Luteal Phase Green Smoothie Bowl


I’m a bit of an abstract artist when it comes to being in my kitchen, especially when I’m making smoothies. But I took time to slow down and create this recipe for you this morning because I want you to experience the deliciousness and all the benefits that come along with it!

A few notes on WHY these ingredients:

+ Sesame Seeds — sesame seeds are high in zinc, which helps boost progesterone

+ Sunflower Seeds — high in vitamin E and selenium, which helps boost progesterone and remove excess estrogen

+ Maca Powder — is an adaptogen, helps with stress, fatigue and helps boost energy and digestion

+ Cinnamon — is warming to your body and helps with digestion

+Matcha Powder — super good for the immune system and a liiiiitle caffeine kick (whoop)

Honestly, I used to think buying organic wasn’t that big of a deal. But the more I researched the more I realized, it is a BIG deal. All those pesticides will harm your body when you’re trying to do it good by eating right. Buy organic whenever you can.

Also want to note that what’s different about Traditional Chinese Medicine smoothies is we are not using frozen or super cold foods. This often what makes us feel bloated and slows down digestion. I alwaaaays used to feel bloated after smoothies until I learned this trick! It’s less of a shock to your system and helps when you add warming foods (ginger, cinnamon, etc.)

Save this recipe for later and add some of these ingredients to your shopping list to have in your pantry! You’re body (and everyone around you…#pms ) will be thankful!


+ Handful of fresh organic greens

+ 2 T. Sunflower Butter

+ 1 T. Sesame Seeds

+ 1/2 t. Matcha Powder

+ 1/2 t. Maca Powder

+ 1 Banana

+ 1 Avocado

+ 4 oz. Milk of Choice

+ Cinnamon sprinkles on top

Place all ingredients in blender in the ascending order above. Blend on high until smooth. Poor in bowl and top with your favorite toppings!

Some of my fave toppings: fresh fruit, nuts, sunflower or almond butter, coconut, granola, etc! Let your creative flag fly, sis!

Making smoothie bowls never gets old for me. LOOK HOW BEAUTIFUL. Plus it tastes amazing, like dessert, nom nom nom. What a great start to your day to feel amazing and stare at something beautiful.


Pumpkin Seed and Black Sesame Milk

I am obsessed with the two books written by Heng Ou, The First 40 Days and Awakening Fertility. She does such an amazing job at describing how beautiful our bodies are as women and how best to nourish them from the inside out. She learned a lot from her Chinese roots and her family being experts in the field of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Swooooon.

Guys. I LOVE TCM. Do I fully understand it? Nope. But I think it is beautiful and whenever I see my acupuncturist I feel like a more vibrant, better version of myself. I love their methods of listening to your body, giving your body rest and eating with the seasons/with your body type.

I know, it’s funny that these are two of my favorite books yet I am not a mother, nor are trying to be right now. But what I do love what she talks about in her book Awakening Fertility, is us as women can always be aware of our innate desire to mother. If it’s a desire of yours, it’s never too early to learn more about it. Or just learn how you can better help your friends and family who are walking through that — pregnancy and postpartum are NO JOKE and women are freaking superheroes.

Plus, these two books are beautiful and have DELICIOUS recipes. Honestly, I stumbled upon her first book The First 40 Days after a few friends told me they thought I would love it. And, even though I wasn’t postpartum, I ate many of the recipes in her book because my body was needing to rest. That’s what I love about TCM, if you go through trauma, or are working on calming your anxiety…there are certain foods you can eat that will ground you and help you heal. I LOVE FOOD and I love learning more about food as medicine.

Anyways…..enough about my love of Heng Ou and TCM. But please, if you do anything from this post, order her books!

This recipe was inspired by a recipe in her book. But I added a little sweetener to it because DJ and I like things a little bit on the sweeter side.

A little note about the ingredients—

Black sesame seeds — used to support menstrual cycle, and fertility in both males and females, also high in essential minerals.

Pumpkin seeds — high in magnesium and immune-boosting zinc.

Wolfberries —aka goji berries — are PACKED with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. This is what Ningxia Red is made out of.

Don’t forget to use the pulp from this to make these cookies and this granola!


  • 2 cups raw pumpkin seeds

  • 1 cup black sesame seeds

  • 1/4 cup wolf berries (I get mine from Young Living)

  • 4 cups cold filtered water

  • 1/4 tsp/ vanilla extract

  • 1 T. pure maple syrup

  1. In an airtight container soak the pumpkin seeds, black sesame seeds and wolf berries in the fridge overnight. Cover with water enough to have about 2 inches of water above the seeds.

  2. In the morning, staring the mixture. Blend on high for 2 minutes with the 4 cups cold filtered water.

  3. Strain the mixture through a nut-milk bag (or a mesh or cotton bag) into a mixing bowl. Make sure you get all the liquid!

  4. Stir in vanilla extract and maple syrup. Makes enough for 2 cups! Serve immediately.

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