made in that month, here are the month of September!

You’ll notice some of the products are for those on Subscribe to Save (S2S) specifically. S2S is an option to put products on an auto ship program. You can subscribe to products every month, every other month and every 3rd month. The coolest part, when you place things on your S2S and spend at least $50 a month, you’ll get money back to use on future purchases (and get more free things)!

Heres a breakdown of the freebies for September.

100 PV — Free Shipping, and free shipping on all orders over $100!

190 PV —Lemon Vitality, Citrus Fresh Vitality, DiGize Vitality, Orange Vitality*, Copaiba Vitality*

250 PV — Lavender Lemonade Vitality Drops, EndoFlex Vitality, Longevity Vitality, Lemon Vitality, Citrus Fresh Vitality, DiGize Vitality, Orange Vitality*, Copaiba Vitality*

300 PV — Life 9, Grapefruit Bergamot Vitality Drops, Lavender Lemonade Vitality Drops, EndoFlex Vitality, Longevity Vitality, Lemon Vitality, Citrus Fresh Vitality, DiGize Vitality, Orange Vitality*, Copaiba Vitality*

Lemon Vitality 5-ml

Lemon Vitality is bright and fresh and sunshine in a bottle. Adding a drop or two to your morning NingXia not only tastes great, it also helps cut through brain fog, supports your immune system, and will have you upbeat and ready for the day.

Citrus Fresh Vitality 5-ml

Citrus Fresh Vitality is Lemon and other citrus oils with a bit of Spearmint that all come together for a bright, citrusy melody in your drinks, recipes, and helps turn that frown upside down. Supporting general wellness and packing in all the benefits of the citrus oils, a few drops of Citrus Fresh Vitality in a capsule every day is a welcome part of a daily wellness regimen.

DiGize Vitality 5-ml

To go along with the Life 9 to prepare your digestive system for the shock of going from light summery dishes to richer fall dishes, DiGize Vitality is also good in a pinch when you need some relief. Make a warm tea with it or add a few drops to a veggie capsule and take it with some water to help with digestive discomfort.

Orange Vitality 5-ml// (Bonus Subscribe to Save 190 PV tier)

Ease into fall with the sweet taste of citrus but the calming vibes of fall. Orange Vitality helps support your immune system and is a great addition to all kinds of dishes, smoothies, deserts, and more! Remember, this is the same oil that's in regular Orange, which you'll find is a staple in a lot of fall diffuser blends.

Copaiba Vitality 5-ml // (Bonus Subscribe to Save 190 PV tier)

Copaiba Vitality has one of the most unique flavors of all of the Vitality oils. A bit of spice and somewhat richer, this is a great one to add to your meats and savory dishes. Help your body as it recovers from a workout by adding 3-4 drops to a veggie capsule and drinking plenty of water - with some of those Vitality Drops for a little extra hydration!

Lavender Lemonade Vitality Drops // (250 PV)

A mixture of refreshment and calming, Lavender Lemonade Vitality Drops also keep you hydrated and help your body recover after an active day or workout. I have a feeling once you try both individual flavors you'll be stocking up on the 3-packs YL has of them both!

EndoFlex Vitality 5-ml

Whole body health. That's the goal with all of Young Living's supplements and oils, and EndoFlex Vitality is a key ingredient to that lifestyle. Spearmint, Nutmeg, and more make up this blend that is perfect for adding a few drops daily to a capsule and putting it down the hatch. Amazing for adrenal support (aka more energy)!!

Longevity Vitality 5-ml

The purpose is in the name. Supporting multiple systems in our body, Longevity Vitality is particularly good for healthy looking skin! Take this daily and use the CBD Beauty Boost and you will see smoother, healthier-looking skin, which is very important as seasons change. Less having our skin dry out, more looking flawless and feeling great.

Grapefruit Bergamot Vitality Drops

To keep up with staying active as we head into fall, YL's Vitality Drops have electrolytes and Vitality oils to help flavor your water, keep your body hydrated, and make it easier to recover and keep going. This bottle of Grapefruit Bergamot has a bright, crisp taste that will remind you of summer and brighten your mood.

Life 9

The BEST probiotic on the market!! 17 billion live cultures from nine beneficial bacteria strains in Life 9 help support gut health, while also being good for healthy immune function and metabolism. So as we say goodbye to summery dishes and prepare for the richer foods of fall and winter, Life 9 will have our digestive system prepared and in tip top shape.

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Easy Iced Matcha

One of my all time favorite drinks is an Iced Matcha!

Now, don’t get my wrong…the first time I had one I thought I was drinking grass… haha But now I’ve learned how to make it the way I like it, and I think you’ll like it too!

I started drinking more matcha now that i’m trying to watch my caffeine intake TTC. Yes, there is caffeine in green tea but not near as much as that 3pm latte! Plus, green tea is good for you for so many reason.

Why drink green tea?

  • helps reduce inflammation

  • rich in antioxidants

  • helps brain function

  • improves energy

….just to name a few. PLUS, it’s delicious! #winwin

Here’s my simple recipe of an Iced Matcha:


  • 1 tsp. matcha powder

  • 8 oz. milk of choice

  • sweeten to taste


  1. Fill glass with ice

  2. Pour milk of choice 3/4 of the way

  3. In a small dish, place 1 tsp. matcha powder and sweetener of choice (I had some homemade simple syrup I used, I also love honey or pure maple syrup)

  4. In the small dish, pour 1-2 T. boiling hot water

  5. Whisk together until there are no clumps

  6. Pour match + sweeter mixture over milk in glass

Below I put my fave oat milk! It’s the cleanest I’ve found. I’m actually not sure of the matcha brand I use, I go to my local health food store and have them fill up this jar in the bulk section! Making your own simple syrup is super….simple. haha Boil equal cups water to equal cups sugar — store in fridge for 2-3 weeks.

If you’re local to me, I go to Terry’s for my matcha.


June Gifts

When you make an order with Young Living, they give you free gifts with qualifying purchases! Every month they announce new products that will be given with purchases made in that month, here are Junes!

You’ll notice Eucalyptus says you’ll receive that if you are on Essential Rewards(ER). ER is an auto-ship program where you’ll get all your non-toxic goodies delivered right to your door every month! You can get your sunscreen, bug spray, toothpaste, and more, all through YL! Plus, you’ll earn money back with each ER purchase to spend on future orders! #winning

Summer, summer, summertime! Fruity drinks, the breeze off the lake, summer nights outside, gardening... It's coming!! June's gift with purchase oils are the perfect companions as we head into summer. Let's dive right in!

Here is the full breakdown of the US June 2021 Gift With Purchase:

100 PV - Free Shipping

190 PV - Citronella 15-ml , Eucalyptus Globulus 15-ml*, Free shipping

250 PV - Aroma Siez 15-ml, Citronella 15-ml, Eucalyptus Globulus 15-ml*, Free shipping

300 PV - Peace & Calming 15-ml, Aroma Siez 15-ml, Citronella 15-ml, Eucalyptus Globulus 15-ml*, Free shipping

*Remember, in order to get the Essential Rewards Exclusive Eucalyptus Globulus 15-ml, you have to be enrolled in Essential Rewards (ER) and have an order that meets the PV requirements for that item. The extra bonus of meeting all these PV amounts with your ER order is that you get even more ER points to spend later!

The Deets —

Peace & Calming 15-ml (300 PV tier)

Peace and Calming has been a life line for me in this season. It instantly helps me calm my anxious thoughts. I smell it straight from the bottle multiple times a day. Put it on the bottom of my feet every night.

• Fill your diffuser with 5-7 drops and enjoy!

Aroma Siez 15-ml (250 PV tier)

Hikes. Swimming all day. Sand volleyball. Having bad joint. This blend is amazing for sore muscles and tired bodies!

• Enjoy some post-adventure aromatherapy. Combine a few drops of Aroma Siez with V-6 to boost a post-hike massage. Massage therapy + aromatherapy = relaxation time!

Citronella 15-ml (190 PV tier)

A MUST have to keep the bugs away!! We all know the wonders of Citronella, so getting a big bottle for summer never hurts. DIY outdoor sprays, crisp, refreshing diffuser blends. You'll get your money's worth out of this bottle all summer long. Diffuse it with citrus oils for a bright, fresh scent in your home!

• Dive into summertime adventure! Make a DIY outdoor spray blend of Citronella with oils like Rosemary, Tea Tree, Myrtle, Clove, or Lemongrass and spritz it at sporting events or while camping.

• Combine Citronella with sunscreen for a light, bright aroma that will make you even more ready to embrace the warm sunshine!

•For the simplest and most effective application, just add a spray top to your EO bottle

Eucalyptus Globulus 15-ml (Bonus Essential Rewards 190 PV tier)

Speaking of freshness, Eucalyptus Globulus can help brighten a day in your diffuser or how you use it around the house. Plus, if you need a comforting chest rub to help you relax and rejuvenate, a few drops with a carrier oil and you'll be taking deep breaths and feeling renewed.

• Freshen up your space. For a sunshine scent in the kitchen or bathroom, place a few drops on a cotton ball and put it in the bottom of the trash can before replacing the liner.

Free Shipping (100 PV tier)

Get easy, peasy, summer-breezy savings. Reach our 100 PV tier and we’ll ship your order for free, yup, even the Ningxia!

Luteal Phase Green Smoothie Bowl


I’m a bit of an abstract artist when it comes to being in my kitchen, especially when I’m making smoothies. But I took time to slow down and create this recipe for you this morning because I want you to experience the deliciousness and all the benefits that come along with it!

A few notes on WHY these ingredients:

+ Sesame Seeds — sesame seeds are high in zinc, which helps boost progesterone

+ Sunflower Seeds — high in vitamin E and selenium, which helps boost progesterone and remove excess estrogen

+ Maca Powder — is an adaptogen, helps with stress, fatigue and helps boost energy and digestion

+ Cinnamon — is warming to your body and helps with digestion

+Matcha Powder — super good for the immune system and a liiiiitle caffeine kick (whoop)

Honestly, I used to think buying organic wasn’t that big of a deal. But the more I researched the more I realized, it is a BIG deal. All those pesticides will harm your body when you’re trying to do it good by eating right. Buy organic whenever you can.

Also want to note that what’s different about Traditional Chinese Medicine smoothies is we are not using frozen or super cold foods. This often what makes us feel bloated and slows down digestion. I alwaaaays used to feel bloated after smoothies until I learned this trick! It’s less of a shock to your system and helps when you add warming foods (ginger, cinnamon, etc.)

Save this recipe for later and add some of these ingredients to your shopping list to have in your pantry! You’re body (and everyone around you…#pms ) will be thankful!


+ Handful of fresh organic greens

+ 2 T. Sunflower Butter

+ 1 T. Sesame Seeds

+ 1/2 t. Matcha Powder

+ 1/2 t. Maca Powder

+ 1 Banana

+ 1 Avocado

+ 4 oz. Milk of Choice

+ Cinnamon sprinkles on top

Place all ingredients in blender in the ascending order above. Blend on high until smooth. Poor in bowl and top with your favorite toppings!

Some of my fave toppings: fresh fruit, nuts, sunflower or almond butter, coconut, granola, etc! Let your creative flag fly, sis!

Making smoothie bowls never gets old for me. LOOK HOW BEAUTIFUL. Plus it tastes amazing, like dessert, nom nom nom. What a great start to your day to feel amazing and stare at something beautiful.


April Gifts

Woooooooof, friends. I am more than ready for the change of season, how about you? Spring always refreshes my soul. Winter is a really hard season for me, when the sun starts sticking around more and I can start feeling the warmth on my skin….I literally feel myself coming back to life. Are you that way? I am a sunshine girl through and through!

It’s a reminder that everything in life has a season and the hope that comes with the change. The harshness of winter has passed into a beautiful array of colors, smells, textures….the world changes from white and grey to bright and beautiful.

(Deep breath)

The gifts with YL this month will help you freshen up your home and your emotions as we enter into this new season. I put some yummy diffuser blends at the bottom of this page I’ve been jammin’ to as we welcome Spring in, enjoy!

If you’re new around here, let’s break down what Essential Rewards is.

Essential Rewards is an optional monthly subscription box with Young Living. You can change the products every month, choose the date, and cancel whenever you’d like. WHAT’S COOL IS when you sign up for Essential Rewards your get points back (basically money to use on products) and when you hit certain PV marks (PV basically equals dollar amount) you get FREE products!! We have been on ER for over 4 years now and are earning 25% back on all of our orders!! (WHUT. YES.)

It’s not spending more money every month, it’s transferring WHERE you spend your money. We get toothpaste, mouthwash, supplements, laundry soap, dish soap, makeup, shampoo, conditioner, oils, cleaner, etc. All from Young Living. I love Target but Target doesn’t love me back like that… PLUS I know they are CLEAN and feel good about using them on my home and on my body! (Winner winner chicken dinner).

Every PV Tier you’ll get a little something something. Here are the gifts for orders placed in April!

100PV // Free Shipping (YAS PLEASE!!!) To get free shipping with 100pv+ orders, you must select the “Economy Shipping” option from the shipping drop down box during checkout!!!

190PV // TANGERINE 15ml + PEPPERMINT 15ml + Citrus Fresh 5ml + FREE SHIPPING

Tangerine — This is a happy oil - but it is also KEY in nearly all the blends and supplements YL makes for healthy digestion! It’s also amazing for pregnant mamas with morning sickness. Inhale as often as needed! Also a Vitality, this is delish in Ningxia over ice, and add a Zyng if you need some extra energy + fizz!

Peppermint — Warmer weather is coming and so are the creepy crawlies. Drop peppermint along windows and doorways to repel them! This is also a key oil for enjoying the outdoors when there is pollen everywhere! Add 20 drops each peppermint, lemon, and lavender to a 10ml roller and top with carrier oil - roll behind ears each morning and as needed!

Citrus Fresh —So fresh and clean! This blend is a combination of grapefruit, orange, tangerine, lemon, mandarin, and spearmint (I loooove that it has spearmint!!). I love adding it to my dryer balls (or add a few drops to a Seedlings Wipe for a dryer sheet!) to freshen laundry. This also comes in a vitality oil. Here is a recipe for the Head, Body, + Gut drink: Add to a glass with ice a full eye dropper of Mineral Essence, a splash of Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar (has to have the Mother), a shot of MindWise, 4 drops of Citrus Fresh Vitality, then fill the glass 3/4 full with Ningxia, top it off with water. Stir it up and drink! Citrus Fresh can also help stimulate the right brain to amplify creativity and well being. Emotionally, spearmint helps one release emotional blocks! And it compliments all the citruses beautifully.


Jade Lemon — Jade Lemon is so so uplifting and refreshing when diffused! It's relaxing when you have a house full of guests, and helps keep everyone happy and well. Crayon or sticker in a place it shouldn't be? A drop of Jade Lemon to the rescue!

Grapefruit — One of the best ways to start your morning! Grapefruit is also a Vitality oil, and this capsule blend is amazing for waking up our metabolism! Add 3 drops each of Lemon, Peppermint, Grapefruit, plus add 2 drops of Frankincense to a capsule for an all over healthy boost - top with a little olive oil and down the hatch it goes! Put a few drops Grapefruit and Northern Lights Black Spruce in the diffuser for a calming and mood-lifting day.


Bergamot — This citrus aroma is gorgeous. Known for being mood lifting and relieving stress, this is the perfect single to add to your diffuser this fall. A couple of my favorite combos to diffuse Bergamot with: Bergamot, Jade Lemon and Northern Lights Black Spruce. Bergamot, Frankincense and Patchouli. Did you know that Bergamot is responsible for the distinctive flavor of Earl Grey tea? Yep! As a vitality oil this is a good one to add to your teas (or wine) for some added flavor. Check out one of my fave tea recipes here.

Thieves — This oil blend is one of the most POPULAR from Young Living because it works so well. Immune system power house! Thieves ALL the things! Want to know the trick to our wellness? Thieves, people. Diffuse daily. Put on bottoms of the feet! You can even make some Thieves tea (it’s a vitality oil as well) with honey and lemon!! It's great for oral health too! It’s the HEALTHY KEEPER! And there’s a whole line of cleaning and personal care products that use Thieves oil blend. It’s amazing for cleaning - you can add a few drops to a bottle with a capful of Thieves Household Cleaner to power boost the cleaning power. Or use a few drops of Thieves + Lemon with baking soda to clean tubs and tile… it’s so good!


Is That Enough for Me?

In the suffering you’re faced with the question — if God is all that I have, is that enough for me?

He is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. (Psalm 34:18)

His promise to you when you are suffering is He is close.

Is that enough?

God, the creator of Heavens and Earth, thought so. It was enough for Him to choose to go to the cross so He could be close with us forever.

Isn’t that really what our heart is longing for? To be close with those that we love. It’s what grief is all about….the absence of the physical presence of the one you love.

God is love, and love transcends all time and space and understanding.

The same love is living inside of us.

Isn’t that amazingly beautiful?

I think that thought can get easily blocked when we are in the middle of our pain because in our human mind pain means there’s not love.

Which is why we often FEEL God is absent in our pain.

But in His Word he tells us He is close.

Do you think He put it that way because He knew how easily we’d forget that? That He knew how much we’d blame Him for our pain? That He wishes so badly He could explain it all to us but He knows that it won’t make sense to our human mind? So He promises this…..I am close to you. I am right here.

It’s like the child who runs to their room to throw a tantrum after they didn’t get their way….what they really need is for their mommy or daddy to come in, step into their pain and be with them. Hold them. Remind them that everything is going to be alright. Because they see the bigger picture. They hold more wisdom. They have experienced more pain which has resulted in deeper love.

Do you believe that God wants to do the same for you? Do you believe that He loves you so deeply and wishes so badly that you didn’t have to feel any pain?

In the middle of my suffering anger is often one of my first reactions. But what I’m learning about anger is it is most often covering up fear. When I’m scared and alone in an unknown place, I am less afraid when I am holding the hand of someone I love and trust, how about you?


And Then We Weren't....

In December, we found out we were pregnant.

In January, we had a miscarriage.

It felt like whiplash. One moment we were talking about names and how we wanted to decorate their room and the next moment, we were bawling on the floor knowing there was nothing we could do to change it.

We told a few close people we were pregnant. We knew we were “breaking the rules” and announcing earlier than you should. But we were so excited! I kept saying, “Because even if something were to happen….God forbid, I would want you to know about it.”

I didn’t want to think it actually would.

I woke up one morning with really bad cramps, waited to get into the doctor, cried on DJ’s shoulder, texted my best friend…but I knew in my heart what was happening. I knew this wasn’t normal. I knew we had lost the baby.

I tried to take a shower and I couldn’t even stand…not because I was in so much physical pain (which I was) but because I was in deep emotional pain. I fell to my knees….tears and wails of mourning came flooding out of me. All I could do was hold my belly and keep repeating, “I love you so much, baby. We wanted you so badly. I wish more than anything I could make this stop. I love you, I love you, I love you.”

I don’t want to share this to get pitty from people. The last few months we have processed + mourned with our trusted people. If this is something you are going through and have gone through, I urge you to do the same. It’s not something you are supposed to go through alone.

I wanted to share this because #miscarriage need more awareness. It happens way, way, way more than you’d think. Your friend. Your family member. Your neighbor.

6 in 10 women experience this.

1 in 4 pregnancy’s end this way.

That’s a lot of hurting moms and dads.

It is an experience where you look death in the eye, and as women, we physically feel death in our bodies. It’s horrible. It’s not the way it’s supposed to be.

We love you, little babe we never got to hold this side of Heaven. We can’t wait to see your face one day.


I’m always here to talk. To cry with. For a hug. You don’t have to go through it alone.


BIG News!!!

Friends, we did it!!! Remember how I shared last week that I was inches away from a goal I’ve been running after for the past year? We reached it! Not only reached it, but surpassed it!

THANK YOU to everyone who has trusted me with getting started with their YL discount. Thank you for giving me the honor of teaching you and sharing life with you. This business is one of my all time favorite things —because of YOU. I love the products, I love the passion, but mostly I love the PEOPLE I get to serve, love on, teach. I’m honored to lead a team of women running the race with me making this their full time gig, while we watch these oils + products change the lives of people we love. What happens when you get a bunch of women together who run after the dreams in their heart? ANYTHING can happen with those type of women!

Humbled. Honored. Bawling.

The past few days I have just been basking in the victory. Dancing in my kitchen. Going to dinner to celebrate! What I love is this is just the beginning. I’ve got a team full of rockstar women who want this, too. They want to stay home with their babes and not miss a moment. They want to be able to travel without worrying about vacation days. They want to be able to go to the grocery store and purchase nutritious meals for their family without worrying if their account is going to bounce. I know the reality, sis. I know what it’s like to lack and to have plenty.

And I want you to know, you are always, alway welcome here.

For those of you who are like… “Eh, what’s Silver mean?” Basically, it’s big promotion. To put it into perspective, I am now making more than I did owning the coffee shop (and always having 1-2 other side jobs). I don’t say this to brag, I say this to #keepitreal and to literally show you that YOU CAN DO THIS TOO. You can, really! Check out the full income disclosure here.

What dream is it you have stirring in your heart? Start chasing after it! Get on your knees and pray about it. Put your head down, do the hard work. Find your people to rally around you. I believe in you, sis! I’m here to cheer you on!



PS — if you’re interested in looking at the enrolling side of oils (aka making monaaaay) let me know and I’ll get you added to our business group on Facebook where we talk and teach more about it!


*Limited Time* Starter Bundle!

Already have your YL Discount:

This adorable Haven Diffuser was introduced in the Holiday Catalog and I had to order it asap. I am SO excited that YL decided to keep it permanently! It’s right by my bed and runs soooo quietly. There are a few light settings that also make it the perfect night light. It’s little but mighty with great output!

If you already have your YL discount you can order this little cutie and it comes with two oils — Citrus Fresh and Peppermint. It is available to add to your monthly order or by doing a shop order! Heres the details: Item: # 32939 / Wh. $47.50 / PV 19

To get your YL discount:

If you don’t have your YL discount yet, you can get started with the Haven Bundle!

This bundle includes:

  • Haven Diffuser

  • Lemon essential oil, 15 ml

  • Lavender essential oil, 15 ml

  • Peppermint essential oil, 15 ml

  • Peace & Calming essential oil blend, 5 ml

  • 15 ml glass dropper bottle (qty 2)

Wholesale price: $135

This bundle is limited time and only available until March 31st!

To get started go here!

Haven Starter Bundle FB.jpg

March Promos

If you’re new around here, let’s break down what Essential Rewards is!

Essential Rewards is an optional monthly wellness box shipped to your door with your awesome Young Living Discount. You can change the products every month, choose the date, and cancel whenever you’d like. WHAT’S COOL IS when you sign up for Essential Rewards your get points back (basically money to use on products) and when you hit certain PV marks (PV basically equals dollar amount) you get FREE products!! We have been on ER for over 4 years now and are earning 25% back on all of our orders!! (WHUT. YES.)

It’s not spending more money every month, it’s transferring WHERE you spend your money. We get toothpaste, mouthwash, supplements, laundry soap, dish soap, makeup, shampoo, conditioner, oils, cleaner, etc. All from Young Living. I love Target but Target doesn’t love me back like that… PLUS I know they are CLEAN and feel good about using them on my home and on my body! (Winner winner chicken dinner).

Every PV Tier you’ll get a little something something. Here are the promos for the month of March!

100 PV // Free Shipping

190 PV // Lavender, + Copaiba + Clary Sage + Free Shipping

250 PV // Rutavala + Lavender, + Copaiba + Clary Sage + Free Shipping

300 PV // Idaho Grand Fir + Blue Cypress + Rutavala + Lavender, + Copaiba + Clary Sage + Free Shipping

400 PV // Amethyst filled roller + Idaho Grand Fir + Blue Cypress + Rutavala + Lavender, + Copaiba + Clary Sage + Free Shipping

The deeeeeets:

190PV // LAVENDER, 15ml + COPAIBA, 5ml + CLARY SAGE, 5ml*

+ Lavender:

Did you know that Lavender is an Adaptogen? Yup, that's right. It helps your body adapt to its surroundings by increasing the body's ability to fight off stress and promoting physiological function. I love to add a few drops (also a vitality oil) in a capsule at night with copaiba vitality & frankincense vitality - helps turn off my brain and gives me the best sleep. Lavender is often referred to as the Swiss Army Knife of Essential Oils - used for everything. Great for your skin, refreshing, calming, and gentle for the babies and kids! So wonderful on skin too after a long day out in the sun.

+ Copaiba:

Tooth or gum feeling sore? This is your BFF. This is a must have for teething babies too! This oil (also a vitality oil) supports intestinal and gut health! (Suffer from tummy troubles? You need this!) It helps the body as it flushes toxins!!! And fluids!! If you have a baby/are pregnant - EVERY single one of you mamas who births NEEDS to use this everyday. Helps keep the baby blues away, helps flush fluids, and helps support the body's recovery after birth. This is one of the key ingredients in Stress Away, so when you are feeling stressed, grab this oil, and apply it generously. It smells woodsy and dreamy.

+ Clary Sage

This purple flowering plant is hard to mistake, and it’s oil is amazing for a variety of things. However, we especially love it for female hormones as well as supporting fertility! Clary sage essential oil is one of nature’s natural ways of boosting and balancing estrogen in your body. How cool is that?! It’s especially useful for support during menstrual discomfort, PMS, and for helping with symptoms of irregularity. The smell of Clary Sage is both invigorating while also calming and is known to relieve stress. This is best used in the first 14 days of your cycle and can be taken in a capsule 2-8 times a day (Yup, basically however much you need it). It’s all about finding what works best for your body! Apply over abdomen in the mornings, diffuser with lavender at night, and/or take epsom salt baths with it during your monthly cycle.

250PV // RUTAVALA, 5ml

So incredibly relaxing!!! Ruta, VALERIAN, and Lavender in a super awesome blend! Keep it in your bag when you need to chill. Swipe it on the bottom of your feet or on your spine when you’re getting ready for bed. Basically this is THE sleep oil of alllll the sleepy oils.


+ Blue Cypress:

Oh this oil is a TREAT! Like regular Cypress, it is calming and grounding. It does wonders for the skin - another oil to add to your moisturizer… and let’s be honest. It is found in blends such as Brain Power, Breathe-Again Roll on, Highest Potential and Oola Grow - pretty diverse oil, right?!! Dabbing this neat on those pesky, tingly spots on the lip is really helpful too!

+ Idaho Grand Fir:

Formerly known as Balsam Fir. It is also realllllly supportive for respiratory support! This is def one I'd add to the suppository situation lol (fastest way to the lungs ya know) Got sore hands and joints? Meet your new BFF! Also a good spot for this? Diluted over the urinary tract area! Transform your daily mindfulness practice with this grounding, cleansing aroma. Grand fir trees are native to the Pacific Northwest, and American Indians have used them for centuries to promote a sense of well-being and the sensation of deeper breathing. Apply a few drops to your hands and spend 30 seconds taking slow, deep breaths or add a few drops to your diffuser when you begin your daily meditation, reflection, or prayer.


How beautiful is this amethyst filled roller?! Amethyst is a crystal to have around for protection, creativity, and passion!


Chili Lime Pepitas

I’m trying to get better about snacking throughout the day. My mom always used to talk about how she would “forget to eat”. I thought she was crazy….I was ALWAYS hungry, I never forgot to eat. But….here I am. It’ll be 3 pm and i’ll think “Crap, I forgot to eat!” Anyone else that way? Somedays there is so much going on in my brain and I get so laser-focused when I am working on a project and I seriously forget to eat. ha! They do say you become like your parents more and more as you age…

So, along this journey of trying to not forget to eat….I’m trying to have healthy snacks sitting around so I can grab for them in my busy moments (instead of the cookie or the piece of chocolate bar in the fridge….#whoops) If it’s there, I’ll eat it! So I try and make it healthy.

These little Chili Lime Pepitas are delish! If you don’t like heat/spicy, I would do 1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper. They get my nose running! But I am really sensitive to heat. The lime and the cayenne makes me feel like I am in Mexico chilling on the beach in the sunshine….and that makes me happy.

Something I love about these is that according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), seeds are a symbol of new life. Not to mention they are packed with nutrition! When you eat them, feel refreshed in many ways.

If you make and enjoy them, pass it on!


JamieLee Joy

If you want to see a video of me making them click here.


3 T. Coconut Oil

2 Cups Raw Pumpkin Seeds

Juice of 1/2 a Lime

1 t. Ground Cayenne Pepper

Sea salt

Heat coconut oil in cast iron over low-medium heat. Once oil is hot add pumpkin seeds and toast, stirring constantly for 7-10 minutes until even toasted. Remove from heat, add lime juice and cayenne pepper. Top with sea salt.


Four Things to Check When Anxious

It is crazy to me how much our body is doing without us realizing it or thinking about it. It is constantly looking out for us, protecting us, helping us…. Our brain is constantly working with our entire body, directing it and guiding it. Our bodies are a miracle, when you look at every little detail.

Anxiety is something that I have dealt with since I was younger. I can remember all the way back to elementary school telling my parents my stomach hurts too bad that I didn’t want to go to school that day. Then, when my older brother died tragically in car accident when I was 13….my body went into constant protection mode. It wasn’t until college that I started learning there were things I could do to help the madness that was happening in my mind and effecting my body. It’s been a journey, but I am so, so thankful for how far I’ve come.

I don’t want to talk about me, though. Something I have noticed is how many people struggle with anxiety. Wowza. This world can be heavy and hard to navigate. I’m a firm believer in balance. Surrendering your life to Jesus AND going to counseling. Knowing you can’t control your life AND learning how to take every though captive. Eating fun foods from time to time AND noticing how your mind and your gut health are deeply connected.

Throughout this journey, I have found 4 tangible things that I can do daily when I notice I am feeling very anxious. I pray it blesses you.

I made a little instagram video, if you would like to watch that here as well.

  1. Face - relax your jaw and forehead muscles

    Ever clench your jaw and not realize how tightly you were until you released it? Man, this one gets me. Whenever I am in physical or emotional pain, my jaw is the first thing I tighten. When you release your jaw, your forehead will almost immediately relax as well. Check this often.

  2. Shoulders - down away from your ears

    Anyone else hold all their stress in their shoulders? Sometimes i’ll catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror during that day and say WOAH GIRL. Relaxxxx…..

    The tension we are feeling in our minds is so much expressed it how we are carrying ourselves. The tricky thing is it’s hard to catch unless your on the “outside looking in”. Ever have a moment where you are spiraling in your thoughts and a loved one places a hand on your shoulder and asks, “What are you thinking about? Would you like to talk about anything?” Yeah, body language. Listen to your body, sis.

  3. Breath - slow + steady

    Have you heard of breath prayers? They are one of my all time favorite “tricks” and something you can do no matter where you are! Driving. Having a hard conversation. Sitting in a meeting. Falling asleep. It’s a short prayer that you time with your breath. You can choose whatever words you’d like to in that moment. Inhale — Exhale, slow and steady. Here are some of my faves:

    Inhale — Jesus

    Exhale — I love you

    Inhale — Spirit

    Exhale — fill me up

    Inhale — God

    Exhale — I surrender all

  4. Hands - palms up, unclenched fists

    Did you know “Be still and know I am God” (Palm 46:10) is actually translated to “loosen ones grip”? When I was in college, I went to this amazing chiropractor that really helped my step into my healing journey. Something he pointed out to me was whenever I was sitting and talking with him, my fists were always clenched. He could tell by my body language how anxious I was feeling inside. When I read the explanation of this verse years later I was like OKAY GOD you are so, so cool. This chiropractor taught me to sit in a comfortable position and simply place my hands on my knees, palms up. When I was sitting in class, watching a movie, having a hard convo….I would place my hands palms up in surrender. It’s something I still do very often today.

One thing I want to make very clear about anxiety is that I am not a doctor. I’m simply speaking from my experience and I am in the depths of this journey with you. I also want to point out that anxiety is not from God. We live in a broken world, where things are not the way they are meant to be. Everyone has a different life story and different things they have been through, your body is trying to protect you, help you, heal you…and sometimes these things get confusing. I believe that we need to take every through captive and make it obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5), but I also believe that God gave counselors a gift to help people. God created minds that create medicine to help us.

Often times it’s not a one and done thing. It’s a journey. We all have a different story. Lean in, listen to God, listen to your gut and give yourself never-ending grace.

Always here to be a listening ear.


JamieLee Joy


New Products + Flash Sale!

YL treating us riiiiight at the beginning of 2021 coming as us with some killer SALES and NEW products!!

If you or someone you know is interested in getting started with their own YL discount, here you go!! YL rarely does sales, this is too good to pass up.

If you’re an existing member, you get get in on this sale too! AND, if you get your friend or family member started with their own YL discount using your link, you’ll get $50 as a thank you from YL!

Ningxia is on saaaale!!! Perfect timing for our #31daysofningxiared we are doing in our Facebook group and Instagram, are you in on it with us!?

Have you tried the vitality drops yet? They are delicious!!! I can’t wait to try these new flavors. AND WITH CAFFEINE?! Helloooo!!!

What are you most excited for??

In a nutshell:

NEW VITALITY DROPS + ENERGY: 20mg of caffeine per squeeze, who is EXCITED about these new vitality drops!? The flavors look delish and I'm already addicted to the vitality drops in my water so these will be a fun addition to my water consumption! We're all big fans in my house.

Plus, two new bundles (Get Up & Go + Sip & Zip). All about that easy button!

NINGXIA 10% OFF: 2 and 4 packs! Perfect time to stock UP for the spring, we all know how good this is for you!!

DESERT MIST AND HOLIDAY STARTER KITS: Can we all say together, "KIT SAAAAAAAALE!!!" heck yes!!! Thank you Young Living These are for new AND existing members! If you have a friend or family who is interested in getting their own Young Living Discount, get them signed up using your link. They will save big bucks and you’ll make $50! (Let me know if you need help getting your link!)

Opening up the nutshell for the details:

Holiday Starter Bundle

Item no.: 35327D / Wholesale price: $135 / Retail price: $135 / PV: 90 / Shop only / limit 1

Desert Mist Starter Bundle

Item no.: 26669D / Wholesale price: $148.50 / Retail price: $148.50 / PV: 90 / Shop only/ limit 1

Jade Lemon Berry YL Vitality Drops +Energy (3-pack)

Item no.: 36247 / Wholesale price: $28 / Retail price / $36.84 / PV: 22.75 / shop only - available on ER starting February 1 / limit 3

This product is a new, permanent item.

Spearmint Tangerine YL Vitality Drops +Energy (3-pack)

Item no.: 36246 / Wholesale price: $28 / Retail price: $36.84 / PV: 22.75 / Shop only -available on ER starting February 1 / limit 3

This product is a new, permanent item.

Jade Lemon Berry & Spearmint Tangerine YL Vitality Drops +Energy (4-pack)

Item no.: 36248 / Wholesale price: $37.24 / Retail price: $49.01 / PV: 30.50 / Shop only - available on ER starting February 1 / limit 3


Sip & Zip Set

Item no.: 37291 / Wholesale price: $142.65 / Retail price: $187.70 / PV: 138.60 / Shop only / limit 2

Limited-time offer available until January 31 at 11:59 p.m., MT, or while supplies last

This set includes:

  • NingXia Red 2-oz. singles, 30 ct.

  • NingXia Nitro, 14 ct.

  • Orange Vitality essential oil, 5 ml

  • Jade Lemon Berry Vitality Drops +Energy, 1 ct.

  • Spearmint Tangerine Vitality Drops +Energy, 1 ct.

Get Up & Go Set

Item no.: 37290 / Wholesale price: $55.80 / Retail price: $73.42 / PV: 51.75 / shop only / limit 2

Limited-time offer available until January 31 at 11:59 p.m., MT, or while supplies last

This set includes:

  • Life 9, 30 ct.

  • Peppermint Vitality essential oil, 5 ml

  • Jade Lemon Berry Vitality Drops +Energy, 1 ct.

  • Spearmint Tangerine Vitality Drops +Energy, 1 ct.

NingXia Red SALE

NingXia Red, 2-pk.

Item no.: 3042D / Wholesale price: $68.50 / Retail price: $90.13 / PV: 68.50 / Shop only / no limit

Limited-time offer available until January 22 at 11:59 p.m., MT, or while supplies last

NingXia Red, 4-pk.

Item no.: 3044D / Wholesale price: $122.50 / Retail price: $161.18 / PV: 122.50 / Shop only / no limit

Limited-time offer available until January 22 at 11:59 p.m., MT, or while supplies last

Holiday Starter Bundle

New and existing customers!

Item no.: 35327D / Wholesale price: $135 / Retail price: $135 / PV: 90 / Shop only

Limited-time offer available until January 22 at 11:59 p.m., MT, or while supplies last

This bundle includes:

  • Sweet Aroma Diffuser

  • Leopard-print carrying case

  • Thieves Waterless Hand Sanitizer, 1 oz.

  • Lemon essential oil, 5 ml

  • Peppermint essential oil, 5 ml

  • Frankincense essential oil, 5 ml

  • Thieves essential oil blend, 5 ml

  • Joy essential oil blend, 5 ml

  • Lavender essential oil, 5 ml

  • Bergamot essential oil, 5 ml

  • Grapefruit essential oil, 5 ml

  • Peace & Calming essential oil blend, 5 ml


Desert Mist Starter Bundle

New and existing customers!

Item no.: 26669D / Wholesale price: $148.50 / Retail price: $148.50 / PV: 90 / Shop only

Limited-time offer available until January 22 at 11:59 p.m., MT, or while supplies last

This bundle includes:

  • Desert Mist Diffuser

  • Frankincense essential oil, 5 ml

  • Lavender essential oil, 5 ml

  • Lemon Vitality essential oil, 5 ml

  • Peppermint Vitality essential oil, 5 ml

  • Citrus Fresh Vitality essential oil blend, 5 ml

  • DiGize Vitality essential oil blend, 5 ml

  • PanAway essential oil blend, 5 ml

  • Peace & Calming essential oil blend, 5 ml

  • Raven essential oil blend, 5 ml

  • Stress Away essential oil blend, 5 ml

  • Thieves Vitality essential oil blend, 5 ml

  • Valor essential oil blend, 5 ml

  • AromaGlide Roller Fitments, 2 ct.

  • NingXia Red 2 oz. samples, 2 ct.

  • Thieves Spray, 1 oz.

  • Thieves Waterless Hand Sanitizer, 1 oz.

  • Essential oil display tray

  • “Essential Oils at a Glance” brochure

  • Essential Edge newsletter

  • Essential Oils magazine

  • Product Guide
