Probiotic Drink Step #1 (Better than Kombucha)

My obsession with making my own fermented foods + drinks has become REAL these past few months. With Kraut Source, it is sooooo easy and makes just the right amount for our family. This post isn’t even sponsored, I just love this tool that much!

Let’s chat first, what’s the benefits of eating + drinking fermented foods?

  • Choline: Sauerkraut contains choline, an amino acid needed for good liver health and the productions of acetylcholine. Tis is a neurotransmitter that helps with memory and it is a protective against Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Vitamin C: This vitamin is one of the most critical nutrients for the immune system and vision health, and helps to buffer stress.

  • Minerals: Fermenation increases the digestibility of minerals such as manganese, calcium, and potassium.

  • Bacteriocins: Lactobacilli competes with harmful bacteria such as shigella, salmonella, and e.coli. Eating fermented vegetables on a regular basis protects against these pathogens.

  • Vitamins K and B: The presence of lactobacilli organisms in the gut creates vitamin K and some B.

  • Detoxification: Fermented foods provide the most digestible form of beneficial bacteria, and these probiotics are some of the best chelators available, capable of pulling toxins and heavy metals from the body.

  • Improved digestion: As people age, the production of hydrochloric acid is reduced, which means that the stomach is less able to properly digest food. Fermented foods help increase the action of hydrochloric acid, while also protecting the integrity of the stomach lining.

  • Cancer prevention: Sauerkraut and other cruciferous vegetables are rich in indole-3-carbinol, a well-known cancer fighter that helps to remove excess estrogen.

  • Dietary fiber: A delicious and nutritious way to increase fiber on a daily basis.

  • Energy production: Lactobacilli microbes turn sugars into lactic acid, which provides us with energy.

(Information from Kraut Source Recipe Book)

And on top of all that….super delicious.

I’ve been making my own fermented foods for about a year now, but just made my own fermented probiotic drink for the first time the other day! There’s no turning back now. Honestly, I like it better than kombucha! Especially to make it at home because this way you don’t have to deal with those nasty scobie things….#sorrynotsorry

A few things to keep in mind as you start:

+You want organic fruit. Non-organic fruit is sprayed with things that we do not want to be consuming, especially after it has sat in the warm sun for a few days.

+Use a good quality probiotic pill! Make sure it is not also a pre-biotic. I use Young Living’s Life 9 Probiotic because it has changed my life. Your gut is known as your “second brain” and it’s so important to take care of it with the best quality ingredients. If you’re already a Young Living Member getting wholesale prices (high-five), add it to your next order! If you’re not yet a member, check out the different ways to get started here and join the team!! I’d love to answer any questions with this!


Yields: 1 quart

Supplies: 1 quart mason jar, Kraut source top


  • 1 cup organic fruit of choice

  • 1/4 cup organic maple syrup

  • 3 1/2-4 cups filtered water

  • 1 capsule Life 9 (probiotic)


  1. Place sweetened in one quart-wide-mouth Mason Jar. Pour filtered water in, stir until dissolved.

  2. Open Life 9 Pill (probiotic pill) - releasing only powder into the jar.

  3. Add in fruit, mix all together.

  4. Place Kraut Source top on Mason jar and fill moat with 3/4 filtered water.

  5. Place in warm spot for 2-3 days.

…..see you in a few days to follow the next steps!!
