June Promos!

New month means….NEW PROMOS!!!

And would ya lookie here, Young Living does it again with amazing products setting us up strong for the summer!

Essential Rewards is getting a monthly wellness box shipped to your door. You can change the products every month, choose the date, and cancel whenever you’d like. WHAT’S COOL IS when you sign up for Essential Rewards your get points back (basically money to use on products) and when you hit certain PV marks (PV basically equals dollar amount) you get FREE products!! We have been on ER for over 4 years now and are earning 25% back on all of our orders!! (WHUT. YES.)

It’s not spending more money every month, it’s transferring WHERE you spend your money. We get toothpaste, mouthwash, supplements, laundry soap, dish soap, makeup, shampoo, conditioner, oils, cleaner, etc. All from Young Living. I love Target but Target doesn’t love me back like that… PLUS I know they are CLEAN and feel good about using them on my home and on my body! (Winner winner chicken dinner).

Alrighty…onto this month’s freebies!!!

300 PV (everything below)

Cool Azul 15 ml

The Athlete’s BFF and really for anyone with muscles! This is a $77 (!!) bottle of oil that you get for free with your 300PV order. It’s cooling and relieving and cream to put on right after a workout! Or on a hot Summer’s day.

250 PV (everything below)

Kunzea 5 ml

Your perfect single oil to add to your diffuser with your free Citronella this month! This oil also feels great on your muscles. My favorite way to use this is to freshen the armpits. This oil will take out any funky smells!

190 PV (everything below)

Peace & Calming 5 ml

The name literally says it all. So calming and peaceful worn on your body, diffuser jewelry, or diffused. I love putting it on the bottom of my feet to help me sleep! Emotionally this oil is linked to addiction, argumentativeness, being a victim, sadness, indecisiveness, control and moodiness. (Um, yeah I might need that oil like a few bottles!)

Picnic blanket (ER exclusive):

How cute?! I’m a sucker for anything that store small. East for clean up, storing and CUTE.

100 PV (ER exclusive)

Citronella essential oil, 15 ml

In the summer time we bring our diffuser right outside with us and diffuse Citronella to keep the bugs away! I love making a homemade bug spray with Citronella + Purification + Tea Tree! You can even make your own Citronella candle if you’re into DIY’s!

Also—put a drop on your sock before you go outside and night to keep your ankles safe from those annoying bug bites!


Healthy 'Scotcheroos'

Could I eat a whole pan of Scotcheroos? Ummm yeah, probably. Literally, I have NO CONTROL when a pan of them is sitting in front of me. Plus, they taste like summer time to me, they were always on the snack bar at my family gatherings and weekends at the cabin. So delicious and chewy….

The more I’ve learned about food and ingredients, the more I’ve realized that eating those are nooooot the best choice for my health (sigh). So, yesterday I went into my kitchen on a quest to make a healthy version!

These aren’t exactly Scothceroos. But there is peanut butter and chocolate — so they have to be good.

They are gluten free and dairy free too, so that’s a major plus! Basically everyone can eat them. Whoop whoop!


  • 2 T. ground flax seeds

  • 4 T. water

  • 4 T. pure maple syrup

  • 1 Cup chunky peanut butter

  • 1 Cup oat flour (or Bobs Redmill All Purpose GF Flour)

  • 2 drops Nutmeg Vitality essential oil (optional)


  • 1/2 Cup dairy free mini chocolate chips

  • 1 T. coconut oil

  • Sprinkle of sea salt


  1. Line a baking pan with parchment paper.

  2. In a medium bowl mix the ground flax seed and water, let sit until it thickens (about 2-5 min).

  3. Stir in peanut butter, maple syrup and Nutmeg essential oil.

  4. Mix in flour until dough forms.

  5. Press bars evenly into prepared lined baking sheet. Place in fridge or freezer while you make the chocolate topping.

  6. In a small sauce pan over low heat, melt the chocolate chips and coconut oil. Stirring constantly until melted.

  7. Take pan out of fridge/freezer, pour chocolate topping over bars. Sprinkle with a little sea salt and place back in the fridge/freezer.

  8. Enjoy!! Store in fridge.


Bedtime Body Butter

I know it’s kind of a weird name…but I liked the 3 B’s! You better believe that’s the label I put on it. ha!

Lately, I have been having trouble with sleeping. Which was new for me. I can usually fall asleep on demand! Anywhere, anytime. But lately, the moment my head hit the pillow it was like my brain was a freaking nocturnal hamster that wouldn’t stop spinning no matter what you say!

Enter, our lovely oily community. I popped into our Facebook group and asked what are some favorite oils and products people use to help them sleep. I got so many amazing answers and decided to try some new things! Here’s what I did:

+Turned off my phone by at least 9:30 pm and no screens after 9:30 pm (I try to make this 9pm if possible)

+Added Lavender, Frankincense, Valor and Peace + Calming to my lotion

+Put a full dropper of CBD under my tongue around 9:30pm

I slept like a freaking baby!!

Praises for oils. Hallelujah!

To make it easier to apply every night I wanted to make my own lotion (and, it’s fun to do!) It’s a super simple recipe.


  • 1 cup shea butter

  • 2 T. coconut oil

  • 5 drops each oil (Lavender, Valor, Frankincense, Peace and Calming)


  1. Melt shea butter and coconut oil over low heat until fully melted.

  2. Once melted, put in fridge to cool for 20 minutes.

  3. Once cooled, add your your stand mixer. Add 5 drops of each oil, and whip on high until fluffy.

  4. Place in a mason jar with a lid and put by your bedside!

Put this on the bottom of your feet every night along with a dropped of CBD sleep goooooood.

*It’s a little “greasy” so I put it on when I am already in bed and will usually put socks on (because I love socks haha) My feet are so soft!!


Pumpkin Seed and Black Sesame Milk

I am obsessed with the two books written by Heng Ou, The First 40 Days and Awakening Fertility. She does such an amazing job at describing how beautiful our bodies are as women and how best to nourish them from the inside out. She learned a lot from her Chinese roots and her family being experts in the field of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Swooooon.

Guys. I LOVE TCM. Do I fully understand it? Nope. But I think it is beautiful and whenever I see my acupuncturist I feel like a more vibrant, better version of myself. I love their methods of listening to your body, giving your body rest and eating with the seasons/with your body type.

I know, it’s funny that these are two of my favorite books yet I am not a mother, nor are trying to be right now. But what I do love what she talks about in her book Awakening Fertility, is us as women can always be aware of our innate desire to mother. If it’s a desire of yours, it’s never too early to learn more about it. Or just learn how you can better help your friends and family who are walking through that — pregnancy and postpartum are NO JOKE and women are freaking superheroes.

Plus, these two books are beautiful and have DELICIOUS recipes. Honestly, I stumbled upon her first book The First 40 Days after a few friends told me they thought I would love it. And, even though I wasn’t postpartum, I ate many of the recipes in her book because my body was needing to rest. That’s what I love about TCM, if you go through trauma, or are working on calming your anxiety…there are certain foods you can eat that will ground you and help you heal. I LOVE FOOD and I love learning more about food as medicine.

Anyways…..enough about my love of Heng Ou and TCM. But please, if you do anything from this post, order her books!

This recipe was inspired by a recipe in her book. But I added a little sweetener to it because DJ and I like things a little bit on the sweeter side.

A little note about the ingredients—

Black sesame seeds — used to support menstrual cycle, and fertility in both males and females, also high in essential minerals.

Pumpkin seeds — high in magnesium and immune-boosting zinc.

Wolfberries —aka goji berries — are PACKED with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. This is what Ningxia Red is made out of.

Don’t forget to use the pulp from this to make these cookies and this granola!


  • 2 cups raw pumpkin seeds

  • 1 cup black sesame seeds

  • 1/4 cup wolf berries (I get mine from Young Living)

  • 4 cups cold filtered water

  • 1/4 tsp/ vanilla extract

  • 1 T. pure maple syrup

  1. In an airtight container soak the pumpkin seeds, black sesame seeds and wolf berries in the fridge overnight. Cover with water enough to have about 2 inches of water above the seeds.

  2. In the morning, staring the mixture. Blend on high for 2 minutes with the 4 cups cold filtered water.

  3. Strain the mixture through a nut-milk bag (or a mesh or cotton bag) into a mixing bowl. Make sure you get all the liquid!

  4. Stir in vanilla extract and maple syrup. Makes enough for 2 cups! Serve immediately.

IMG_3680 2.jpg

Nut Milk Pulp Cookies

I love how these cookies took on a blue-tint because of the black sesame seeds. They make it more fun to eat! Honestly, I was doubting that a cookie made with pulp could be delicious — but these are one of my favorites! When I was in the middle of making these I had some friends stopping by to grab something and I would usually send them home with some cookies, but since I didn’t think they were going to be good I didn't dare. WHELP, turned out to be a blessing for us. ha! DJ easily eats 5 cookies in a sitting, he was very happy he didn't have to share.

There are some great recipes and tips out there on the inter-webs for ways to store your pulp and use it later! I’m a newbie at this though, so that info for you I do not have right now in my brain haha. I am just stepping into the making-my-own-nut-milk game, so I’m sure as time goes on I’ll have some better tips for you! But for now, make this Pumpkin Black Sesame Milk — and after, make these cookies and some granola!


  • 1 cup nut milk pulp

  • 1 cup Bobs Redmill Gluten Free All Purpose Flour (or regular all purpose flour)

  • 3/4 cup sugar

  • 3/4 cup vegan butter

  • 2 T. almond butter

  • 3 tsp. baking powder

  • 1 tsp. salt

  • 1 tsp. almond extract

  • 1/2 tsp. cinnamon

  • Vegan chocolate chips to top

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Prepare 2 baking sheets and line with parchment paper.

  2. Cream together vegan butter and sugar in a stand mixer.

  3. Once butter and sugar are creamed together, add all the ingredients except the chocolate chips, mix together until just combined.

  4. Shape cookies by making 1 T. sized amount into a ball, place on prepared baking sheet and add a few chocolate chips to the top of each cookie. (My OCD kicked in and I did exactly 5 on each cookie…haha).

  5. Place in oven for 15-20 minutes.

  6. Remove from oven and let sit on baking sheet for 5 minutes. Remove from baking sheets and allow to completely cool on a wood cutting board.


Nut Milk Pulp Granola

Making homemade alternative milks may quickly becoming one of my favorite things. It’s SO much fun to see be a part of every step of the process! And might I say….pretty darn delicious! Also…I get why they call it MILK now. When you put it in the nut-milk bag it’s literally like you are milking a cow. Haha!

Earlier this week I made my first Pumpkin Black SesameSeed Nut Milk. It was amaaaazing and looked like chocolate milk! My husband and I sipped it on the front porch in the morning sun… dreamy.

When you make nut milks, don’t let the pulp go to waste! There are still some goooood things in there you’ll miss out on! We made a batch of homemade granola AND homemade cookies using the pulp! #winning

Everything I used to make this granola I had on hand, but if you have a different kinds of nuts or sweeteners, throw er’ in there too/instead!

Basically, homemade granola is the easiest thing on the planet. Don’t be skuuuurd! If you have some variety of nuts or some other spices you want to try…go ahead and spice it up! (See what I did there?)


  • 2 cups nut milk pulp 

  • 1 cup pumpkin seeds

  • 2 cups oats 

  • 2 tsp cinnamon 

  • 1/3 cup melted coconut oil 

  • 1/2 cup pure maple syrup

  • About 1/3 cup chocolate chips 

  1. Melt the coconut milk in a sauce pan over low heat. Remove from heat and let cool. Preheat oven to 325 degrees and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

  2. Mix all dry ingredients together in a bowl.

  3. Pour the maple syrup into the cooled sauce pan. Pour wet ingredients over dry until it is all covered.

  4. Pour the mixture onto the prepared baking sheet and spread out evenly.

  5. Bake for 35-40 minute s, mixing half way.

  6. Once cooled, add the chocolate chips and store in airtight container for 2 weeks.


Common Questions About Oils/YL


If you’ve been following along with me for anytime...you’ll see that I looooove essential oils. I also love how they are becoming more “accepted” and aren’t looked at sooooo much like “snake oils” now days, ha! I belive you’re here because you see it. You can feel it in your gut….there has to be a better way to go about things. 

Everyone starts using oils for different reasons.A huge reason, for me, was after moving back home and working through some grief….I needed serious emotional help. Also realizing, these little bottles helped with my shoulder whiplash pain...helped my digestion problems...helps my allergies...WHELP needless to say, we were hooked on oils in our house. 

I know there are alot of questions circling in your pretty little heads, so let’s get to it! Below I complied a list of questions I get often.

Now, it maybe be obvious to you but...I am not a doctor. All the nuggets of knowledge I am sharing are things that I have done my own research on and feel comfortable using in our family. Follow your gut and do your own research if something isn’t sitting right. 

Please note---these are basic questions. The shallow end, if you will. Once you decide HECK YES, we will swan dive and back flip into the deep end and get you allll the information you need! It’ll be fun. It’s a niiiiice, sunny, warm, perfect summer day over there. Because life makes #oillotmoresense with oils. 

Why should I choose Young Living over other brands?

You know how when you find a brand of leggings you like that feel soooo nice and were ethically made and you’re never ever going to take them off because it feels like you’re not wearing pants and now are only by that brand forever? It’s like that. Except for your HEALTH. 

Young Living is the leader of the pack when it comes to Essential Oils. They have been around for over 25 years making these bottles of plant juice goodness! Now, I’m not going to knock other brands. I am just going to tell you why I love Young Living! 

They are an amaaazing company that gives back, loves their people well and always uses ethically sourced plants. They own alot of their own farms! And if they don’t own it, they have rigorous guidelines for people to be able to sell them their crops. YL has something called their Seed to Seal promise --- basically it is their promise to us that what is in these bottles is nothing but plants that were not sprayed with nasty pesticides and the people who are harvesting them are getting paid fairly. If you’d like to read more specifics about Seed to Seal click here.

How do I know they are pure and therapeutic? / Why aren't they organic

Again, The Seed to Seal Promise you read about earlier! What “other” companies don’t want you to know is...many of them put a clear odorless liquid in the bottle so it makes it look like it’s full of essential oils (but it is actually really harmful) AND that’s why they are cheaper! Did your Grandpa every tell you, “You get what you pay for!” That’s the situation here. 

If we were sitting right next to each other I’d tell you to try and smell a Young Living Lavender next to an “off brand” Lavender...you would INSTANTLY be able to tell a difference! When you use Young Living Essential Oils you will feel the difference right away.

As far are why aren’t they organic? That’s because they are BETTER than organic. Think of it like if you go to the grocery store and buy some carrots that were on sale, and not organic. Or….you grow your own carrots right in your backyard, from an organic seed and new EVERY step of the process. The minerals in the dirt, the amount of water it got, the type of season it was….THAT is what Young Living is doing for us!! It’s better than organic. 

Because Young Living has farms all over the world, every “organic standard” is different. However, Young Living surpasses all organic standards is every country!

Why shouldn’t I just buy oils from the grocery store?

The answer above answers this question as well. A lot of the brands at the grocery store or target are doing the “no-nos” mentioned above. 

PLUS this is what’s SO cool. When you purchase oils from someone like me, you are supporting my family as well. Have you heard of the term “shop local”? In my heart of hearts, I believe that also applies to this. Whenever you buy oils and products through me, let me tell you, I am DEFINITELY doing a happy dance behind the screen! AND when you buy oils from me you will get plugged into a community where we allll learn from one another all the tips and tricks! Plus, you’ll get me as your “oily-lifestyle-guide” sharing all the knowledge I have with you. When you purchase from Amazon or Target you may save a few bucks...but are you really? Because of the strength of YL oils you won’t have to use as much oils. AND you have an option to get money back with each purchase. AND you’ll have me to answer any questions….just sayin’. 

Do I have to order every month?

Monthly ordering is an OPTION. It is something called Essential Rewards (ER). I always recommend trying it because you’ll start getting money back right away, free products and you can cancel it at anytime! No hurt. Not extra fees.

Is there a Yearly Fee?

All Young Living asks is that place an order of at least $50 a year to keep your account active. But, if you don’t place an order you won’t be penalised, you’ll just lose your membership discount of 24% off all their products.

Do I have to sell oils?

Nope! Again, this is an OPTION. A lot of the times I think people think “doing the business” is a big and scary thing….it’s not. If you have a friend who wants to get a starter kit like you did...woohoo!! Send them your sign up link and you’ll get $50 back and they will get the best oils + products on the planet. But again...you do not HAVE to sell anything if you don’t want to. I’m not one of those pushy-in-yo-face people. It’s as simple as if you love it and want to share it, do it! And I’ll help you every step of the way.

Can I use oils on my kids/babies?

Short answer, Yes! Longer answer…

It is totally up to you if you want to use oils with your kids. YOU are the gatekeeper of your home!! Trust your mama (or papa) gut I’ve heard of SO MANY mama’s having oily testimonies for oils helping their babies with sleep, mood, belly problems and teething. There are a lot of amazing resources to help you dig deeper into this question, here are a few places to start:

This blog: https://lindseyelmore.com/blog/ 

And these books: https://www.discoverlsp.com/catalogsearch/result/?cat=0&q=kids

With kids, always dilute the oil. Young Living has a whole line for kids as well that come pre-diulted, the line is called Kid Scents! Here’s a little dilution chart to give you an idea. Keep in mind this chart is as if you’ll be putting it in a 10 ml roller bottle. 

Newborn — 1 drop

2-6 months — 1-2 drops

6-12 months — 1-3 drops

1-4 years — 4-8 drops 

Can I use oils when I am pregnant?

Your body, your choice! Check out Linday Elmore’s blog that I linked above. There are some really great resources in there that will help you make a decision. I know many many friends who use oils while pregnant and have no problem! There are a few oils you should be cautious of while pregnant, Peppermint and Eucalyptus. But again, do your own research. There are SO MANY oils and products to help with pain, swelling, immune function, sleep, etc.

Can I use oils on or around my dogs and cats?

I do! Young Living has a whole line for animals called Animal Scents. Can I say one thing to ease your fears? Those scary articles making their way around the internet about essential oils and animals were not Young Living oils….what can cause harm to animals are the “cheaper brands” that are not all essential oil. And remember--our dear pets are extra sensitive to smell and their skin is different than ours. I love the tips Lindsey makes in the article below. Especially these: 

+Always make sure your animal can leave the room if they don’t like the oil diffusing

+Always dilute when you place the oil on the animal

+Be around to watch how your animal reacts

These two blog post arereally informative resource to help you make a decision if you’d like to use essential oils on and around your pets.https://lindseyelmore.com/safety-essential-oils-pets/ 


What is an essential oil?

An essential oil is the aromatic, volatile liquid that is within many shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes, and seeds and that is usually extracted through steam distillation. It is the “lifeblood” of the plant, meaning when the plant is torn or scraped, it releases the essential oil to repair the damage. That’s how oils help us! They can penetrate our cell membranes and work within our bodies to repair damages (think environmental toxins, bacteria, viruses, etc) and make the cells healthy again! Because essential oils are made up of hundreds of constituents, each oil can have many effects on your body. Isn’t that awesome? They aren’t one size fits all - each oil has so many different uses!

How do I use essential oils?

There are three ways to use essential oils:


Smelling essential oils is the method we will be talking the most about today since, as you will learn, your sense of smell goes directly to the parts of the brain that hold emotions. In your kit, you’ll get a diffuser, and that’s the easiest way to use essential oils. You can also put a drop or two in your hands and cup them over your nose and mouth and breathe deeply, or just open the bottle and set it by you. Diffusing essential oils increase oxygen availability and can stay suspended in the air for hours! Research shows that diffusing oils can; reduce bacteria, fungus and mold, relax the body and clear the mind and stimulate the secretion of endorphins.


Consuming essential oils internally, either in food, drink or capsules. Not all oils are made to be ingested, so please refer to the label of each oil for proper usage instructions.

All Vitality oils are a part of Young Living’s dietary line. Essential oils are classified are GRAS (Generally Regarded as Safe) by the Food and Drug Administration.


Essential oils can be applied directly to your skin (neat) or combined with a carrier oil (like coconut oil, jojoba oil, etc). According to researcher Jean Valnet, MD, an essential oil applied directly onto the skin can pass into the bloodstream and diffuse throughout the entire body in 20 minutes!

Are there oils in all YL products?

Yes! Young Living knows the power of essential oils that our ancestors knew...and they made a whole line to help us! Cleaning our home, our supplements, cleaning our laundry, helping our mood, tasty and healthy drinks, make up, face wash, shampoo and conditioner, toothpaste….and so much more! 

What are some of my favorite ways to use oils?

*Some*(there are SO MANY) ways I use oils in my daily life: pain in my shoulders (from whiplash from a car accident years ago and where i hold my stress), my husband and I take the allergy trio to help seasonal allergies (lavender, lemon and peppermint), EVERYDAY for my emotions, smelling them, diffusing them and applying them topically, adding the vitality oils to my cooking and my tea, and so much more!

Young Living also has other products we LOVE, shampoo, conditioner, home cleaner, supplements, makeup, etc. etc. etc.

What’s the best way to get started?

There are a few ways to get started! Reach out to me and we will figure out what the best way is for you and your specific situation. There are usually three options I suggest depending on the situation: The Premium Starter Kit, The Thieves Kit or the Ningxia Red kit. You can learn more about these via my instagram, boppin’ around the blog or please reach out to me on instagram messenger or email! I’d be honored to help you! With any of the kits you’ll become a member and get 24% off all essential oils and products, so there is no bad choice really!  If you are thinking SIGN ME UP I want to start today, let’s do it friend! Click here.

Any more questions? Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me! I’m here for you friend!


Fruit Roll Up Plant + God Winks

Yesterday I was feeling down…all sorts of anxiousness was bubbling inside of me. So I went to the store to find a Rosemary plant (with gloves and hand santi…settle doooooown). The first store I went to they didn’t have one so I thought, okay wasn’t meant to be.

I went and dropped something off at a friends doorstep and when I got back in my car I felt a little whisper “Go to Lowes”. Um, haha okay that’s interesting... So I called Lowes just to see if they even had any Rosemary plants, the guy I got on the phone had no idea and actually ended up hanging up on me. lol. Rude.

Okeeeeeey…. But I felt the nudge to go anyway. So I did. I was waaaay on the other side of town and most of the drive there I was questioning why I was “wasting my time” going there. But, I went. The first thing I saw when I walked in — Rosemary plants!! And on sale!! I did a happy dance inside and put some in my cart. And, like I always do, I went and looked at the houseplants because they make me happy. Does anyone else just go walk by the plants and stand there looking at them and touching them? haha Maybe it’s the long North Dakota winters getting to me…

I saw this little guy and tried to talk myself out of it, I don’t neeeeed another plant. But it made me SO happy when I looked at it because it reminded my of my childhood and how my brothers and I looooved Fruit Roll ups. I put it in my cart, put it back. Put it in my cart, put it back…

But I kept feeling the nudge that it was okay if I get it, so I put it in my cart and went to checkout line. The computer was having all sorts of trouble at the self checkout — but a nice Lowes man helped me out. As he was fixing whatever was happening on that screen…I remembered…"Hey, I have a Lowes gift card!!”

It was just enough for the plant and the pretty white pot I grabbed to put it in. I didn’t have to pay for the plant that I was feeling guilty for getting anyway. It was a GIFT to me on a hard day. 

All that random story to say is this — listen to the nudges and the whispers. God will show up. He ALWAYS does. He loves you and knows your every need and every heart desire. Even the littlest things like a Fruit Roll Up Plant in a pretty white pot. 

A little old lady Lowes worker even came up and questioned, “What!? These Rosemary plants are NEVER on sale!” And I just smiled and told her to have a lovely day. God provides.


Easy Peanut Butter Bars

How do I know I have found my people here on the inter-web?

I know because every time I post a recipe of something with peanut butter you all message me asking me for the recipe….you are my people!!! #peanutbutterloversunite

I love these Easy Peanut Butter Bars because you can add in whatever you have in your cupboards if you want to or you can leave it plain-jane untouched and beautiful. Sometimes we add nuts. Sometimes we top it with some homemade jam. Most-all-of-the-time there is some kind of chocolatey goodness in it because I mean….#alwaysayes.

I adapted this recipe from the beautiful book The First Forty Days. It’s a book about postpartum and how a women should nourish herself from the inside out and give herself so much grace. I recommend this book to any woman, especially if you are living in the thick of the season of having babies. I don’t have babies yet…but I wanted to read it to see how to better help all my friends who are. And honestly. It’s one of my all time favorite books.

We make these very often in our house. It’s a little embarrassing how fast this pan seems to disappear…. I just can’t help myself!! But I don’t feel guilty about it because there isn’t any fake sugar — winning.

Without further adieu…..here’s the recipe!


  • 1 cup peanut butter (or sunflower butter, or almond butter, etc…)

  • 1/2 cup vegan butter (or grass fed butter if your body can digest dairy)

  • 1/2 cup local honey (local honey helps with SO many things)

  • 2 cups organic puffed rice (I suggest this. These aren’t like the rice crispy bars you grew up with….they’re WAY better. Puffed rice is different than rice crispies.)

  • Pinch of sea salt

  • Optional: vegan chocolate chips, nuts, wolf berries, dried fruit, etc.

  1. In a saucepan over low heat melt the peanut butter, vegan butter, and honey.

  2. Add the puffed rice to a large bowl with the seat salt, mix. Slowly pour the peanut butter mixture over the puffed rice. Stir in any additional options if you’d like.

  3. Place a piece of parchment paper in a 8x8 pan, pour the mixture into the pan and press down lightly.

  4. Place in the fridge to chill.

These babies need to stay in the refrigerator to keep their shape! Simply just leave a fork right in the pan to eat at your convenience…I mean….. what?

Do I eat these bars for breakfast often? Um, yes. This morning I even broke it up and put it over my banana bowl and drizzled with some homemade coconut yogurt and a touch of cinnamon…might I say, it was delicious!!


Good to the Last Drop

I have a lovely little oil hack for you this Tuesday morning!
Plop some of you empties in a jar of filtered water, let it soak by your diffuser and pour the water in the diffuser after they have been sitting for at least a few hours. 
Who knows...maybe you'll create your new favorite blend!
You can also do the same with some epsom salt! Put some salt in a jar, add your empties so they are sitting upside down and the salt will soak it all up. Then you have a lovely bath soak. (Speaking of bath…I took a bath at 3pm yesterday. Three pm on a Monday….guys. It was amazing. )

Also, don’t forget that you can reuse your oily bottle and makes them a spray bottle or a roller bottle!!


Happy Belly Tea

I believe most (if not all) digestion problems can be helped by looking very closely at your diet and helping reduce your stress levels. Did you know that whent your system is in “rest” mode it does its best digestion? A lot of the times with the stress in our lives we are constantly in Fight or Flight mode. Especially if we have been through trauma — our system gets confused. The good news is these things can be fixed by paying more attention to what you’re putting in your body and managing our stress levels!

Lucky for us, there are herbs + essential oils to help us with these things. Thanks God!

The essential oil DiGize was one of my first oils that made me a believer that oils work for more than just making things smell pretty. Ever since I was a little ‘tot I’ve had terrible digestion. Mostly due to my anxiety (and later realizing I am sensitive to dairy. uuuuugggh #ilovecheese). I have vivid memories crying going to elementary school because my stomach hurt. Back than, we didn’t put together that I was just constantly anxious. Then, when my brother died when I was 13 years old my system when haywire.

Long story short….I’ve tried everything. The two things that work best for me: watching my diet and watching my stress levels.

I love this tea because not only does it tastes amaaaazing but it’s also awakening, refreshing, calms my belly and can be drank warmed up or at room temperature.

I work from home so I sip it all day long. Filling up my cup one after the other. If you don’t like to drink just plain water, this is a great way to get your water intake!

Fun fact: did you know when you steep tea it hot water, what you are doing is extracting the oils from the plants and herbs? It allll comes back to the oils (wink).

Nettle: stimulates circulation, helps you “get going”, helps with aches, benefits the liver, fights infections, helps asthma and allergies, has serotonin to help improve mood.

Peppermint: help ward off colds, very calming to nervous system, helps motion sickness, helps ease stomach pains, amazing for aiding in digestion.

DiGize Essential Oil: DiGize is a blend of these essential oils: Tarragon, Ginger, Peppermint, Juniper, Fennel, Lemongrass, Anise and Patchouli. This blend is known for improving digestion. The oils in this blend have been found to be beneficial for indigestion and bloating.

*This is a tea infusion: meaning we let it sit on the counter for 12 hours, or overnight. It’ll be worth the wait!

Happy belly Tea

  • 2 T. Dried Nettle

  • 2 T. Dried Peppermint

  • 2 drop DiGize Essential Oil

  • Water

+ Add dried herbs to a quart-sized Mason Jar. Drop 2 drop Digize Essential Oil onto the dried herbs.

+Boil enough water to fill the mason jar to the top.

+Pour boiling water over the mixture in the Mason Jar, let cool down a bit and then put a lid on the jar. Let it sit on your counter for 12 hours, or overnight.

+Strain leaves by placing a strainer over another Mason Jar, and pouring the liquid into the second Mason Jar.

+Store in the refrigerator. This is delicious warmed up or drunk at room temperature.


He Provides

“He makes grass grow for the cattle,

and plants for people to cultivate—

bringing forth food from the earth:

wine that gladdens human hearts,

oil to make their faces shine,

and bread that sustains their hearts.”

Psalm 104

A lie I believed for far too long was this: God won’t provide for me. 

If I did believe that He would provide, it was for a split moment and the moment that lead up to it was because of something I did to “achieve” what I received. 

I was challenged to combat this lie every morning with verses from The Word the prove it false. 

Every morning I took my thoughts captive and fought my lie with His Truths. For 40 days.

I believe it all the way down in my bones know…He provides for me.

Little did I know this months ago, that today we would all be living in a season where we have to trust He will provide is some of the most tangible ways: money to pay our bills, food on the table, Joy in the chaos. 

But here’s the thing about all that’s uncomfortable right now… we ALWAYS have to trust He will provide for us. Our current circumstances are highlighting that truth. But my prayer for all of us is that we will carry what we are learning in this storm when the calm comes. 

Do you see Him providing for you, right now?

Do you feel His Joy?

The Best Garlic Bread

Guys. I’m not sure you understand how much I love garlic. I love it. I eat roasted garlic like candy. Good thing I’m married lolz. He’s stuck with kissin’ me foreverrrr.

Anyways. Enough about that talk.

Whenever I post how I’m making this easy garlic bread I get about a million direct messages asking me for the recipe and I say….GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT. You guys love garlic like I do. You are my people!

This recipe is found in the wonderful Molle Yeh’s recipe book: Molly on the Range. You need this recipe book in your kitchen. Plus, she’s a fun North Dakota gal!! And has her own TV show. Whuuuut. Yeah, check out all her other recipes!!

Here’s the deal. This recipe calls for three heads of garlic you might be like me and double check that you just read that correctly. YA DID. Three garlic heads making this bread dreamy-garlicky-delciousness!!

This has turned into DJ and I’s Saturday night Sabbath bread. We love Saturday nights in our house, I spend all day making a yummy, slow cooked meal, clean the house, and set the table all pretty. I time the bread-baking to be finished just in time for DJ to walk in the door from work and we enjoy this warm garlicky bread deliciousness with dinner and a glass of wine. Tonights dinner is homemade soup, and we will be pulling off chunks of this bread and dipping it in and enjoying every bite! After dinner? Homemade Blueberry Crisp with Oatly Ice Cream. I’m telling ya….if you don’t Sabbath you are missin’ out my friend.

Alrighty…onto the recipe because I’m sure your mouth is watering!

This bread is EASY but it will take a little bit of patience. I always whip it up on Friday night and let it sit overnight so it’s ready for me. It has to sit for 12-24 hrs, so it’ll take a little bit of planning but not a whole lot of work!


  • About 4 - 4 1/2 cups all purpose flour (or bread flour)

  • 1/2 tsp. active dry yeast

  • 2 tsp. salt

  • 1 1/2 cups warm water

  • 3 heads garlic

  • 1 T. olive oil


  1. In a large bowl mix: 3 cups flour, yeast, and salt. Slowly stir in the water until it’s combined.

  2. Cover the bowl tightly with plastic wrap and a tea towel. Let sit overnight at room temperature - 12 to 24 hrs.

  3. The next day, preheat oven to 400 degrees. Cut the tops off 3 heads of garlic and drizzle some olive oil on each. Wrap each individually in foil and bake for about 45 minutes.

  4. When they’re cool enough to handle, squeeze them into a bowl and mash them up good.

  5. Drop dollops of the garlic over the dough in a bowl and mix using a spatula. Fold into the dough so all the dough gets some garlic love.

  6. Plan a large piece of parchment paper on counter and lay about 1/2 cup flour on it. Scrape the dough onto the surface and shape the dough into a roundish blob. Sprinkle the top with some flour. Spray a piece of plastic wrap with cooking spray and cover it. Let it rise for 1 1/2 hours.

  7. During the last 30 minutes, preheat oven to 450 degrees and place a lided Dutch Oven in it.

  8. Remove the Dutch Oven after 30 minutes of it heating up. Remove plastic wrap from dough. Pick up dough by using the parchment paper and then lower the dough into the dutch oven (with the parchment paper).

  9. Place in oven and make for 30 minutes with lid on. After 30 minutes, remove lid and bake for another 15-20 minutes, until it’s nice and golden brown on the top.

  10. Allow to cool on a wire rack (I knoooow it smells soooo good at this point) and let cool for about 30 minutes.

Enjoy it!! Let me know if you make it, friends! This bread may not be the prettiest loaf in all the land but I would bet it will be one of the most delicious bread recipes you’ve ever had!

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Death Is Defeated

The pain of losing someone you love never goes away. Sometimes it’s a dull pain and sometimes it feels like someone stabbed you right in the gut. But here’s the thing, DEATH HAS BEEN DEFEATED! I have been thinking about this the last few days and letting it sink deep into my soul…allowing it to seep all the way down into my bones for me to deeply believe it. My worst fear — gone.

Jesus took the worst thing that could ever happen to us and made it the BEST thing that is going to happen to us. Life after death. Heaven. Eternally with Him and with all the ones we love.

I’ve been allowing myself to day dream sitting around a huge table with Him, my brother, my grandma and grandpa….and with everyone I love right next to me. Allowing myself to daydream about what it’s going to be like in complete glory. Could you allow yourself that same freedom? Go sit at your table, close your eyes, and picture Jesus sitting right in front of you. Reaching across the table from you, gently touching your hand. Jesus looking into your eyes, the same look that someone gives you when they know you are in pain, the look that says I love you so much, sometimes without even saying a word. Picture Jesus laughing with you…he is full of JOY. Sitting in front of Him you’d feel this: completely known, completely loved, completely understood, no pain, only joy.

That’s why He came for us. He came to gave us his Holy Spirit. We can sit with Him now and share in this glory. Giving us glimpses of Heaven until He completely restores us all.

Now, here’s the deal. I don’t fully understand any of it. None of us besides God can fully comprehend it. BUT this is what we do know:

God loved us SO MUCH that he put on flesh to come down and live life the way we do. He slept on the ground, built fires, had a job, made friends, was betrayed by friends, cooked food to sustain Him…He came and fully experienced life like we do. Because that’s what love does.

When you love someone, you step into their pain with them. When you have a relationship with someone, you sit around the table with them and listen to what’s on their hearts. When you love someone, you do everything you can to step into what life looks and feels like to them.

This odd-season of not being able to gather around the table with our loved ones maybe the best opportunity to come back and sit at the table with the One who gave it all for us. Because one day, we will all be feasting around His table. Oh. What a glorious day.

“And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them saying, ‘This is my body, given for you; do this in remembrance of me.’ In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, ‘This cup is the new convent in my blood, which is poured out for you.” Luke 22:19-20

Beef Broth

Homemade bone broth not only adds deep, rich flavor to your recipes, it also has amazing health benefits! I know making homemade beef broth can look intimidating. Like…er…..what am I supposed to do with these bones? Am I a caveman? Thankfully, no. Most likely you’re a very smart lady cookin’ up this goodness in your kitchen with a stove and electricity — huzzah!

What are some of the benefits of bone broth?

  • Animal bones are rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and other trace minerals — these same minerals help our own bones!

  • Helps the digestive system — super easy to digest and aids your body in digestion

  • May help fight inflammation — the amino acids found in bone broth have strong anti-inflammatory properties

  • Help improve joint health

  • May help aid in weight loss

  • Helps increase collagen productions (hair, skin and nail health)

There are a few different ways people make their own broth. This is the way I have found works for us. If you are local, get some bones at 3Be Meats — they have a lot of amazing things!!

First, we roast the bones for 30-ish minutes in the oven at 350 degrees until they are browned, this helps add more depth of flavor! While the bones are roasting, chop up and old or extra veggies you have (if veggies are getting old we will chop them up and put them in the freezer for making bone broth later!). We love garlic, ginger, celery, onions and carrots. Throw that all in a crock pot, add some salt and pepper. Once the bones are done roasting, add them to the crock pot and fill the crock pot with water. Let simmer for 6-24 hours. If you’re simmering for around 6, put that baby on high, if you are doing more than 6 hours, I would put it on low!

Once it’s simmered, strain it all out and put in mason jars for later use, or use right away! Make sure when you put it in mason jars, fill them 3/4 of the way so they don’t break the jar in the freezer.


30 Min. Homemade Ramen

This recipe is SO easy and one of our go-to meals. We almost always have the ingredients for this recipe because we love Thai food — so coconut aminos, curry paste, fish sauce and coconut milk are staples in our kitchen. If you don’t have these things, that’s okay! But I’d stock up on them because likely, this will become a family favorite for you too!

Sometimes I think it’s ironic I share recipes because I really have to think about what I did when I sit down and write it out. I am very much a make-it-up-as-you-go cook! A looot of guess-measuring happening in our kitchen. But this one, I measured it out for you!

You may have also noticed in the picture a few pieces of shredded chicken. We had a little bit left over from the other night, so I threw — quite literally — a few pieces in. But this recipe would also be great with some chicken added!

I cannot stress enough that homemade bone broth makes all the difference! Using store bought broth will not be the same…plus homemade bone broth has so many benefits!! It’s easy to throw the ingredients in a crock pot and let it simmer. Then we just put it all in mason jars and freeze it until we are ready to use it! Check out how we make bone broth here.

This makes a big batch. We love at least doubling our recipes so we make a homemade meal every 2 nights, the off-nights are warm up nights! And this one also makes enough for a few lunches. I mean, it depends on how much your family eats….maybe that’s just because DJ eats alot! ha (he’s one of those guys that eats so much and you look at him and question where the heck is he putting all that because he’s so trim. Siiiigh.)


-8 cups homemade beef broth (or chicken)

-1 can coconut milk

-1/2 cup coconut aminos (or soy sauce)

-2 T fish sauce

-1/2 cup creamy peanut butter

-1/4 cup Thai Green Curry Paste (or Thai Red Curry Paste)

-8 ounces mushroom

-3 bell peers, sliced

-1 inch fresh ginger, minced

-3 cloves garlic, minced

-Juice of one lime

-16 oz. rice noodles

Options to top with:

-Basil or cilantro

-chopped peanuts

-sesame seeds

-fresh bean sprouts (not canned, ick)


  1. In a Dutch oven or large pot, combine the broth, coconut milk, coconut aminos, fish sauce, peanut butter and curry paste. Add in mushrooms, peppers, ginger and garlic. Set over medium heat and bring to a simmer. Reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer for 15 minutes.

  2. After 15 minutes, bring to a boil and add noodles and lime juice. Boil for 5-10 minutes until noodle are done.

  3. Ladle the deliciousness into soup bowls, top with some toppings of choice and enjoy!

**To store leftovers, you could store the noodle and broth separately. The noodles will get a little mushy if all stored together, but still taste delicious!


Homemade Thieves Wipes!

Did I ever in my wildest dreams think I'd get this excited about making a cleaning wipe? Why no, no I didn't. 
But I also never thought we would get to the point where I would have to ask a friend to buy me toilet paper in a different town and do a happy dance when she brought it. Also actually Googled when Toilet Paper was invented because I had honestly never thought about what people did without it.
These little babies are SO easy to make and make your home smell amaaaazing! Plus, super cost effective #winning
-Homemade Thieves Wipes-
-1/2 a paper towel roll (we used a bread knife and put the other half in the closet to use when these run out!)
+2 cups warm water
+2 capfuls Thieves Household Cleaner 
+If you'd like, add a few drops essential oil of your choice. I did Lemon + Purification.
+Place 1/2 roll in an airtight container 
+Fill a cup with 2 cups warm water, add the Thieves + essential oil if using, stir with spoon
+slowly pour water mixture over paper towels 
+let sit for 10 minutes, remove inner cardboard
+Place airtight lid on and they're ready whenever you need them!
I got this cute container at Target. It was about $17 which was a little spend for me...BUT we will be saving SO much money on wipes!

thieves wipes.jpg

April Promos

Man, what a weird time we are living in….amiright?

I pray you are safe where you are, have peace in your heart and woke up with hope for tomorrow. We will get through this, dear ones!

Now is a time we are all taking a haaaard look at ANYTHING coming into our home. DJ and I have been doing this for the past 4 years with our Essential Rewards orders. Are you wondering what ER is that we talk about all the time? Here’s a little breakdown…

Being on ER, you customize your order every month to get products in your home that you need. Young Living is so much more than just essential oils, they are a wellness company. We have Young Living products in every room of our home and for nearly every purpose—shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, household cleaner, laundry soap, dish soap, supplements, Ningxia Red, and an essential oil for everything and so much more. Think of it this way, you are not spending more money every month, you are transferring where you spend your money. Instead of going to Target for some of these products, you place it on your ER order and get free products and money back!! I love Target, but Target doesn’t love me back like that. My mind thinks in bullet points, so here’s the gist of it:

  • Customize your order every month

  • Exclusive free products for people who are on ER

  • Free loyalty gifts every 3 months for the first year, then every 12 months thereafter

  • Points back every dollar you spend (points back = money back to spend on quick orders)

  • Access to exclusive ER only kits

The longer you are on Essential Rewards, your points back will increase!

Months 1-3 —> 10% back on your ER order

Months 4-24 —> 20% back on your ER order

Months 25 ++ —> 25% back on your ER orders forevaaa!

You need to make a minimum ER order of 50 PV a month (remember, basically $50), with this you will get whatever products you choose for your order that month! There is no “monthly fee”, you are getting products with your money. I always suggest everyone at least try it because you can cancel it anytime if you realize it’s not working for you.

Here’s an example of what your first month order can be that is around 50 PV:

  • Thieves Cleaner

  • Thieves Laundry soap

Bing. Bang. Boom. You did it!

To sign up simply just login to your account and click Essential Rewards on the side. Let me know if you have any questions about this!

And let me just say……THIS MONTH is an amazing month to get started. Young Living is hookin’ us UUUUUP with promos this month. Here’s the breakdown:

100 PV - *15 ml Eucalyptus Radiata

190 PV - *15 ml Eucalyptus Radiata , 15 ml Tea Tree, *Thieves Branded Spray bottle

250 PV - 15 ml Eucalyptus Radiata , 15 ml Tea Tree, *Thieves Branded Spray bottle, 15ml Lemon, 15 ml clove

300 PV - 15 ml Eucalyptus Radiata , 15 ml Tea Tree, *Thieves Branded Spray bottle, 15ml Lemon, 15 ml clove, 5 ml Cinnamon Bark

400 PV - 15 ml Eucalyptus Radiata , 15 ml Tea Tree, *Thieves Branded Spray bottle, 15ml Lemon, 15 ml clove, 5 ml Cinnamon Bark, Premium Dryer Balls, 15 ml Purification

*Means Essential Rewards Exclusive. You can get some of these products without being on Essential Rewards (ER), but you get the most value AND points back when you are enrolled in ER.

I mean, WHAT?! All of these are exactly what we need right now. Here’s a little breakdown of each product:

100pv Eucalyptus Radiata 15ml (er exclusive)

This is one of the key ingredients in our beloved Thieves but is also amazon on it’s own! Add it to massage oil, diffuse it to help with respiratory system, or apply to your chest with coconut oil. It helps support a healthy immune system, and with it’s crisp aroma, apply it to your chest before you workout! Turn your shower into a spa by adding 5-10 drops on a warm washcloth and place it in your shower stream.

190pv Branded Thieves Spray Bottle (er exclusive)

HELLO! So cute. We have been doing through sooooo much Thieves cleaner in our house. How about you!? You can get rid of ALL your cleaners and replace it with this one!

190pv Tea Tree 15ml

Tea tree is such a well known oil, think back before you started using oils—you had heard about this one right? It has cleansing qualities, it’s great for skin and has a crisp, purifying scent.

Make your own sink and shower scrub with 10 drop Tea Tree, 1 cup baking soca and 1/4 cup dish soap!

250pv CLOVE 15ml

This oil is the MOST concentrated antioxidant known with an ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) value of over 1,000,000. By comparison, the ORAC score of a blueberry is only 2,400. Can you say IMMUNE SYSTEM SUPPORT?! Aromatically this encourages sleep, stimulates dreams and creates a sense of protection and courage — also wonderful for the respiratory system!!

250pv LEMON 15ml

Yummy — I love this bright citrusy scent. This is part of the allergy trio that is always on repeat in our house: lavender, lemon and peppermint.

Lemon helps your brain calm and focus — hellooooo anyone have kiddos at home right now? Add this to your diffusers!

We use this instead of goo gone in our house, always. Get those nasty stickers off a new item!


Diffuse this one with Stress Away for a warm and carefree vibe! We could all use that right now…haha As a vitality oil, this oil supports the circulatory system, cardiovascular system and digestive system!

400pv PURIFICATION 15ml + Premium Dryer Balls

Okay want to know why I LOVE this? These dryer balls and their bag were ethically made and sourced from Nepal and made by female entrepreneurs who were paid a FAIR WAGE!! YL for the wiiiiiin! Many of these women are single mothers, widows, and survivors of trafficking.

Purification is one of me ALL TIME FAVORITES. Whenever I diffuse it I feel like I have fresh flowers on the counters. Plus..there is Rosemary in it so it’s gotta be good! This is a blend made up of 6 oils to fight against odors and to create a refreshing atmosphere. Add it to your laundry to make it smell amaaaaaaazing. Put it on a cotton ball and put at the bottom of your garbage bin. Bring it with you when you travel to brighten up any hotel, car and public restrooms (yuck).

Friends, don’t you agree NOW is the perfect time to invest in our health and wellness? We have ALL THESE RESOURCES right at our fingertips!! I want you to be aware of what is right in front of you and how much it can help you.

What are you more excited for this month?

April Promos.jpg

7 Things to do Today to Embrace Slow Living + Intentionality

It has been so apparent to me these past few months that people didn’t always live the way we are living right now. That might sound like a “um, Duh JamieLee” comment, but think about it. Until just recently, people didn’t have a computer in their pocket buzzing at all times, people didn’t sit in front of a computer screen for 8+ hours a day working, people didn’t feel the sadness of a strangers tragedy (because they simply didn’t know about it), people went to work and came home to be with their families, a job was a job and not their whole identity. Now days, everything is so so intertwined with one another it is hard to find where one things begins and the other ends. We try so hard to shape what we desire out lives to look like, but if we aren’t careful, are we shaping our lives or is something shaping us?

The first thing to do is to be aware. Jesus says something like this in the Bible too, “Take every thought captive” (2 Corinthians 10:5). How can we take out thoughts captive if we aren’t even aware of what our thoughts and habits are turning us into?

I am by no means perfect. This life is a journey and it is a guarantee that we are going to mess up. But, what I think is the scariest thing is most of us are not aware of the habits we are creating in our life and what they are doing to us and our relationships.

Be aware. Be present. Let love into every inch of your life.

These are a few practices I have implemented daily in my life, truly, they have been life-changing. When I am diligent in these practices, my mind is quieter and I feel the peace, down deep in my bones that I believe we are all searching for.

  1. Eat without distractions.

    DJ and I have been turning our phones off every night and I don’t turn my phone back on until Dj leaves for work around 9am. I wake up, have my own quiet time, and have breakfast all before stepping into the mess of the world.

    I believe this should be a practice for every meal, for many reasons, but here are two main ones. One, you taste every bite and enjoy your food so much more and are more aware of when you are full. Two, you are presently aware of the gift of food on your table.

    Start with not bringing out your phone when you have lunch. If you work from home, turn on your favorite music and listen to every word. If you work around people, sit with your friends, or maybe even someone new, and learn something about them.

  2. When you talk with someone, place your phone out of sight.

    I’m talking, anytime. From a quick meeting of a co-worker in the hall way, to a coffee date with a friend, to when your spouse gets home from work. Just think about it, I am sure we have all been in a situation where you are with someone you were excited to spend time with but every few minutes they pull out their phones to check what the buzzing was—did you feel loved, understood and like you were important to them in that moment?

  3. Put away 3 things that have been “bothering you”.

    There are soooo many studies for how a clean home/working space translates to a clear mind/peace. If you’re bored, spend your time wisely and go down the deep hole of the internet reading the studies! It’s fascinating. Also, two words: Marie Kondo. There is a reason her methods have taken the world by storm. Along with tiny home living and minimalism. Slowly, we are starting to figure it out. If every time you walk by something in your home it “bothers you”, maybe you could first ask yourself he question— “If it’s bothering me this much, why do I even have it?”

    Straighten out your desk. Organize a junk drawer. Put away the clothes in your room that have been in a pile for a week. After you did it, take a moment to soak in that feeling afterwards.

  4. Take 5 minutes two focus on your breath.

    When I get going on my work-train I could sit in one place for 6+ hours without even realizing how much time has passed. Some might say that is awesome, but I say, no…my booty and my back hurt, my feet are numb and I have a headache from staring at my computer screen. ha! When you feel yourself going down that road, or when you have little pockets of time in between your days — in between projects, driving in your car, walking to the next meeting — take 5 minutes to just focus on your breath. This can be sitting, standing, or moving, but in this time focus on feeling your belly and chest rise and fall with each breath, listening to the sound, when you feel thoughts come to your mind that are filled with anxiety, gently push them aside like a vapor, giving yourself grace, and coming back to your breath and the present moment.

  5. When you think of someone, reach out to them and let them know you did.

    It doesn’t have to be anything crazy. If someone from high school came to mind that you haven’t talked to in years but you still follow each other on social media, reach out to them and let them know you were reminded of how kind they were then and hoping they are doing well now. If it’s a friend, call them or text them a kind thought you thought about them. Or maaaaybeee even bringing it way back and writing someone happy mail! Isn't it the best to get something in the mail that isn’t a bill? It makes my whole week when I get a hand written note from someone who cares about me.

  6. When working on a project on your computer, keep only the ONE tab open that you are working on.

    Have you seen that meme going around with all the tabs open on the computer and it says something like “this is what my brain looks like”. It is funny! But it’s also true. When you are working on a project, close all other tabs, especially tabs that do not pertain to that project. Because yes, you may not loooook at the Facebook tab that is open but when you see the notification come up, are you telling me you didn’t go sneak a peak?

  7. Turn your phone off for one hour.

    Like I stated in the first one, DJ and I turn out phones off every night. We are in a season of figuring out our phone boundaries—that may sound funny but I think it is truly something all of us need to be doing. I’ve heard it explained as “parenting your phone'“, you turn it off at night, wake up before it and not turning it on until you’re ready for the day, turning it off for an hour in the afternoon to give it its “nap”. We have only been doing this for a few weeks and it’s already SO freeing. I feel my addiction to my phone lessening and my anxious thoughts becoming less and less.

    Maybe durning this time you can take a walk outside to refresh, run an errand without your phone, or simply just work without the distractions of buzzing for an hour. It will be different for everyone, find what brings you peace.

If all seven of these seem overwhelming, start with one and take note of how you feel. We are in a high-speed hustle culture, going against the “norm” isn’t always easy-peasy. Your friends may not even understand it. However, I think if we are all honest with ourselves, we are all searching for more peace in our daily lives. Maybe it’s a lot closer than we think.

Praying this is helpful for you. Reach out and let me know if you tried any of these! Maybe even share this article with a friend, you’re more likely to stick to something if you have people cheering you on and being able to confide in one another.

Dreamy Chia Seed Breakfast Bowl

I’ve been struggling with finding a breakfast that keeps me full, is healthy and doesn’t make me feel bloated. *Insert all the heart eyes and happy dance moves*
Hit the goldmine 😍

Oatmeal is often a go-to, but somedays it makes me feel “weighed down” and “bleh”. The next choice is a smoothie, which I looooove but is hard for me to enjoy everyday, especially when it’s freezing here in ND—starting my day with a cold smoothie sounds terrible. ha Although, a trick I have found is adding a piece of fresh ginger to your smoothie helps with digestion and take a bit of the “shock” away! But I digress….back to the Dreamy Chia Bowls!

I make a big batch of the chia seed base and put it in the fridge in mason jars so it’s easy to grab in the morning or for a snack in the afternoon. I’m taking a little break from sugar so I use chopped up dates to sweeten it up—but drizzled with some local honey would be equally as dreamy!

Top it with whatever toppings you like. Pictured I topped with: 1/2 a banana, wolfberries, coconut flakes and a dollop of cashew butter.
(I like adding the wolfberries + dates to the chia base mixture to soften them up. I didn’t do that here to get a prettier photo 😉.)

-6 T. Chia seeds
-2 T. Hemp seeds 
-5 C. Milk of choice (I use almond)
-3-4 dates chopped and stirred in 
-2-3 T. Wolfberries 
-1/2 t. Cinnamon

Let sit on counter for at least 30 minutes to soak it all in OR place in mason jars and let sit in fridge over night. Split evenly throughout 4 mason jars.

Top with whatever you’d like! Banana, blueberries, raspberries, honey, almond, walnuts... go wild girlfran!
