Lemon Vitality


Hi! This week I am breaking down Young Livings Premium Starter Kit (PSK) into easy-to use steps. The PSK is how I started and fell in love with oils. It is such an amazing way to start your wellness journey and the best way to get started with using essential oils. If you are just starting, welcome! Search PSK and make sure you catch up on all the posts. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or want to get started!

Lemon Vitality: cold-pressed from lemon rinds, Lemon essential oil has a strong, purifying, citrus scent that is revitalizing and uplifting. It contains 68% d-limonene, a powerful antioxidant. Lemon Vitality can also be used to enhance the flavor of foods and water. Here are a few more of the many things Lemon can do:

  • two drops of Lemon Vitality oil added to your favorite lemon bar recipe heightens the freshness of the flavors.

  • combine with Peppermint Vitality and Grapefruit Vitality as support for an all-natural, healthy weight management regimen.

  • a drop or two of Lemon can help you get sticky, hard to remove items or residue off of windows and other surfaces with ease.

  • diffuse lemon to brighten mood.

  • Add a few drops of lemon to a full sink of water to clean fruit and vegetables naturally.


Sign me up for this PSK, please!

We Are Starting to Pay Attention

When I bought my Premium Starter Kit from Young Living I had no idea how much those little bottles were going to change our life.
I started to realize how much better I felt. 
I started to realize how much gunk we were putting in our bodies.
How reaching for my Panaway instead of ibuprofen helped me.
How reaching for my DiGize instead of Tums helped me.
How these little bottles helped me feel better AND I knew what was in them. 
It was a perspective shift.
Now we think twice with product we bring into our home and into our bodies. We think about how it will effect us.
It's not an all at once thing, it's a one step at a time thing.
I looked at the ingredients in my face wash, googled them, and switched.
I looked at the ingredients in our toothpaste, googled it, and switched.
I looked at the ingredients in our laundry detergent, googled it, and switched. 
I looked at the ingredients in my makeup, googled it, and switched.
I looked at more natural ways to help with my hormones, with my mood, with my allergies...
You get the picture. 
I say that these products can change your life because I know that these products have changed my life.

God knows what he's doing, down to the last drop. Essential Oils aren't a new thing, we're just starting to pay attention.