Ginger Lemon-Lime Switchel

Switchel is traditionally known as the “haymakers punch”. It was the drink farmers would grab for in the 1700-1900s (before soda was a thing….). It’s known for being hydrating and energizing! Traditionally, when it was hot outside they would drink hot drinks to keep their body temp. similar to the outdoor temps. I LOVE that this was a thought for the farmers in the 1700-1900s because it is very much the thought of Traditional Chinese Medicine. (TCM). Although this drink is cool, it is warming because of the ginger!

I am by no means a TCM expert. But it is something that I love researching, learning about and is the base and methods for most of the recipes we use at home. I think it is a fascinating way to relate to your body and I have had such a better mind-body connection when I am following the TCM method.

The other day it was a hot, humid summer day here in North Dakota (my favorite kind of days). I was paging through one of my favorite TCM cookbooks and came across a drink that looked particularly refreshing — Ginger Lemonade Switchel. I didn’t quite have all the ingredients, so I made up this little ditty and WOW it is so refreshing. Perfect drink after a workout or to refresh on a hot summer day.

I can’t claim that I made up this recipe. Its was more of a Whatever-is-in-our-Fridge Switchel, but a lot of the time that is how I find my favorite recipes!

(Okay, I’m back. I had to go pour myself a glass after all this talking about it!)

Let’s chat about Mineral Essence for a moment.

Speaking of old farming ways….back then they used to have SO many more nutrients in their food. Because of the way farming is practiced now and all the chemicals…..are “food” is often a far cry from what they ate years ago. Young Living’s Mineral Essence is a balanced, full-spectrum ionic mineral complex. It helps us get the minerals we *should* be getting from our food. Ionic minerals are the most fully and quickly absorbed minerals available.

“You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailments to a mineral deficiency.”

-Linus Pauling PhD, two time Nobel Prize winner.

Fair warning, Mineral Essence has a strong…..essence. ha! But when you put it in this mixture you can taste nothing but goodness!


Makes about 2 Quarts:

  • 1/2 c. Raw Honey

  • 2 c. Hot Water

  • 6 c. Room Temp Water

  • 2 t. Apple Cider Vinegar

  • 1 c. Freshly Squeezed Lemon + Lime Juice

  • 6 Drops Mineral Essence

  • 2 tsp. Fresh Ginger Pulp/Juice

  • 1/4 tsp. Sea Salt

In a small saucepan mix honey and hot water, stir to dissolve. Pour into a 2-quart jar or pitcher and add the room-temperature water, vinegar, lemon + lime juice, ginger pulp, mineral essence drops and sea salt.

Keep in fridge for up to 1 week, shake or stir each time before serving.

*If you do not have fresh ginger, you can add 3-5 drop Ginger Vitality Oil!

*If you prefer you can use pure maple syrup over honey.
