Prayers & Hot Air Balloons

I love how when you write something down, that piece of paper holds that moment of time. Holds that prayer, that dream, that hurt, that grief.
I love how you can look back on things you've written and see who you were then compared to who you are now.
I love looking back and seeing the prayers that you had, how and when they were answered.

A prayer of mine was to ride in a hot air balloon. I watched them sore over my dads house at sunrise and sunset in the summer time. The breeze pushing them along. Conditions had to be perfect or else they couldn't fly.

I found this picture today of DJ and I on our honeymoon.
It reminded me, again, of how faithful God is. 

He hears your prayers. All of them. 

He listens to you when you are 10 years old and praying to ride in a hot air balloon.
He didn't answer the prayer in my timing.
No, it was more perfect than I could have planned. 

He answered my over-a-decade ago prayer like this:
I got to ride in a hot air balloon, in New Zealand at sunrise, with my husband.
Grace, overflowing. 

He hears your prayers. He wants you to trust in His ways. His ways are better than you could ever imagine.