Chili Lime Pepitas

I’m trying to get better about snacking throughout the day. My mom always used to talk about how she would “forget to eat”. I thought she was crazy….I was ALWAYS hungry, I never forgot to eat. But….here I am. It’ll be 3 pm and i’ll think “Crap, I forgot to eat!” Anyone else that way? Somedays there is so much going on in my brain and I get so laser-focused when I am working on a project and I seriously forget to eat. ha! They do say you become like your parents more and more as you age…

So, along this journey of trying to not forget to eat….I’m trying to have healthy snacks sitting around so I can grab for them in my busy moments (instead of the cookie or the piece of chocolate bar in the fridge….#whoops) If it’s there, I’ll eat it! So I try and make it healthy.

These little Chili Lime Pepitas are delish! If you don’t like heat/spicy, I would do 1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper. They get my nose running! But I am really sensitive to heat. The lime and the cayenne makes me feel like I am in Mexico chilling on the beach in the sunshine….and that makes me happy.

Something I love about these is that according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), seeds are a symbol of new life. Not to mention they are packed with nutrition! When you eat them, feel refreshed in many ways.

If you make and enjoy them, pass it on!


JamieLee Joy

If you want to see a video of me making them click here.


3 T. Coconut Oil

2 Cups Raw Pumpkin Seeds

Juice of 1/2 a Lime

1 t. Ground Cayenne Pepper

Sea salt

Heat coconut oil in cast iron over low-medium heat. Once oil is hot add pumpkin seeds and toast, stirring constantly for 7-10 minutes until even toasted. Remove from heat, add lime juice and cayenne pepper. Top with sea salt.
