Happy Belly Tea

I believe most (if not all) digestion problems can be helped by looking very closely at your diet and helping reduce your stress levels. Did you know that whent your system is in “rest” mode it does its best digestion? A lot of the times with the stress in our lives we are constantly in Fight or Flight mode. Especially if we have been through trauma — our system gets confused. The good news is these things can be fixed by paying more attention to what you’re putting in your body and managing our stress levels!

Lucky for us, there are herbs + essential oils to help us with these things. Thanks God!

The essential oil DiGize was one of my first oils that made me a believer that oils work for more than just making things smell pretty. Ever since I was a little ‘tot I’ve had terrible digestion. Mostly due to my anxiety (and later realizing I am sensitive to dairy. uuuuugggh #ilovecheese). I have vivid memories crying going to elementary school because my stomach hurt. Back than, we didn’t put together that I was just constantly anxious. Then, when my brother died when I was 13 years old my system when haywire.

Long story short….I’ve tried everything. The two things that work best for me: watching my diet and watching my stress levels.

I love this tea because not only does it tastes amaaaazing but it’s also awakening, refreshing, calms my belly and can be drank warmed up or at room temperature.

I work from home so I sip it all day long. Filling up my cup one after the other. If you don’t like to drink just plain water, this is a great way to get your water intake!

Fun fact: did you know when you steep tea it hot water, what you are doing is extracting the oils from the plants and herbs? It allll comes back to the oils (wink).

Nettle: stimulates circulation, helps you “get going”, helps with aches, benefits the liver, fights infections, helps asthma and allergies, has serotonin to help improve mood.

Peppermint: help ward off colds, very calming to nervous system, helps motion sickness, helps ease stomach pains, amazing for aiding in digestion.

DiGize Essential Oil: DiGize is a blend of these essential oils: Tarragon, Ginger, Peppermint, Juniper, Fennel, Lemongrass, Anise and Patchouli. This blend is known for improving digestion. The oils in this blend have been found to be beneficial for indigestion and bloating.

*This is a tea infusion: meaning we let it sit on the counter for 12 hours, or overnight. It’ll be worth the wait!

Happy belly Tea

  • 2 T. Dried Nettle

  • 2 T. Dried Peppermint

  • 2 drop DiGize Essential Oil

  • Water

+ Add dried herbs to a quart-sized Mason Jar. Drop 2 drop Digize Essential Oil onto the dried herbs.

+Boil enough water to fill the mason jar to the top.

+Pour boiling water over the mixture in the Mason Jar, let cool down a bit and then put a lid on the jar. Let it sit on your counter for 12 hours, or overnight.

+Strain leaves by placing a strainer over another Mason Jar, and pouring the liquid into the second Mason Jar.

+Store in the refrigerator. This is delicious warmed up or drunk at room temperature.


Lavender Chamomile Tea

I made this Lavender & Chamomile Tea the other night, knocked me right out. Like, passed out on the couch dreaming and not knowing where I am when I woke up, kind of sleep.
It's calming. It smells amazing. It's delicious.

Simple rituals give me the most joy sometimes.

Ending the day with a warm drink in my hands. Sitting in the coziest spot in our home, feeling the warmth of the mug on the hands and the warmth of the drink as it goes down to my belly and soothes me. 

I am convince there is something more going on than just liquid going down your throat. It's a spiritual moment, if you let it be. It is a moment to pause, let the world and your mind be still and rest.

Feel the warmth, notice how the pausing makes you yearn for more: more quiet, more refreshing.

Put on your pj's, grab your favorite mug and take a seat, friends.

Serves 2
3 cups milk of choice (we use almond or oat)
2 tablespoons chamomile blossoms
2 tablespoons lavender (you could also add a drop of Lavender Vitality essential oil)
Honey to taste

In a small pot, bring milk to a gentle boil.
Remove from heat, add chamomile and lavender. Let rest for 4-5 minutes. Strain and enjoy!