Easy Iced Matcha

One of my all time favorite drinks is an Iced Matcha!

Now, don’t get my wrong…the first time I had one I thought I was drinking grass… haha But now I’ve learned how to make it the way I like it, and I think you’ll like it too!

I started drinking more matcha now that i’m trying to watch my caffeine intake TTC. Yes, there is caffeine in green tea but not near as much as that 3pm latte! Plus, green tea is good for you for so many reason.

Why drink green tea?

  • helps reduce inflammation

  • rich in antioxidants

  • helps brain function

  • improves energy

….just to name a few. PLUS, it’s delicious! #winwin

Here’s my simple recipe of an Iced Matcha:


  • 1 tsp. matcha powder

  • 8 oz. milk of choice

  • sweeten to taste


  1. Fill glass with ice

  2. Pour milk of choice 3/4 of the way

  3. In a small dish, place 1 tsp. matcha powder and sweetener of choice (I had some homemade simple syrup I used, I also love honey or pure maple syrup)

  4. In the small dish, pour 1-2 T. boiling hot water

  5. Whisk together until there are no clumps

  6. Pour match + sweeter mixture over milk in glass

Below I put my fave oat milk! It’s the cleanest I’ve found. I’m actually not sure of the matcha brand I use, I go to my local health food store and have them fill up this jar in the bulk section! Making your own simple syrup is super….simple. haha Boil equal cups water to equal cups sugar — store in fridge for 2-3 weeks.

If you’re local to me, I go to Terry’s for my matcha.


Probiotic Drink Step #1 (Better than Kombucha)

My obsession with making my own fermented foods + drinks has become REAL these past few months. With Kraut Source, it is sooooo easy and makes just the right amount for our family. This post isn’t even sponsored, I just love this tool that much!

Let’s chat first, what’s the benefits of eating + drinking fermented foods?

  • Choline: Sauerkraut contains choline, an amino acid needed for good liver health and the productions of acetylcholine. Tis is a neurotransmitter that helps with memory and it is a protective against Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Vitamin C: This vitamin is one of the most critical nutrients for the immune system and vision health, and helps to buffer stress.

  • Minerals: Fermenation increases the digestibility of minerals such as manganese, calcium, and potassium.

  • Bacteriocins: Lactobacilli competes with harmful bacteria such as shigella, salmonella, and e.coli. Eating fermented vegetables on a regular basis protects against these pathogens.

  • Vitamins K and B: The presence of lactobacilli organisms in the gut creates vitamin K and some B.

  • Detoxification: Fermented foods provide the most digestible form of beneficial bacteria, and these probiotics are some of the best chelators available, capable of pulling toxins and heavy metals from the body.

  • Improved digestion: As people age, the production of hydrochloric acid is reduced, which means that the stomach is less able to properly digest food. Fermented foods help increase the action of hydrochloric acid, while also protecting the integrity of the stomach lining.

  • Cancer prevention: Sauerkraut and other cruciferous vegetables are rich in indole-3-carbinol, a well-known cancer fighter that helps to remove excess estrogen.

  • Dietary fiber: A delicious and nutritious way to increase fiber on a daily basis.

  • Energy production: Lactobacilli microbes turn sugars into lactic acid, which provides us with energy.

(Information from Kraut Source Recipe Book)

And on top of all that….super delicious.

I’ve been making my own fermented foods for about a year now, but just made my own fermented probiotic drink for the first time the other day! There’s no turning back now. Honestly, I like it better than kombucha! Especially to make it at home because this way you don’t have to deal with those nasty scobie things….#sorrynotsorry

A few things to keep in mind as you start:

+You want organic fruit. Non-organic fruit is sprayed with things that we do not want to be consuming, especially after it has sat in the warm sun for a few days.

+Use a good quality probiotic pill! Make sure it is not also a pre-biotic. I use Young Living’s Life 9 Probiotic because it has changed my life. Your gut is known as your “second brain” and it’s so important to take care of it with the best quality ingredients. If you’re already a Young Living Member getting wholesale prices (high-five), add it to your next order! If you’re not yet a member, check out the different ways to get started here and join the team!! I’d love to answer any questions with this!


Yields: 1 quart

Supplies: 1 quart mason jar, Kraut source top


  • 1 cup organic fruit of choice

  • 1/4 cup organic maple syrup

  • 3 1/2-4 cups filtered water

  • 1 capsule Life 9 (probiotic)


  1. Place sweetened in one quart-wide-mouth Mason Jar. Pour filtered water in, stir until dissolved.

  2. Open Life 9 Pill (probiotic pill) - releasing only powder into the jar.

  3. Add in fruit, mix all together.

  4. Place Kraut Source top on Mason jar and fill moat with 3/4 filtered water.

  5. Place in warm spot for 2-3 days.

…..see you in a few days to follow the next steps!!


Listening to Your Body

Lately, I’ve been trying to listen to my body more. Tune into my emotions and see how I am truly feeling. When I am hungry, leaning into what would be nutritious for me in that moment. Comfort food has taken on a new form for me. To me, comfort food doesn’t necessarily mean food that is terrible for me, a bunch of carbs and a cheesy pizza.

When I am feeling emotionally overwhelmed, I know that I could use something warming. When my stomach is feeling upset, I know eating a few roasted sweet potatoes and ginger will help it calm down. Not to mention the act of simply getting into my kitchen to cook a nutritious meal for DJ and I, that in itself is grounding.

Last night I was feeling all sorts of feelings (like the rest of the world right now). I was sick to my stomach… head was spinning. I sat on the floor, touched my belly and listened. Breathed. Put some grounding essential oils over my heart. Came back to the moment. Came back to my life right in front of me. Prayed. Surrendered.

Then, I got up, headed to my kitchen and made this.

Now, this type of recipe may drive some of you crazy. I didn’t measure anything, not once. I love stepping into my kitchen and allowing myself to be creative. To sprinkle a spice, take a bite and see what needs to change. I want to be more like this in my everyday life. That’s also what I love about Congee. It is forgiving and delicious and is good basically anyway you make it. I encourage you to allow yourself to step into your kitchen and let it be.

Basic Congee:

+1/2 Cup Rice (we like Jasmine)

+Water filled about 2 inches above rice

+1 inch fresh ginger sliced

+1 T. coconut oil

Put all ingredients in a medium sauce pan and bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer and allow to cook for about 45 min. Until rice is opened and mushy.

You can make congee so many ways. We make this all the time when my stomach needs a reset (it’s really easy to digest). You can add fruit and maple syrup with a dash of cinnamon on top for a breakfast, or make it savory! Here’s what we did last night:

+Ground 1 Ib. turkey and spiced it up with chili powder and paprika

+Sliced sweet potatoes and baked them in our air fryer

+Made a few eggs to put on top

+Topped with fresh thinly sliced green onions and a drizzle of sriracha


Pumpkin Seed and Black Sesame Milk

I am obsessed with the two books written by Heng Ou, The First 40 Days and Awakening Fertility. She does such an amazing job at describing how beautiful our bodies are as women and how best to nourish them from the inside out. She learned a lot from her Chinese roots and her family being experts in the field of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Swooooon.

Guys. I LOVE TCM. Do I fully understand it? Nope. But I think it is beautiful and whenever I see my acupuncturist I feel like a more vibrant, better version of myself. I love their methods of listening to your body, giving your body rest and eating with the seasons/with your body type.

I know, it’s funny that these are two of my favorite books yet I am not a mother, nor are trying to be right now. But what I do love what she talks about in her book Awakening Fertility, is us as women can always be aware of our innate desire to mother. If it’s a desire of yours, it’s never too early to learn more about it. Or just learn how you can better help your friends and family who are walking through that — pregnancy and postpartum are NO JOKE and women are freaking superheroes.

Plus, these two books are beautiful and have DELICIOUS recipes. Honestly, I stumbled upon her first book The First 40 Days after a few friends told me they thought I would love it. And, even though I wasn’t postpartum, I ate many of the recipes in her book because my body was needing to rest. That’s what I love about TCM, if you go through trauma, or are working on calming your anxiety…there are certain foods you can eat that will ground you and help you heal. I LOVE FOOD and I love learning more about food as medicine.

Anyways…..enough about my love of Heng Ou and TCM. But please, if you do anything from this post, order her books!

This recipe was inspired by a recipe in her book. But I added a little sweetener to it because DJ and I like things a little bit on the sweeter side.

A little note about the ingredients—

Black sesame seeds — used to support menstrual cycle, and fertility in both males and females, also high in essential minerals.

Pumpkin seeds — high in magnesium and immune-boosting zinc.

Wolfberries —aka goji berries — are PACKED with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. This is what Ningxia Red is made out of.

Don’t forget to use the pulp from this to make these cookies and this granola!


  • 2 cups raw pumpkin seeds

  • 1 cup black sesame seeds

  • 1/4 cup wolf berries (I get mine from Young Living)

  • 4 cups cold filtered water

  • 1/4 tsp/ vanilla extract

  • 1 T. pure maple syrup

  1. In an airtight container soak the pumpkin seeds, black sesame seeds and wolf berries in the fridge overnight. Cover with water enough to have about 2 inches of water above the seeds.

  2. In the morning, staring the mixture. Blend on high for 2 minutes with the 4 cups cold filtered water.

  3. Strain the mixture through a nut-milk bag (or a mesh or cotton bag) into a mixing bowl. Make sure you get all the liquid!

  4. Stir in vanilla extract and maple syrup. Makes enough for 2 cups! Serve immediately.

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Easy Peanut Butter Bars

How do I know I have found my people here on the inter-web?

I know because every time I post a recipe of something with peanut butter you all message me asking me for the recipe….you are my people!!! #peanutbutterloversunite

I love these Easy Peanut Butter Bars because you can add in whatever you have in your cupboards if you want to or you can leave it plain-jane untouched and beautiful. Sometimes we add nuts. Sometimes we top it with some homemade jam. Most-all-of-the-time there is some kind of chocolatey goodness in it because I mean….#alwaysayes.

I adapted this recipe from the beautiful book The First Forty Days. It’s a book about postpartum and how a women should nourish herself from the inside out and give herself so much grace. I recommend this book to any woman, especially if you are living in the thick of the season of having babies. I don’t have babies yet…but I wanted to read it to see how to better help all my friends who are. And honestly. It’s one of my all time favorite books.

We make these very often in our house. It’s a little embarrassing how fast this pan seems to disappear…. I just can’t help myself!! But I don’t feel guilty about it because there isn’t any fake sugar — winning.

Without further adieu…..here’s the recipe!


  • 1 cup peanut butter (or sunflower butter, or almond butter, etc…)

  • 1/2 cup vegan butter (or grass fed butter if your body can digest dairy)

  • 1/2 cup local honey (local honey helps with SO many things)

  • 2 cups organic puffed rice (I suggest this. These aren’t like the rice crispy bars you grew up with….they’re WAY better. Puffed rice is different than rice crispies.)

  • Pinch of sea salt

  • Optional: vegan chocolate chips, nuts, wolf berries, dried fruit, etc.

  1. In a saucepan over low heat melt the peanut butter, vegan butter, and honey.

  2. Add the puffed rice to a large bowl with the seat salt, mix. Slowly pour the peanut butter mixture over the puffed rice. Stir in any additional options if you’d like.

  3. Place a piece of parchment paper in a 8x8 pan, pour the mixture into the pan and press down lightly.

  4. Place in the fridge to chill.

These babies need to stay in the refrigerator to keep their shape! Simply just leave a fork right in the pan to eat at your convenience…I mean….. what?

Do I eat these bars for breakfast often? Um, yes. This morning I even broke it up and put it over my banana bowl and drizzled with some homemade coconut yogurt and a touch of cinnamon…might I say, it was delicious!!
