Lavender Chamomile Tea

I made this Lavender & Chamomile Tea the other night, knocked me right out. Like, passed out on the couch dreaming and not knowing where I am when I woke up, kind of sleep.
It's calming. It smells amazing. It's delicious.

Simple rituals give me the most joy sometimes.

Ending the day with a warm drink in my hands. Sitting in the coziest spot in our home, feeling the warmth of the mug on the hands and the warmth of the drink as it goes down to my belly and soothes me. 

I am convince there is something more going on than just liquid going down your throat. It's a spiritual moment, if you let it be. It is a moment to pause, let the world and your mind be still and rest.

Feel the warmth, notice how the pausing makes you yearn for more: more quiet, more refreshing.

Put on your pj's, grab your favorite mug and take a seat, friends.

Serves 2
3 cups milk of choice (we use almond or oat)
2 tablespoons chamomile blossoms
2 tablespoons lavender (you could also add a drop of Lavender Vitality essential oil)
Honey to taste

In a small pot, bring milk to a gentle boil.
Remove from heat, add chamomile and lavender. Let rest for 4-5 minutes. Strain and enjoy!

Refining Rich

We ended 2017 quiet, slow and restful. A launching pad for my vision for 2018: more rest, less striving.

We cooked slow, delicious meals. We felt the warmth of the sun on our face. We rested, gave each other the Raindrop Technique, and listened to our bodies. We felt the dirt on our skin and smelt the fresh air in our hair when we came inside at night. We woke up as the sun was rising and paused to enjoy the sun setting at night.

We sat down with each cup of coffee in the morning, felt the warmth of it in our hands and the warmth as we drank it. Took deep breaths, let our mind rest.

I want this year to be more about rest, but that does not mean out lives are slowing down. Quite the opposite, actually. It is about being intentional in the everyday moments. Listening to your body, God and to others. Listening and loving.

I found a prayer of mine I wrote last spring today. This is what it said:

May 22nd, 2017

“That the Lord would daily refine what our definition of rich is. To have a rich life, in family, friends, faith and food. To have daily bread. To depend on Him. To be rich in love and live a life that is whole. To have our health be one of our biggest treasures. To sit at the table, invite others in and enjoy the normal mercies of life. To taste good food, to taste of a good God and to be refreshed.”
