Sneaky Little Lies

Your career doesn’t *have to* be your biggest passion.
Your passion doesn’t *have to* bring in your paycheck.
Your worth *is not* defined by your paycheck.
Your identity *is not* found in your actions.
Striving *does not* have a finish line.
Your value *is not* found in others view of you.
Your body *does not* need to weigh a certain number for you to be AND FEEL beautiful. 
Happiness *does not* have a $ sign attached to it.

These are truths I’ve been speaking into the lies I’ve believed. Sneaky little lies that are covered in half-truths.
How amazing if you LOVE your job and it’s a passion of yours — but how quickly than can become your identity.
Who are you apart from your titles?
This is a question I’ve been asking myself.

It’s hard for me to believe that I could sit on the couch and be just and loved by God as if I started a non-profit ministry. 

These are the things my soul has been searching for, the questions that only have One answer.
It’s a journey, not a destination. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.
God doesn’t care about your titles. Do you believe that? He cares that you understand the depth of His love for you (even just a glimpse, because His love is something we can’t fully comprehend on this earth). 
His outstretched arms, always. 
The rest found in His presence, anytime.
It’s a relationship with God, not a title for Him.
